--------------------------------------------------------- FlCalc - A programmer's calculator (C) 1997, 2001 David Rushall All rights reserved --------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION FlCalc is a programmer's calculator with a difference. Originally written to compliment the Calc application on my Series 3a as I couldn't find anything I liked that did what I needed and ported to the Series 5 for the same reason. Features include o 32-bit integer expression evaluation. o Multiple simultaneous output formats including decimal, hex and binary. o ASCII and EBCDIC character tables. o Multiple memories. o Repeatable statements. o Pen-enabled on-screen keypad. o Copy and paste. --------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION To install this software on your machine: 1) Close ALL applications on your EPOC device. If you do not close all applications before installing the SIS package in the next step you may have version problems later. 2) Install the main application SIS file: FlCalc.sis 3) After the Clipboard OPM is installed, a directory called "Clipboard" will have been created in the root directory of your machine. If you do not wish to develop you own applications using the OPM you can delete this directory and its contents without affecting the operation of FlCalc. 4) Finally, look in the "Extras" draw on the machine for the new "FlCalc5" icon, in the normal manner. NOTES: * Please consult the manuals for your device for details of installing applications packaged in SIS files. You will require a PC or Mac running your EPOC connect software (i.e. PsiWin 2 or equivalent) or the "Add/Remove" icon on the control panel of your EPOC device. Double-clicking on the SIS file either on the EPOC device or on the PC/Mac connected to the EPOC device should do the trick. * OPMs are special resources that may be shared by many different applications on the EPOC device. If these applications do not deliver the OPMs correctly in the standard SIS files, they may cause problems with other applications when they are installed, or even uninstalled. If you find that this application fails to start after installing or uninstalling another application, perhaps reporting a missing or invalid OPM file, please try reinstalling this application using the instructions above. This should correct the problem. --------------------------------------------------------- UNINSTALLING If you have finished with this software you can remove the application as follows: 1) Make sure the FlCalc application is not running. 2) Using the "Add/Remove" icon on the EPOC control panel, remove the "FlCalc5" application. After you have completed these steps, FlCalc will have been removed from your machine's memory and "Extras" bar. --------------------------------------------------------- BASIC USE In its basic form, FlCalc is simple to use. Simply choose the application from the Extras bar, enter your calculation and press Enter. For example, try... 5+(7-2) By default, you can enter numbers in decimal or hexadecimal (other formats are available using special notation), as indicated by the second button in the status area (under the input line). To switch between them, simply tap the button, or choose the appropriate item from the main menu. The results of you calculations are displayed in the large window, with each value being displayed in multiple formats, e.g. both hexadecimal and binary. The selection of output format is made using the third button in the status area, or appropriate menu items. See the online help file (accessible from the "Tools" menu within the application) for detailed instructions for use, including details of operators and advanced expression syntax. A summary of operators follows... BINARY OPERATORS + :ADD - add - :SUB - subtract * :MUL - multiply / :DIV - integer divide % :MOD - modulus (remainder) & :AND - logical and | :OR - logical or ? :OR - logical or ^ :XOR - logical xor << :LEFT - shift bits left >> :RIGHT - shift bits right UNARY OPERATORS - :NEG - negative (2's compliment) ~ :NOT - logical not (1's compliment) # :MIRROR - mirror image of bits --------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES Version 1.72 * ASCII and EBCDIC string literal input. * History list dialog implementation completed. * Bug fix: "Show keypad tool tips" toggle now works. Version 1.71 * Repackaged to use the shared FlLib OPM. Version 1.7 * Osaris compatibility. * Enhanced input buffer scrolling. * Colour application icon. Version 1.6 * Improved Revo support. * Easier to read display font. * Installable on drive E: * Minor enhancements. --------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT 1) FlCalc is Freeware and copyright; it is not public domain. The rights to this package remain the property of the author. 2) You may use this software, free of charge, for an indefinite period and at no obligation to the author. 3) Permission is given to publicly distribute this software provided the distribution contains all, and only, the unaltered files of the original distribution, the ownership of the rights to this software is clearly stated and any fee charged is extremely nominal. 4) Use of this software is entirely at the user's own risk. The user must accept responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from the use (or misuse) of the package. This software is supplied "as-is". 5) Note: The OPM file employed by this software (and included in this distribution) is the copyright of Mark O'Neill. Please see his WWW site, http://www.i27.com/ for more details. --------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTS If you have any problems, comments or suggestions about this software, you can contact me at the following email addresses: dave@freepoc.org dave@piecafe.demon.co.uk This application is distributed in association with FreEPOC: http://www.freepoc.org/ For the latest news of this an my other software, also visit: http://www.piecafe.demon.co.uk/ --------------------------------------------------------- Dave Rushall, 2001