--------------------------------------------------------- FlWorld - Multiple world clocks (C) 1997, 2001 David Rushall Charityware. All rights reserved. --------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION FlWorld is an alternative interface for the world time functions of the built-in Time application. Features include... o Display current time in up to six cities chosen from the Time application's database. o World time-zone map with areas of day and night. o Photo-realistic moon-phase display. o Time zone calculator, with alarm feature. o Automatic summer time (DST) checking. --------------------------------------------------------- CHARITYWARE FlWorld is Charityware; free to download and use, for an indefinite period, but if you like it you are invited to make a small donation to a charity of your choice. See online help within the application for more information. --------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION IMPORTANT NOTE If you are upgrading from a version of FlWorld prior to version 4.0, your existing FlWorld settings documents will be automatically upgraded when you open them. However, attempting to load the new documents in an older version of FlWorld may not work. To install this software on your machine: 1) Close ALL applications on your EPOC device. If you do not close all applications before installing the SIS package in the next step, you may have problems with OPM versions later. 2) Install the main application SIS file: FlWorld.sis 3) If you wish to try the supplied sample FlWorld document files, copy them into any document folder on your machine. The samples are contained in "samples.zip" and named as follows: Africa Americas Asia Australasia Europe MiddleEast USA See below for more information about these samples. 4) Finally, look in the "Extras" draw on the machine for the new "FlWorld" icon, in the normal manner. NOTES: * Please consult the manuals for your device for details of installing applications packaged in SIS files. You will require a PC or Mac running your EPOC connect software (i.e. PsiWin 2 or equivalent) or the "Add/Remove" icon on the control panel of your EPOC device. Double-clicking on the SIS file either on the EPOC device or on the PC/Mac connected to the EPOC device should do the trick. * The supplied OPXs are for ARM-based machines, such as the Series 5, Revo, Osaris, Geofox 1, Series 5mx, Series 7, etc. If you wish to run this application on the Windows EPOC emulator then please contact the respective OPX authors, Symbian Ltd and Neuon (web addresses below), for the appropriate versions. * OPXs are special resources that may be shared by many different applications on the EPOC device. If these applications do not deliver the OPXs correctly in the standard SIS files, they may cause problems with other applications when they are installed, or even uninstalled. If you find that this application fails to start after installing or uninstalling another application, perhaps reporting a missing or invalid OPX file, please try reinstalling this application using the instructions above. This should correct the problem. --------------------------------------------------------- UNINSTALLING If you have finished with this software you can remove the application as follows: 1) Make sure the FlWorld application is not running. 2) Delete any saved FlWorld settings documents that you no longer require. 3) Using the "Add/Remove" icon on the EPOC control panel, remove the "FlWorld" application. After you have completed these steps, FlWorld will have been removed from your machine's memory and "Extras" bar. --------------------------------------------------------- BASIC USE FlWorld is simple to use. The display consists of up to six clocks, displaying the time in different cities. Up to five displays are available: Wall clocks Displays one or two rows of clocks with additional information for each city. World map A map outlines the time zones of the world, the location of the currently selected city and (optionally) the areas of the world currently in darkness. When screen area allows, the area under the map shows the time and details of the currently selected city and the current phase of the moon. A column of smaller clocks for each city configured appears to the left of the screen. Large clock A version of the World map display with a larger clock for the selected city. Note: This display is not available on large screen devices as the standard World map display includes a large clock, anyway. Armillary sundials A timeline display, representing the scales of armillary sundials. The time in each city is represented by a clock and the 'shadow' of the sundial. The scales are aligned to allow easy comparison of the times in each city, and can also show both the working hours and the hours of darkness. Large digital An extra large digital clock displays the time in the current city, selected from the list of smaller clocks to the right. Note that the displays adapt to the available screen area on your device. Some features will be different or unavailable on some machines. All displays respond to the pen. Try tapping things and see what happens. You can configure the displays using the "Preferences..." and "View preferences..." menu options and select different cities from your machine's built-in world database, with the "Choose cities..." option. See the online Help (available from the menu) from more information. --------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLES When first started, FlWorld attempts to find a selection of cities from around the world, which you can then tailor to suit your needs. However, the ZIP distribution includes some additional sample FlWorld document files, each containing a (pretty arbitrary) selection of cities in a general geographical area. If you install these files, you can simply click on the document on the System screen to display the set of cities you wish to display. You can use FlWorld documents to organise different sets of cities in any way you wish. For example, you could create one document for work and another for friends and family. NOTE: The samples use the English (UK) spelling of city names and so some cities may fail to display on other language machines. If this happens when you open the sample file, simply correct the spelling for your own language, or enter a different city name. --------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES Version 4.41: * Default alarm sound preference setting. * Alarm sound test button. * Partial Russian translation. Version 4.4: * Italian and Danish translations added to French and German. * Date shown on wall clocks display. * Avoids crash when given bad command string by some application launchers. * Fixed MM/DD/YY format bug. Version 4.31: * Fixed bug that sometimes prevented auto power off. Version 4.3: * Large digital clock display. * AM/PM indicators on Wall clocks display. * User-defined hot key. * Recent files menu. * Packaged to use shared FlLib OPM. * Fixed minor bug in city choice dialog. Version 4.2: * Digital/analogue clock selection for Wall clocks display. * Select sound when setting a new alarm. * Switch to Time application menu option, hot key and tool bar button. * Open file/program list menu option and hot key. * Samples packaged in separate ZIP file for clarity. Version 4.1: * Major display improvements for large screen and colour devices. * Improved dialogs for Osaris displays. * Additional preferences for sundials display. * Minor display improvements for smaller screens. * Global alarm sounds setting. * Sort cities by name, country, longitude or latitude. * Main battery status indicator. * Installable on drive E: * Colour application icon. Version 4.0: * New "Armillary sundials" display. * Set alarms to sound when it is a certain time in another city. * Improved time zone calculator. * Improved city and country finder. --------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT 1) FlWorld is Charityware and copyright; it is not public domain. The rights to this package remain the property of the author. 2) You may use this software, free of charge, for an indefinite period and at no obligation to the author. 3) Permission is given to publicly distribute this software provided the distribution contains all, and only, the unaltered files of the original distribution, the ownership of the rights to this software is clearly stated and any fee charged is extremely nominal. 4) Use of this software is entirely at the user's own risk. The user must accept responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from the use (or misuse) of the package. This software is supplied "as-is". 5) Note: The OPX files employed by this software (and included in this distribution) are the copyright of Symbian Ltd and Neuon. Please see their respective WWW sites, http://www.epocworld.com/ and http://www.neuon.com/ for more details. --------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTS If you have any problems, comments or suggestions about this software, you can contact me at the following email addresses: dave@freepoc.org dave@piecafe.demon.co.uk Please write in English, if possible. My knowledge of other languages is poor and whilst I could probably work out the gist of your message using books and tools, I would be unlikely to be able to construct a complex reply. If you do write in another language then please be patient for an answer. If you would like to help translate this application into another language then please contact me. This application is distributed in association with FreEPOC: http://www.freepoc.org/ For the latest news of this an my other software, also visit: http://www.piecafe.demon.co.uk/ --------------------------------------------------------- Dave Rushall, 2001