Sparkle is a screen saver I wrote. Up to 100 stars appear at random on your screen. They appear, grow, shrink and disappear. There are 6 cool things about sparkle. cool #1 - It catches the first keystroke. You don't have to hit a key and then start typing your password. This is the way Mac screen savers work. cool #2 - It doesn't respond to mouse movement. The screen saver won't pop off because you bumped the table or accidently moved the mouse. cool #3 - You can't switch or boot out of it. cool #4 - Uses the same password as all your other screen savers. cool #5 - You can set it so it won't come on while a particular com port is in use. i.e. you won't be interrupted while online. cool #6 - Makes an icon of the screen saver. So you can instantly launch it with a double click. You can make program items of all your other screen savers too.