USER MANUAL Net NannyTM for Windows Copyright 1994 - 1995 COPYRIGHT: It is against the law to copy the software except as specifically allowed in the software license agreement. No portion of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written permission of Net Nanny Ltd. Trademark: Net Nanny and the Net Nanny Logo are trademarks of Net Nanny Ltd. which may be registered in some jurisdictions. CHANGES: The information in this document is for information only and is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment by Net Nanny Ltd. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure its accuracy, Net Nanny Ltd. assumes no liability as a result of errors or omissions in this document or from any use of the information herein. Net Nanny Ltd. reserves the right to make changes to the product design without any reservation and without notice to its users. (C) 1994, 1995 Net Nanny Ltd. All rights reserved. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Net Nanny Ltd. software products are developed for easy installation and use. We believe that our User Guide and other documentation are complete. Please call our Technical Support department at (604) 662-8522 E-mail: Net Nanny Ltd. C2 - 1122 Fir Avenue 525 Seymour Street Blaine, WA Vancouver, B.C. USA Canada 98230 V6B 3H7 Tel: (604) 662-8522 Internet: SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT LICENSE GRANT: Net Nanny Ltd. grants you, the end user, the right to use one copy of the enclosed software program (the "SOFTWARE") on a single computer. COPYRIGHT and TRADE SECRET The SOFTWARE is owned by Net Nanny Ltd. and protected by both United States and Canadian copyright law and by International Treaty provisions and all other applicable national laws. Any copying of the SOFTWARE, other than a single copy for backup purposes, constitutes an infringement of Net Nanny Ltd.'s copyright. The SOFTWARE incorporates Trade Secret materials. LIMITED WARRANTY NO WARRANTY OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABLE QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Without limiting the above, Net Nanny Ltd. does not warrant that the operation of the SOFTWARE will be uninterrupted or error-free or that the SOFTWARE will achieve your intended purpose. Net Nanny Ltd. does provide a limited warranty for the diskettes upon which the SOFTWARE is furnished. The limited warranty is that the diskettes will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of one year from the date of delivery as evidenced by a copy of the receipt. Any diskette not meeting Net Nanny Ltd.'s limited warranty will be replaced if returned to Net Nanny Ltd. or authorized Net Nanny Ltd. software Dealer or Distributor with a copy of the receipt. If Net Nanny Ltd. is unable to deliver replacement diskettes which are free of defects in material and workmanship, you may terminate this License by returning the SOFTWARE, as delivered, and you will receive a refund. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Your sole remedy against Net Nanny Ltd., and Net Nanny Ltd.'s entire liability regardless of how such liability arises, is limited to replacement of the diskette or a refund in accordance with the above limited diskette warranty. IN NO EVENT WILL Net Nanny Ltd. BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE. Some States and Provinces do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This License will be terminated if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this License. You agree, upon such termination to destroy the SOFTWARE and related documentation. You agree that this License is the complete and sole statement of the agreement between us and this license supersedes representations made by us or your authorized Net Nanny Ltd. software Dealer or distributor or any other Agreement, written or oral, or communications between us or your authorized Net Nanny Ltd. software Dealer or Distributor relating to the subject matter of this License. TABLE OF CONTENTS System Requirements Hardware Operating System Contents of Package Introduction Introduction Novice Computer Users CHAPTER ONE Installation Installing Net Nanny for Windows Installation Successful ! Installation Summary CHAPTER TWO Operation & Administration Introduction Operation Is Net Nanny Active ? Net Nanny Action (ShutDown) After a Net Nanny ShutDown Administration Disable Net Nanny Bypass a Program Violation Remove Net Nanny Using the Administration Program Adding an Administration Icon CHAPTER THREE Using the DOS version of Net Nanny Install Net Nanny View History of Hits Frequency of Hits Edit Dictionary Errors Clear History Action ShutDown Disable/Enable Quit APPENDIX A Updating Previous Versions What Words & Phrases to Monitor Effective Dictionary Choices Dictionary Characters Re Booting the Computer Problems and Errors Technical Support SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Hardware IBM; XT, AT, PS/2; 286, 386, 486, 586; Pentium, AST, Compaq; and all 100% IBM Compatible microcomputers Video Card Compatibility; CGA, MCGA, EGA, VGA, Super VGA, Hercules, Super Precision Color, High Resolution and Enhanced High Resolution, TARGA and TIGA architectures, Operating System Microsoft MS-DOS or PC-DOS version 3.3x - 6.x Microsoft Windows 3.x Contents of Package One Install/Program diskette, User Guide, Software License Agreement and Registration form. INTRODUCTION Introduction Net Nanny for Windows allows you to MONITOR and/or take ACTION on Windows based computer activity. Net Nanny allows you to set standards for what you decide is "acceptable" behavior while using the computer. To use this Windows version of Net Nanny, you MUST FIRST install the DOS version of the Net Nanny program which is included in this package. After the installation of Net Nanny for Windows, the DOS version administration program is still required to Edit Dictionary ... , View History of Hits ... , Frequency of Hits ... , Clear History ... , Action ... , etc. While the Net Nanny for Windows program is running, the activity on the computer screen is monitored and scanned for the words and phrases you have defined in the dictionary as "unacceptable". These words and phrases must be entered into the Net Nanny dictionary during or after installation of the DOS version of Net Nanny. NOVICE COMPUTER USERS This User Guide is designed for the inexperienced computer user and we suggest that you follow the instructions carefully. For the experienced user this User Guide may contain more information than is necessary. Net Nanny is easy to install and use and many users have successfully installed and used the software without reference to this Guide. CHAPTER ONE Installation NOTE REMEMBER TO INSTALL THE DOS VERSION OF NET NANNY BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL AND USE THE WINDOWS VERSION. THE WINDOWS VERSION WILL INSTALL BUT WILL NOT OPERATE. INSTALLING NET NANNY FOR WINDOWS The Windows version of Net Nanny allows you to monitor words and phrases and take "ShutDown" action in Windows application programs. 1. Start Windows 2. Insert the Net Nanny diskette in a floppy drive on your computer 3. Select File and Run from the Program Manager menu bar. When the Run dialog box appears, type "a:\setup" if you are using the A drive or b:\setup if you are using the B drive. 4. Click on the OK button. A message box will appear, while Net Nanny installs. After the successful installation is completed, the "activate" message dialog box will appear. As the message box indicates, to activate Net Nanny for Windows you must restart Windows. If you select OK Windows will restart automatically and Net Nanny will be active. If you choose Cancel, the installation will still be successful, but Net Nanny will be not be active until after Windows is restarted. INSTALLATION SUCCESSFUL ! You are now ready to use your computer as usual. Net Nanny will monitor computer activity for the words and phrases you entered into the Dictionary. If the Action option is set to <0> zero, Net Nanny will work in the background and no one will know it is operating. If the Action option was set to <1> or more, Net Nanny will work invisibly, in the background, until the "restricted" word or phrase is Hit. Chapter Two details the Action and ShutDown features. NET NANNY FOR WINDOWS NOTICE Net Nanny will not be fully active and operational until the installation of the DOS version has been successfully completed, including the steps outlined below. Please refer to the Net Nanny for DOS User Guide. "Install Net Nanny for DOS software". INSTALLATION SUMMARY You should already have installed the DOS version of Net Nanny and can therefore skip steps 1 - 3 . 1. Add words to the dictionary (DOS version). 2. Set the Action levels (DOS version, optional) 3. Re Boot (re start) the computer. 4. Start Windows and run Net Nanny Setup program. 5. Install Net Nanny for Windows 6. Restart Windows to activate Net Nanny. CHAPTER TWO OPERATION & ADMINISTRATION Introduction After successfully installing Net Nanny for Windows software and restarting Windows Net Nanny will be active and operational. You will not notice any difference in the way the computer operates. In the background, however, Net Nanny is monitoring all the activity on the computer screen looking for words and phrases in the Dictionary. If a word or phrase on the screen matches a word or phrase in the dictionary Net Nanny will record this information and may take action. This Chapter contains examples which will help you do a few quick tests and some practical examples of how to use Net Nanny for Windows. OPERATION Is Net Nanny Active ? To quickly check to see if Net Nanny for Windows is active; 1. start a word processor (use Notepad if its handy) 2. type a word that is in the dictionary. 