********************************************************************** MAJOR CHANGES from ClockMan for Win 3.1 ********************************************************************** ClockMan95 Build 36 (27mar96) <-- Current release FIXED! Depending on how you specified a document in the Pgm line, sometimes ClockMan wouldn't launch its associated program correctly. ClockMan95 Build 35 (21mar96) <-- Initial release NEW! Automation Assistants - a set of wizards that make it easy to automate some of the more popular utilities. We lead you step-by-step through setting up an event for Norton Disk Doctor, Windows95 Defrag, Eudora, Pegasus Mail, OzCIS, Tapcis, McAfee Virus Scanner, & more! And more Automation Assistants to be available later. NEW! 12 custom WIL commands let your WIL script query or even change aspects of the event that launched it. NEW! 22 Internet WIL commands let your WIL script dial up your ISP in the background without bothering with the "Connect To" dialog. You can even do Winsock programming in your WIL scripts! (See WILCMDS.TXT) NEW! You can now pass parameters to a WIL event! Just include them on the WIL command line as you would when running a program. NEW! Now that this is a Windows 95 app, the InfoBars position themselves on the right side of the active window's caption bar. IMPROVED! ClockMan95 is a multithreaded, 32-bit app. IMPROVED! WIL events are now in their own threads. This means that no matter how long a WIL script takes to finish, the next event will always run on time. IMPROVED! We've added a Pause button to the Countdown box. IMPROVED! ClockMan recognizes long filenames, including ones with embedded spaces. In Set Alarms, you must put a program's pathname (or data filename) with embedded spaces in quotes. (If you want to activate an existing window, you must put the title name in [] instead of quotes.) IMPROVED! ClockMan95 detects if you're running Norton File Assist & moves the InfoBars over accordingly.