OL! An Overview. OL! is a self-teachable course in survival Spanish, ie. Spanish that you will need on a holiday in Spain or its islands. The course is structured in that it starts from very simple elements, and building on these and the skills practised with them, leads to more linguistically complex phrases later in the course. The completed course should give the learner the ability to cope with the common situations met with during a visit to Spain, and to act on behalf of a small group. This Demo. This disk contains only the first of the nine lessons in the full course, lessons which cover such situations as eating out, finding one's way, shopping, using public transport, and more. System requirements. The course can be installed under any DOS system that runs .EXE files. A VGA monitor is required to view the material. Installation. This demo can be run from the disk, but it will run faster from a hard disk. Simply create a directory on your hard disk (Call it OLE), and transfer the file "Chapter1.exe" to that directory. Then enter that directory on your hard disk, and type in "chapter1", and press ENTER. To move from one screen to another, press any key. If you have a mouse, click on the button marked "Bueno"(= Okay). As a new screen is loading, the mouse cursor disappears. Full version. The complete course costs 25.00.It comes on two HD disks, with a 16-page manual and a pronunciation audio-cassette. The manual contains pronunciation and grammar tips, hints on how to get the best out of the course, and a Spanish-English vocabulary of all the words in the course. Enquiries or a cheque for 25.00 should be sent to: J. B. Melia 12, Croft Avenue, Burscough, Ormskirk, Lancashire L40 5TB (01704 895015)