ORDER FORM "SQUAREZ" Mr/Mrs/Miss ______ Initials _______ Surname ___________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ "Squarez" is supplied on 3«" HD floppy disk unless you request otherwise. State here if you`d like a different floppy size : ________ Payment Enclosed (Please Tick). Cheques payable to `Bozz Software` œ10 UK & Ireland _____ œ15 Overseas _____ The following section isn`t essential to placing your order, but it would be helpful to me if you could fill it in. Thanks. Where did you get your copy of "Squarez"? _______________________________________________________________ What level of system are you running "Squarez" on? (E.g. 486SX/25, 4mb RAM, SVGA, CD-ROM, etc..) _______________________________________________________________ How would you rate "Squarez" in terms of the following : Enjoyment factor / 10 Originality and innovation / 10 Lasting appeal / 10 (Give a mark Compared to other shareware / 10 out of ten) Value for money / 10 Finally, if you have any more comments you`d like to venture regarding "Squarez", BOZZ Software, shareware in general, or anything remotely connected with PC software, I`d be more than interested to hear what you have to say : _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ UK Mainland Order - Bozz Software Overseas Order - Bozz Software FREEPOST NWW9001 71 Burlington Rd (No stamp SOUTH SHORE (Stamp Blackpool required) Lancashire required) Lancs FY4 1BR FY4 1JS England