In The 1st Degree Demo 1.02 7/25/95 Windows 3.1 Instructions The Installer will install an icon named In The First Demo. It will also install QuickTime 2.0.3 files if they are required. To run the install program: Choose "Run" under the "File" menu and type the following in the line labeled "Command Line". D: or E:\INSTALL.EXE (where "D:" or "E:" is the designation of your CD-ROM drive). Click OK. Double click on the In The 1st Degree Demo icon to begin the demo. Alternatively, you may run the In The 1st Degree Demo directly from the disc without installing it if you have QuickTime installed on your system. Choose "Run" under the "File" menu and type the following in the line labeled "Command Line". D: or E:\INTHE1ST.EXE (where "D:" or "E:" is the designation of your CD-ROM drive). Click OK. NOTE: The In The 1st Degree Demo requires QuickTime for Windows version 2.0.3. We recommend you run this Demo in thousands of colors if your system supports this mode. Resetting to thousands of colors will ensure optimal viewing of the QuickTime movies. Hardware Required for In The 1st Degree (Full Product): Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 486SX 25 MHz or faster 4MB of RAM (8MB of RAM recommended) Super VGA (640 x 480, thousands of colors or 256 color modes) Windows compatible sound device Double Speed CD-ROM drive or faster 4MB of hard disk space Note: This In The 1st Degree Demo has a higher hardware requirement to run than the full version of In The 1st Degree. This demo requires a 486 50 MHz machine or faster to play. System Configuration: May require adjustments to the configuration of your Microsoft Windows operating system or updates to some hardware manufacturers' sound or video drives. To purchase, see your local software dealer or call Broderbund Software Direct at 800-521-6263. Technical Troubleshooting - If you are having trouble running the INTHE1ST.EXE (In The 1st Degree demo) you may run the demo movies in the QuickTime Movie Player. They have a .MOV extension and can be run simply by double-clicking on them. - If your screen saver goes on during the demo, this may interfere with the movies. It is recommended that you turn off your screen saver or change the activation time to 30 minutes. - It is recommended that you close all other applications before running this demo. QuickTime uses a lot of the system's resources to run optimally. - If you are still having QuickTime problems, please consult the QuickTime Readme file. - It is not recommended that you task in or out of the demo, because you may experience sound or palette problems. - If you are experiencing difficulties, you may also want to try rebooting your machine without network drivers. - If you are using Virtual Memory, you may want to use 32-bit Disk Access and a permanent swap file. - The performance of the demo is highly dependent on the speed of your video card and video drivers. If your having performance problems, you may consider updating your video drivers. For more information about Broderbund and our products, write to us at P.O. Box 6125, Novato, CA 94948-6125. Copyright 1995 Broderbund Software, Inc. All rights reserved. In The 1st Degree is a trademark of Broderbund Software, Inc. Broderbund is a registered trademark of Broderbund Software Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation, Inc. QuickTime is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. All product and names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.