3. After typing a word (which you previously entered in the dictionary), run the DOS NN.EXE program. To run the NN.EXE program you can select File and Run from the Windows Program Manager menu bar and type a:\nn (insert disk in floppy drive). 4. From the DOS Net Nanny menu, select the menu item "View History of Hits..." . If the word you typed was detected and recorded it will appear in the History of Hits box. You can also select the menu item "Frequency of Hits...", to see the number of times the word was detected. NET NANNY ACTION (SHUTDOWN) To test the Net Nanny for Windows Action with a program ShutDown option follow the steps below. If you set the Action option when you installed the DOS version of Net Nanny , you can skip steps 1 - 6. 1. Select File and Run from the Program Manager menu bar and type a:\nn (insert disk in floppy drive). This will run the DOS version of Net Nanny administration program while you are still in Windows. 2. Select the menu item Action .and set the number of hits to Trigger ShutDown. For this test example only, we suggest you set the trigger level to three (3). Level 3 is for this example, you can if you wish select any number between 1 and 99. NOTE It is possible to trigger Action accidentally while you are in Windows. Hits will be generated, if you run the DOS version of Net Nanny in a window and view the words in the Dictionary. Action with a ShutDown may be triggered by these Hits. This will NOT happen if the DOS version is run from Windows in the full screen mode. 3. Set ShutDown Option .... 4. Set Screen Message with ShutDown 5. Exit Action menu and Quit Net Nanny for DOS. 6. Restart Windows to initialize your Action settings. Changes will not be in effect until you restart Windows. 7. Start a Windows word processor 8. Type a word (one from the dictionary) the number of times to equal the number of Hits to trigger the Action. In this test we are using a trigger of three. After you click the OK button, you will have 30 seconds to Save and Exit the program. A "beeping" sound each second counts down the 30 seconds. The Net Nanny action indicated by the message box, applies to ALL Windows software, including Internet access software or Internet WEB browsers and BBS software. If you take no action, after selecting the OK button, the "beeping" will countdown the 30 seconds and the "Forced Termination" message box will appear. Selecting OK from this box will terminate any Windows software program and you will lose all configurations or work which was not saved. AFTER A NET NANNY SHUTDOWN After A Net Nanny ShutDown you will no longer be able to use the Windows software application which was in use when the Net Nanny ShutDown occurred. If you try to start a previously ShutDown program, a message box will appear. Administration To run the Net Nanny administration program, select File and Run from the Program Manager menu bar. When the Run dialog box appears, type a:\wnnadmin or b:\wnnadmin if you are using the B: floppy drive From the Net Nanny menu bar, select Options. A screen will appear showing Net Nanny enabled. This is the default setting whenever Windows is started. You can turn Net Nanny ON or OFF by Clicking on Enable or Disable. Changing the selection will immediately take effect in Windows. There is no need to restart Windows. DISABLE NET NANNY You can disable Net Nanny for your current Windows session. This is useful if don't want Net Nanny to monitor your activity or to bypass an Action ShutDown. BYPASS A PROGRAM VIOLATION If a program will no longer run, because of a previous Net Nanny violation, you can choose Disable and the program will work again. REMOVE NET NANNY To remove the Net Nanny Windows drivers select "Remove Net Nanny" from the main menu. After removal Net Nanny will no longer work while you are using Windows. USING THE ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM For convenience and testing, you can copy the Net Nanny administration program (wnnadmin.exe) into your hard drive. This makes the Net Nanny administration program available to all users of the computer. For security reasons, you should remove the "wnnadmin.exe" program from your hard drive after testing. You can then add a Net Nanny icon to the Windows program Manager, using a floppy drive as the program source. ADDING AN ADMINISTRATION ICON To add a Net Nanny Administration program Icon to the Windows Program Manager, follow the steps below. This will run the "wnnadmin.exe" program from a floppy drive. 1. Before proceeding, make sure you have the Net Nanny program diskette in floppy drive A. 2. Select File and New from the Program Manager menu bar. 3. The Program Item will be selected in the "New Program Object" dialog box. This is the default dialog box. Change the setting by clicking on Program Group and then Click the OK button. 