Screen Render Version 1.0 Copyright© Impression Software 1996 HOW TO ORDER ------------ To order a custom screensaver that draws a picture of your choice (e.g. you, spouse, child, company logo, pet, favorite sport...), mail me a photo (See "HOW TO MAIL A PHOTO" below ) or E-mail me the image (See "HOW TO CREATE AN IMAGE FILE" below). Please indicate the screen resolution that you typically run in (e.g. 800x600). HOW TO CREATE AN IMAGE FILE --------------------------- If you own a scanner you can scan the image in yourself. If not, find someone or someplace who can scan it in for you. Save it to a file in one of the following formats: .bmp, .pcx. .jpg, & .tif. Most places that provide copy services have scanners. Scan it in color if possible. I'll evaluate it and reply with a price. The price varies with the complexity. Once I recieve your check or money order I'll draw it and E-mail it to you. There is no shipping & handling fees. Prices start at $10.00 and never exceed $30.00. Typical price is $20.00. E-mail it to: HOW TO SEND A PHOTO ------------------- Send the photo and a check or money order for $25.00 to the address below. Add $20.00 for each additional photo. Impression Software 46858 Bradley Street Fremont, Ca. 94539 Enclose your E-mail address so that I can contact you for additional information if necessary. SCREENSAVER INSTALLATION ------------------------ To install the screensaver software execute the install.bat file. This file will copy render.scr & render.ini to your windows directory, create a subdirectory "render" under your windows directory and copy some data files to the "render" subdirectory. Using Control Panel, select "Render" as your screen saver. Enjoy! ABOUT THE AUTHOR/ARTIST ----------------------- My name is Jeff Newman. I am a Sr. Software Engineer and (I like to think) an artist. I created the tools used to record and replay the renderings and I do all of the renderings myself. I hope you enjoy them. If you have any comments or requests my internet mailing address is: