FUEL CONSUMPTION MONITOR (S3A Only) ---------------------------------------- History: 08 Mar 95 Initial Issue of V1.0 18 Mar 95 Version 1.1 issued with the following enhancements: a. Edit memo function implemented. b. Improved error protection in case of low System memory. c. Status Window switching implemented. 10 Apr 95 Version 1.1a issued to fix bug in Average calculation. 12 Jul 95 Version 1.2 issued with the following enhancements: a. Date format now configurable. b. Consumption Units now independently configurable. c. 'History' function added. d. Print option added. e. A 'registration' number incorporated. f. Right/Left arrows cycle through cars. 09 Jan 96 Version 1.3 issued with the following enhancements: a. Title changed to S3AFUEL to reflect affinity with S3ABANK. b. New Icon (compliments of Andy Waller). c. Vehicle title can now be changed. d. Consumption over life of vehicle now added. e. Graph switched vertically if litres/100kms selected. f. Facility to Input distance since last fillup, rather than total distance. g. The Average price of a Unit displayed. h. New formats added to date configuration. i. All details now saved in History File. j. Printout of History file now available. k. Facility to delete any line incorporated. l. Both main screen and History automatically sorted into date order. m. History now updated when main screen updated. 15 May 96 Version 1.4 issued with the following enhancements: a. Calculations for average consumption and price done correctly. b. Deletion of first line disallowed. c. History Export function included. d. Swiss Font allowed. e. Statistics screen incorporated. f. Y-axis settings improved. g. Psion approved optional On-Line Help system incorporated. h. Data now can be put onto any drive. 07 Jul 96 Version 1.5 issued with the following changes a. New Printing System, including PSIWIN support implemented. b. Vehicle now defined as a group c. Configurable x-axis position 30 Nov 96 Version 1.6 issued with the following enhancements: a. Redesigned to have separate text and graphical history screens. b. Swedish Date format added (YY-MM-DD) c. Ltrs/10kms added as consumption option. d. A new 'Type' field added to denote normal/urban/long-distance driving. e. Edit Memo now has a separate memo for each car. 01 Jan 97 Version 1.7 issued with the following enhancement: a. A new Reminder option incorporated. b. The Statistics screen is expanded.