*** Space Shuttle Windows 95 Plus! Pak Theme ReadMe File v1.2 *** Author - Utopia Technologies [D. Camin] (E-Mail: CaptNick@aol.com) Support is avaible by contacting the author via E-Mail. Software Version - 1.2 This software requires Windows 95 and the Microsoft Plus! Pak in order to be used. If you do not have these programs, you will encounter problems. This software is NOT freeware - it is Shareware. The difference? A small fee is required for Shareware. You may distribute this file, so long as you do not alter the files in any fashion. Registered Users of these files get: *Access to the .WAV sound files *The unaltered "Wallpaper" file *THREE more theme files, giving you a total for FOUR themes! =) *** [ ORDERING INFORMATION ] *** *** [ ORDERING INFORMATION ] *** What is the fee? Ten($10.00) dollars in US Funds(Check or Money Order.) Sorry, we do not accept Credit Card orders at this time. Make your check or Money Order payable to "D. Camin" and send it, along with the printed and filled out order form to: D. Camin 7 Courtly Circle Owego, NY 13827 You MUST include in your Check or Money Order your RETURN ADDRESS! This theme is copyright (c) 1995 by Douglas Camin. Win95 Plus! and Win95 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.