License Agreement for CERES Shareware Products Product: CERES Composer Version: 3.0 Date of Release: June-1st-1995 Common Statements You may use the Sharewareversion of the CERES product for a 30 day period. If you continue to use the product after that test period you have to register that product. The shareware version may be distributed freely as long as there is no charge for the program. Dealers may get a small fee to cover their costs. By registering the product you get a non exclusiv, non transferable right to use the product. When you sell your copy you have to sell all its updates and backup copies as well. Second you get the right to make use of the CERES Update Policy - YOU CAN GET ANY OTHER CERES PRODUCT FOR THE UPDATE PRICE -. Disclaimer The CERES GbR Nebel & von Nyssen does not grant guaranties of any kind, including unlimited all guaranties for the usability or non- usability for any special purpose. We do not take any responsibility exceeding the price of the product. The CERES GbR Nebel & von Nyssen is UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES liable for damages resulting from the use or non-usability of the product. Even when the CERES GbR Nebel & von Nyssen has been informed about the possibility of those damages.