London Access Demo Manual About The London Access Demo Welcome to the first guide to Central London for your PC, London Access! This demo version covers about 5% of the area of the complete product. Some features have been disabled; these are greyed out in the menus. We hope it will give you a taste of the real thing nonetheless, and show you how useful London Access can be. London Access Demo runs on Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 systems. Installation This program will run straight from your CD-ROM. No installation is required. If you like, you can copy London Access to your hard drive. Simply copy the LONACDEM folder and all its contents. You can also copy London Access Demo to a floppy diskette and distribute it to your friends. IMPORTANT: Please make sure to copy all the files, including this manual, without making any alterations to the files or code. This would violate your licence agreement and possibly prevent the demo from running correctly. Running London Access From File Manager, or the Run Menu, simply run the DEMO.EXE application in the LONACDEM directory. Use of this demo is governed by a licence agreement which you must accept before you can continue. Please read the terms of the licence carefully. Features London Access is an electronic map that enables you to locate streets, tube stations, restaurants and tourist attractions. It is very simple to use. You can scroll the map view area using the normal scroll bar functions. This enables you to follow streets. You can also find streets and other important features using the different menus. The red arrow points to the last feature you found using the menu functions, or it can be set with the Set Arrow command. The File Menu Most of these functions are disabled in this demo, but you will get an idea of how the full product works. Save View This stores a picture file of the area of the map at which you are looking. This function is disabled in the demo version. Load View This loads a picture file you previously created using Save View. This function is disabled in the demo version. Delete View This deletes a previously saved view. This function is disabled in the demo version. Print View This prints the selected view. This function is disabled in the demo version. Save Bitmap This saves a bitmap of the view you have selected which you can import into other applications. This function is disabled in the demo version. Printer Setup This function is disabled in the demo version. Print Allows you to print a bitmap. This function is disabled in the demo version. Exit Quits the program. The Street Menu Find Street This enables you to find a street from the alphabetical list by typing in its name. As you type more letters the list of choices shrinks down. You can select a street by double-clicking its name with he mouse pointer. The red arrow will then point to the street. Set Arrow This enables you to set the red indicator arrow to a point on the map defined by the cross-hair cursor. This feature can be used to indicate precisely an interesting feature or meeting point. Go Back This returns the map to the position of the last found position. The Tube Menu Find Tube This enables you to find a tube station from the alphabetical list by typing in its name. As you type more letters the list of choices shrinks down. You can select a station by double- clicking its name with the mouse pointer. The red arrow will then point to the station. Closest Tube This selects the Closest tube to your current position defined by the red arrow pointer. Planner This enables to select a pair of tube stations and find the easiest route between them. This feature has been disabled in the demo version. The Attraction Menu This works in the same way as the Tube menu but points you to notable tourist attractions such as museums. The Restaurant Menu Find Restaurant and Closest Restaurant allow you to look for different types of restaurants, either in the whole map or the closest to your current position. Either menu item brings up a dialog box with the following options; Cards Accepted, Price Range, and Type of Food. By selecting one or more of these options you can narrow your search for a very specific type of restaurant, or leave it wide to bring up a longer list of options. For instance you could select Chinese restaurants which take Access cards and are moderately expensive, or you could leave all the selections blank and select from all the restaurants. The Type of Food selection window includes not only nationalities but also general styles of food and venue, such as seafood or boat restaurants. You can select one or more types here just by clicking on them with your mouse pointer. This highlights your selections in light blue. If you make your search too narrow there may be no matches, in which case the resulting list will be blank. Once you have a list, you can send the red arrow to the restaurant of your choice by double- clicking on it. You can now use the Restaurant Info menu item to find out specific details about that establishment. Please note that the selection of restaurants listed in this demo is those that are providing special offers to purchasers of London Access. Details of the offers, and vouchers to claim them, can be found in the retail version of London Access. The Help Menu Index This feature has not been implemented in the demo version. Using Help This feature has not been implemented in the demo version. Special This identifies the version as a demo and gives details of how o purchase the full version of London Access. About This gives copyright information on this product. How to buy London Access The full version of London Access is on sale at all good software retailers from November 1995. For more information contact Instant Access on 0181 205 2596. Copyright Information The London Access demo is copyright 1995 Instant Access International Ltd. Program code is copyright 1995 of Dynamical Systems Research Ltd. Mapping data is copyright 1995 of Bartholomew, a division of Harpers Collins Publishers Limited. Instant Access is a registered trademark of Instant Access International. London Access is a trademark of Instant Access International.