ORDER FORM - USE THIS FORM ONLY TO ORDER FROM ME DIRECTLY. Program: My Personal Diary Version: 4.5 __________________________________________________________________ Send To: From: (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Chris Maresco _________________________________ 105 Bayview Ave. E. Patchogue NY 11772 _________________________________ _________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ E-Mail Address: _________________________________ Source: Number Of Copies: _________ COMPUSERVE ___ AOL ___ X $24.95 PRODIGY ___ BBS _________________ OUTSIDE US & CANADA ADD $5.00 S&H VENDOR _________________ OTHER _________________ Send This Amount: $________ (Checks MUST be in US funds drawn on a US bank) Media Type: 5 1/4" HD____ 3 1/2" HD____ OTHER (specify) ________ Would you like to receive a mailer? YES ____ NO ____ Computer: ____________________ Printer: _____________________ Do you regularly try shareware programs? YES ____ NO ____ __________________________________________________________________ Orders will be shipped promptly. THANK YOU FOR REGISTERING! What other types of programs would you like to see us develop? Suggestions and Comments: