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Whilst compiling the program, I myself have often been surprised at things certain people have said. Each quote is surrounded by a border of miniature pictures. These are intended to provide you with some insight into the profession of that particular person. Here are just a few examples : BORDER PROFESSION Stars movie star, actress, actor Voting Slip politician, government official Crossed Swords pre WW1 military Quill writer, novelist, poet Drama Mask theatre ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PC REQUIREMENTS "Quote For The Day" has been designed to run on virtually any PC. It requires very little free RAM to run, and only a very small portion of hard disk space. It will run at any speed of PC processor, from a lowly 086 to a Pentium, and it can even be run from a floppy disk. The only hang-up this program does have, is that you will need a VGA or better monitor to run it. My apologies to those with CGA or EGA monitors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS Installing "Quote For The Day" is easy using the `install.exe` file provided. Simply type `Install` and follow the instructions and prompts given on screen. You will be asked the letter of the hard disk you are installing to and the letter of the floppy or CD-ROM you are installing from. Install will do the rest. Install will then create a new directory called `\QUOTE` on your hard drive and copy "Quote For The Day" and it`s data files into it. To run "Quote For The Day" at any time type the following at the `DOS` prompt where `C:` is the letter of the drive it is installed on : C: CD\QUOTE QUOTE It occurred to me that it might be nice for "Quote For The Day" to come on automatically when you switch your PC on, as a sort of welcoming message to lighten your day a little. For this purpose I include the file `Welcome.exe`. If you run this and follow the instructions on screen you will be welcomed with a quote every time you boot up your computer. For those of you more technically advanced, and willing to risk playing about, "Quote For The Day" can be run from anywhere on your hard drive by typing `Quote`. Providing it has been installed correctly. Look for the `PATH` line in your `Autoexec.bat` file and add the following to the end of it : ;C:\QUOTE Substitute the `C` for another letter if you have used a different hard drive. If you don`t know what you`re doing, please don`t try this. I`d hate to be held responsible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS SHAREWARE EXACTLY? "Quote For The Day" is shareware. For those unfamiliar with the shareware concept, let me explode a few myths. Shareware isn`t simply free software that some idiot sat at home developing with no intention of financial gain. It isn`t necessarily always of poor quality and virtually useless to all and sundry. Many of the shareware products currently being released are of a standard to challenge commercial software. Such quality work should not go unrewarded. If you`re bewildered about shareware, let me explain the concept. The most popular buzz phrase used to describe it has always been `try-before-you-buy` software. Shareware gives you an opportunity to try out a piece of software before purchasing a copy. Nothing can be so frustrating as buying a piece of shrink wrapped software off a shelf, then taking it home to find it isn`t what you wanted or that it`s utterly rubbish. Because shareware is provided free or at the cost of a disk, if you find you don`t like it, you haven`t lost anything. And you certainly don`t have to go back to the shop and try to get the assistant to take it back or exchange it. The question many people ask is, "Well if I`ve got a piece of shareware, why should I bother registering it by sending money to the author? After all, I`ve already got the program." The answer. When you register a piece of shareware you will often receive free up-grades, printed manuals where needed, extra program features, other shareware programs, bonus programs, and a letter of thanks from the author. Not enough! What do you want? Blood? Shareware is also often favourably priced compared to shrink wrapped commercial software. Without the added costs of advertising, packaging, promotion, and middle men in the form of wholesalers and retailers, we shareware authors can afford to drop the price a little. An advantage for you the consumer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTERING "QUOTE FOR THE DAY" Okay, the burning questions. How much does it cost to register "Quote For The Day"? What do you get for your money? How do you go about getting it? WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU REGISTER "QUOTE FOR THE DAY"? Firstly, you`ll be sent a registered copy of the program containing over 1500 quotes for you to enjoy. That`s about two quotes a day for two years. Note, this shareware version contains only 300 quotes. You`ll also be sent a list explaining what professions all the picture surrounds refer to. In case there are any you`re unsure of. As well as this, you`ll be sent shareware copies of all BOZZ Software products available. The list is growing all the time. Keep a look out for them. I will keep your name and address, if you wish, and send you offers in the future regarding programs which I feel you may find of interest. Please note, I will not divulge this information to anyone else, and the mail you receive from me will be a simple informative letter or flyer. You will not be pressured into further purchases. Finally, you`ll be sent a signed letter of thanks from myself. WOW !! HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO REGISTER "QUOTE FOR THE DAY"? The crunch. I hope you find the price below reasonable. If not, your comments would be appreciated. Read the section entitled `About Bozz Software` near the end of the file. The cost of registering this program is as follows : œ6 