ButtonStar for Windows - Evaluation By Mark DiBiasio (c) Copyright - 1992-1994 October 4, 1994 BBS Operators and Shareware Distributors Please Note. ===================================================== You are granted permission to include the ButtonStar for Windows Evaluation(Shareware) version in your distribution offering, as long as you meet the following conditions: 1. The per disk cost for ButtonStar does not exceed $7.95 2. That all the files listed below are included with your distribution vehicle. 3. That you check the integrity of the *Shareware limitations of ButtonStar. (ie. Recent CD-ROM distribution of a hacked version of ButtonStar Deluxe v5.0.4) before placing it on media or CD-ROM. 4. CD-ROM or Disk distributors, must notify the author by mail or fax, of their including ButtonStar in their product. *Shareware limitations of ButtonStar. The features of this version of ButtonStar for Windows program is fully functional, and differs from the registered version in that only 16 buttons and one group tool bar are User configurable. If the need arises, please contact the author at: Mark DiBiasio c/o DataDesign Systems, Inc. 15958-B Shady Grove Road Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Tel. 301-670-0818 Fax. 301-330-5087 EMAIL: CompuServe - 70176,1557 Online America - MDIBIASIO INTERNET - mdibiasio@aol.com FILE LISTS ------------------------------ FILE LISTS ------------------------------ BSTAR553.ZIP ------------ READ_ME.1ST INSTALL.TXT DISTRIB.TXT BDLX553.ZIP BDLX553.ZIP ---------- BBALARM OV_ BBALARM WA_ BBAR01 DL_ BBAR02 VB_ BBAR03 VB_ BBAR04 VB_ BBAR05 DL_ BBAR09 VB_ BBAR10 VB_ BBARCONF OV_ BBCHIME WA_ BBCHIME2 WA_ BBLOWRES WA_ BBOPTION EX_ BB_READ ME BDING WA_ BDLX EXE BDLX HL_ BDLXLOAD EX_ BSTAR BM_ BZEXPAND DL_ CALC IC_ CALENDAR IC_ CARDFILE IC_ CONTROL IC_ DDEML DL_ DIGITAL FO_ DOS IC_ DRVWATCH IC_ GROUPICO IC_ LOADCURS IC_ NOTEPAD IC_ PBRUSH IC_ PIF IC_ POPCAL IC_ PRINTMAN IC_ PROGMAN IC_ QPRO200 DL_ REGISTER EX_ REGISTER HL_ REGISTER IC_ SETUP EXE SETUP IC_ SETUP INF SETUP1 EX_ SETUPKIT DL_ SYSEDIT IC_ TERMINAL IC_ VER DL_ WINFILE IC_ WINHELP IC_ WRITE IC_ ZAPBSTAR EX_