4. Add the name "Net Nanny Administration" to the "Program Group Properties" dialog box, and leave the space for "Group File:" blank. Click on OK. 5. A Program Manager Group will appear on the screen 6. With the Net Nanny Administration Group selected (highlighted) , select File and New from the Program Manager menu bar. 7. Select Program Item (default) and Click on the OK button. 8. Add the text for the Program description and the Command Line "A:\WNNADMIN.EXE" and click on OK. The Net Nanny Icon will appear in the Net Nanny Group. If you did not have the Net Nanny program diskette in the floppy drive an error message box will appear and the Icon will not be correct. Repeat steps 6 - 8, with the program diskette in floppy drive A. CAUTION: If you temporarily exit to DOS, using the Windows MS-DOS Prompt Icon, Net Nanny will still be operational. However, any Net Nanny Action occurring while at the Windows DOS Prompt may interfere with your ability to return to Windows. For example, if the computer has a Net Nanny ShutDown while you are at the temporary DOS Prompt in Windows, you may be able to use the CTRL+ALT+DEL keys to exit back (wait..., there may be a delay returning) to Windows. If you CAN NOT return to Windows, you will have to restart your computer. If you are able to return to Windows, we recommend that you exit from Windows and restart you computer CHAPTER THREE USING THE DOS VERSION OF NET NANNY This Chapter is a review of all the items appearing on DOS version of the main Net Nanny menu and instructions on how to use each one. Please refer to the User's Guide for the DOS version of Net Nanny for detailed information. INSTALL NET NANNY Selecting this item performs the same function as running the Install program (INSTALL.EXE). Instead of running the Install program, you can also install Net Nanny by running the main Net Nanny program (NN.EXE) from the floppy drive and then selecting "Install Net Nanny ..." from the menu item list shown above. VIEW HISTORY OF HITS This menu item will display a record of the last 399 hits or detected matches to your dictionary list. The display shows the last occurrence first. Any hit above 399 falls off the end of the display. Use the Up & Down arrow keys to move through this screen or the Page Up and Page Down keys to move quickly through the screen pages. See the Text Editor in Appendix A, for more information on moving in a text display box. FREQUENCY OF HITS This display box shows the number of times each word or phrase was detected, in alphabetical order. The history is current from the last time Clear History was used. EDIT DICTIONARY Enter or change words and phrases you want to monitor. A word could be a phone number (e.g. 945-4233). A phrase could be your home address (e.g. 3 - 120 Glacier Street). Avoid using words and phrases which would appear on the screen during normal use of the computer and during starts up. Avoid using words that are part of or appear in any program you normally use. It's a good idea to run a quick test by starting your computer and running some common programs to make sure that entries in the dictionary are NOT being detected during normal use. You don't want "Hits" from the normal operation of the computer. This is particularly true if you have turned the Action option ON. Remember (and Net Nanny will remind you) to re boot the computer if you make changes to the dictionary. Changes do not become active until you re start the computer. The correct use of the Net Nanny Dictionary is vital to successful monitoring of screen activity and to obtain the maximum amount of useful information with a minimum of false "Hits". Please refer to the DOS User Guide, Appendix A, Using the Dictionary Effectively, for information on selecting the right words and phrases. ERRORS You may be detecting words and phrases in error and may want to revise the dictionary before turning the Net Nanny Action options ON. For example, if your test monitoring shows a number of matches occurring during the normal operation of the computer, remove or edit those words and phrases in the dictionary. Since every computer is unique and is used in different ways, the correct setup of the dictionary may be a trial and error process. CLEAR HISTORY This will delete all the hits recorded in the History of Hits and Frequency of Hits display boxes. ACTION This menu item will allow you to take action if Net Nanny reaches the limit set by you, for words and phrases detected. The Action entry screen will appear. You should not set the limit too low, until you have done enough monitor testing. You may be detecting words and phrases in error and may want to revise the limit or edit the dictionary before turning the Action options on. SHUTDOWN There are three options for the ShutDown action. 1. Number of Hits to Trigger ShutDown (Enter a number between 1 and 99.). 