UK & Ireland œ10 Overseas This includes the cost of postage and packaging and should be made in pounds sterling. Payment should be made by cheque or postal order payable to `BOZZ Software`. HOW DO I REGISTER "QUOTE FOR THE DAY"? Registering couldn`t be more simple. If you have a printer directly attached to your PC by the parallel port, make sure it is switched on and is `On Line` and press 'O' to print out the order form in the next section. If you don`t have a printer handy, write down the necessary details on a piece of paper. Make out a cheque or postal order to BOZZ SOFTWARE for the relevant amount, and send it along with your details to : UK Mainland Order - BOZZ SOFTWARE Overseas Order - BOZZ SOFTWARE FREEPOST NWW9001 71 BURLINGTON RD (No stamp SOUTH SHORE (Stamp BLACKPOOL required) LANCASHIRE required) LANCS FY4 1BR FY4 1JS ENGLAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER FORM "QUOTE FOR THE DAY" Mr/Mrs/Miss ______ Initials _______ Surname ___________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ "Quote For The Day" is supplied on 3«" HD floppy disk unless you request otherwise. State here if you`d like a different size : ______ Payment Enclosed (Please Tick). Cheques payable to `Bozz Software` œ6 UK & Ireland _____ œ10 Overseas _____ The following section isn`t essential to placing your order, but it would be helpful to me if you could fill it in. Thanks. Where did you get your copy of "Quote For The Day"? _______________________________________________________________ What level of system are you running "Quote For The Day" on? (E.g. 486SX/25, 4mb RAM, SVGA, CD-ROM, etc..) _______________________________________________________________ How would you rate "Quote For The Day" in terms of the following : Graphics / 10 Ingenuity and innovation / 10 Quality / 10 (Give a mark Compared to other shareware / 10 out of ten) Value for money / 10 Finally, if you have any more comments you`d like to venture regarding "Quote For The Day", BOZZ Software, shareware in general, or anything remotely connected with PC software, I`d be more than interested to hear them : _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ UK Mainland Order - Bozz Software Overseas Order - Bozz Software FREEPOST NWW9001 71 Burlington Rd (No stamp SOUTH SHORE (Stamp Blackpool required) Lancashire required) Lancs FY4 1BR FY4 1JS England ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT BOZZ SOFTWARE BOZZ Software is currently a one man programming effort, dedicated to producing quality British shareware. That man, me, David `Bozz` Barton is a young enthusiast caught up in a concept he believes in. He fully intends to go on writing shareware and dreams of future riches, although perhaps not on the scale of Bill Gates (Microsoft). His success depends on the support of you the user. Please help! When I set up BOZZ Software I decided on a few objectives that I would always strive to achieve. A kind of mission statement for the business, if you like. They are as follows : PRODUCE GOOD QUALITY PROGRAMS FOR A REASONABLE PRICE Shareware often cuts out the need for expensive advertising, packaging, promotion, and middle men in the form of wholesalers and retailers. I believe this should be reflected in the price. Unfortunately, much shareware is priced at about the same cost as commercial shrink wrapped software or higher. BOZZ Software will not do this. My prices are based on cost, NOT simply what I think the market will stand. LISTEN TO VIEWS OF MY USERS If you have any comment to make regarding "Quote For The Day" or any other BOZZ Software product, good or bad, I`d be happy to hear it. If you`d like to see more of something in the shareware market, tell me about it. If you`ve an idea for a game, utility or novelty program, but lack the ability to put it into action, let me know about it. If you`ve written a program and want it published or help distributing it, send me a copy. If you`re sat at home bored, let me know about it! The address for any such correspondence is as follows : Bozz Software (Ideas) 71 Burlington Road Blackpool Lancashire FY4 1JS England ESTABLISH BOZZ SOFTWARE AS A LEADING BRITISH SHAREWARE PRODUCER And why not? I hope you like the quality of "Quote For The Day". I am always striving to improve my programming techniques, and the quality of my programs. ENCOURAGE SHAREWARE UNDERSTANDING IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Many people still don`t quite fathom the concept of shareware. Obviously it`s in my best interests to inform them, hence the essay on the subject in the previous section. DESTROY THE NIGHTMARE IMAGE ATTACHED TO COMPUTERS I will always try to ensure my programs are easy to use, with intuitive controls and simple instructions. HAVE A GO AT EVERYTHING As I am fairly new to software development, I fully intend to have a go at everything, from novelty programs such as this, to games, utilities, and business applications. If you haven`t yet seen a BOZZ Software product that appeals to you. Keep looking, I`ll get there in the end! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL TALK As shareware, "Quote For The Day" and it`s accompanying files can be distributed freely provided they are not separated or their code tampered with in any way. Copyright remains solely with myself, the author. No charge of more than œ4 should be made in distributing this program and it`s files. The price should cover the cost of a disk and postage and packing, with perhaps a small amount for the distributor. Shareware distributors should not be using the concept to make vast profits, or the idea of `try-before-you-buy` becomes obsolete. Finally, although it is possible to find my phone number using my address, I would prefer that you didn`t do so. If you need to contact Bozz Software, write to : BOZZ SOFTWARE 71 BURLINGTON ROAD BLACKPOOL LANCASHIRE FY4 1JS ENGLAND Important queries regarding software will be answered.