Worm 1.01 for the Psion Series 5 ------------------------------- Released as FreeWare in September '98 To install Worm: - On the PC: Double click on the file Worm.SIS. This will start the automatic installation of Worm from the PC. - On the Psion: Double tap on the file Worm.SIS. This will start the automatic installation of Worm from the Psion if the Add/Remove Control Panel is installed. ----------------------------------------------------------- The game: A New game is started from the Game/New menu point, or with the CTRL+N keyboard shortcut. The goal of the game is to guide a worm through (in the current version) 13 rooms. In each room you have to eat 10 leaves in order for the exit to appear. (Be careful, the exit is small and can be hard to notice). When the exit appears, you will hear a warning sound. If you ate the leaves fast enough, then you will have time to reach the exit. When you have only 5 seconds remaining, you will hear a beep every second until your time runs out. If you fail to reach the exit, you will be presented with 10 more leaves to eat, and repeat the above sequence. If you again fail to make it out, you get one more chance. This is your last chance, and you will be given a bit more time to complete the level. If you still fail to reach the exit, your air runs out, and your worm dies. The motion of the worm is by default controlled by the cursor keys. If you like, you can redefine them. Do this by selecting Keys/redefine from the menu, or by using the CTRL+K shortcut. You will see the currently mapped keys at the bottom of the window that appears. To set a key, first press the cursor key for the direction that you want to reassign, then the key that you want to map to the motion. Repeat this for all the directions, then hit ESC. You can reset the mapping to the default keys by using the Keys/Cursor-keys menu point, or CTRL+C shortcut. Your worm will lose a life if he runs into himself, the wall or any of the objects in the room (except of course leaves). As your time runs out, the worm will move faster and faster. Pause the game using SPACE, and resume by pressing ENTER. On the right side of the screen you will see the following R: XIII : room number T: 129 : time remaining 3/10 : number of leaves eaten (out of 10) P: 53 : score L: 3 : remaining lives Once you have succeeded in completing a level you will be given a code with which you can start at the next room next time you play. Use the Game/Level menu point, or CTRL+L., enter the code, and the game will start at that level If you have any problems, or suggestions for improvements, please write me. For support.... send an E-mail to: sarlos@finit.hu Ferenc Sarlos