2. ShutDown Option. The keyboard will "LOCK" when the DOS version of Net Nanny detects that the number of hits has reached the "Number of Hits to Trigger ShutDown" when this option is ON. Use the arrow keys and the space bar k to toggle the option ON or OFF. If the ShutDown option is triggered, in the DOS mode, the computer will be unusable and must be turned OFF and then back ON to get the computer working again. 3. Show Screen Message with ShutDown: If you turn the above ShutDown Option to ON to lock the keyboard, the computer screen will also go blank. A box with the message " Net Nanny ShutDown" will appear. Select this option and use the arrow keys and the space bar k to toggle the option ON or OFF. If the ShutDown option, in the DOS version, is triggered the computer will be unusable and must be restarted (turned OFF and then back ON) to get the computer working again. When Net Nanny is in the ShutDown mode all DOS based computer activity is "frozen" and you must re start (re boot) the computer to get it running normally again. You cannot re boot using the CTRL+ALT+DEL keys. See Appendix A, Re Booting the Computer for more information on how to re boot a computer. DISABLE/ENABLE Net Nanny defaults to ON. To turn it OFF (disable), use the arrows and the space bar k to toggle the indicator to OFF. When Net Nanny is disabled like this, it will not monitor or ShutDown the computer during the current session. However, if you re-boot the computer, Net Nanny will be reset to ON automatically even if you set the Action to OFF. The Disable & Enable options are valid for the current session only. QUIT Exit the Net Nanny main administration program. APPENDIX A UPDATING PREVIOUS VERSIONS If you have an older version of Net Nanny already installed on your computer, and you have received a more recent release of the Net Nanny software, updating is simply a matter of installing the new release on top of your existing installation. This can be done by placing the updated version of Net Nanny into drive A: and typing: A:INSTALL NOTE: You may also update Net Nanny from floppy drive B: by putting the Net Nanny floppy disk in drive B: and typing B:INSTALL WHAT WORDS & PHRASES TO MONITOR Many parents worry about their children having access to sexually explicit material. They are very concerned about the real danger of sexual exploitation. Children who have access to computer Bulletin Board Systems, On-Line systems and the Internet, may have unrestricted access to pornographic material, images, sounds and other information which a parent may consider totally unacceptable. They may also "meet" strangers On-Line. To monitor this "unacceptable" activity, a parent should select words and phrases to target specific problem areas. For example, if you do not want your home phone number and address given out On-Line, use the example below (Effective Dictionary Choices). You can also add body parts and four letter words to the dictionary. As in the example below, you will need to experiment to find the right words or combination of words and phrases. If possible you should use the computer in a trial to test the way you might expect your children to use it. We suggest that you become more familiar with and watch what BBSs and other activities your children use. EFFECTIVE DICTIONARY CHOICES In Chapter Three, we suggested that you may want to detect the use of your phone number and home address. Assuming your phone number is; (604) 945-4233 and your address is; 3 - 120 Glacier Street, the following are variations of what you should enter in your dictionary; Phone Number 945-4233 9454233 945 4233 604945-4233 6049454233 (604)945-4233 (604) 9454233 Address 3 - 120 Glacier 3 120 Glacier 3-120 Glacier 120 Glacier DICTIONARY CHARACTERS The characters below can be used in the You may use virtually any character you are capable of generating with the standard computer keyboard and the ASCII characters. RE BOOTING THE COMPUTER Re boot means to turn off the computer and then start the computer up again. DO NOT re boot or re start a computer from inside a program. Exit to the DOS Prompt first. There are three basic ways to re boot a computer. 1. Hold down three keys simultaneously and then release the keys. The keys to hold down are bac. This method of re booting the computer will not work when Net Nanny is in the ShutDown mode (except when ShutDown has occurred while at the DOS Prompt in Windows). 2. Most computers have a RESET button located on the front of the computer. Pressing the RESET button will cause the computer to stop and re start. 3. Turn the power ON/OFF switch to OFF and then back to ON. PROBLEMS AND ERRORS If you have problems getting Net Nanny to work or if you have computer errors using Net Nanny, call or e-mail our technical support department. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Phone: (604) 662-8522 E-mail: