=========================================================== WELCOME TO CLOCKMAN95! =========================================================== ClockMan95 is the Ultimate Windows Automation Utility. ClockMan95 lets you take back control over time itself! Automate mainframe data downloads, backups, e-mail runs, disk optimizations, virus scans - all those things you KNOW you should be doing regularly. Keep yourself on time and prepared with ClockMan95's handy reminder messages. And see the date & time, all the time, with ClockMan95's DateBar and TimeBar. All this, in one very powerful, elegant program! =========================================================== CONTENTS =========================================================== 1. GETTING STARTED INSTALLING CLOCKMAN95 PACKING LIST 2. HOW TO REGISTER CLOCKMAN95 3. EVALUATION AGREEMENT 4. LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMERS =========================================================== GETTING STARTED =========================================================== INSTALLING CLOCKMAN95 ==================== Installing ClockMan95 is simple: 1) Run SETUP.EXE from within Windows. Setup will let you choose the destination directory and which parts of the ClockMan95 package you wish to install (program files only, help files, Automation Assistants, etc.). 2) Run CLOCKMAN.EXE. It comes with an alarm file already filled with sample alarms for you to try. 3) Choose Help from the System menu to read our comprehen- sive online manual. =========================================================== PACKING LIST =========================================================== Your ClockMan95 distribution diskettes contain the following files: SETUP.EXE The ClockMan95 setup program. SETUP.INF A configuration file for SETUP.EXE. V95 A placeholder file that identifies the current version. CLOKREAD.TXT This file. CLOK-CHG.TXT A list of enhancements and bugfixes since the last release. CLOCKMAN.INI The default ClockMan95 .INI file. Contains alarm tune definitions. CLOCKMAN.EXE The ClockMan95 program file. CLOCKMAN.HLP The ClockMan95 online manual. CLOCKMAN.CNT ClockMan95 online manual support file. CMAN-TS.HLP ClockMan95 troubleshooting guide. CMAN-TS.CNT ClockMan95 troubleshooting guide support file. SAMPLES.ALR A ClockMan95 alarm file, filled with sample alarms. CLOCKMAN.DEU German language customization file. SAMPLES.PIF Sample PIF file for demonstrating DOS keystrokes. WBDBM32I.DLL The WIL batch language engine. ("xx" = the current WIL version identifier.) WIL.HLP The WIL language help file. CLOKNETS.TXT Some information on taking advantage of network functions from within WIL. AA\*.DLL A set of Automation Assistant DLLs. AA\OZCIS\*.SCR OzCIS script files. AA\TAPCIS\*.SCR TAPCIS script files. =========================================================== HOW TO REGISTER CLOCKMAN95 =========================================================== ClockMan95 is currently being marketed as shareware. If you register the program you'll receive these remarkable benefits: * The latest version of ClockMan95. * A typeset, illustrated manual. * An end to the nag screens and opening banner. * Technical support by phone. * Your license is good for all version 1.x updates. * Deep discounts on the next major version (2.0) * Free upgrade to non-English versions (when available) Registration is $79.95 (US funds) +shipping (see below). We accept American Express, VISA, MasterCard, EuroCard, Access, money orders, checks, or purchase orders (call our sales dept. beforehand). You can also order ClockMan95 through Egghead Software's special order line at 1-800-EGGHEAD. Shipping -------- LOCATION (Air) ------------------- US/Canada (free) Mexico US$7.00 South America 7.00 Europe 9.00 Africa 14.00 Asia/Japan 14.00 Australia/NZ 14.00 * Quantity pricing and LAN pricing are available, and can lower your cost considerably! * $29.95 COMPETITIVE UPGRADE: Move up to the best for less! Just include the title page to the user manual for the following products with your order: - AUTORUN FOR WINDOWS (Autosoft) - E'VENT MANAGER (Merasoft), or - TIME AFTER TIME (Aldia Systems) You can print a handy order form inside Windows Help! Click on the "Order Form" topic from the main help screen, then select the File|Print Topic menu to print the order form. Graphical Dynamics, Inc. 1(800) 779-1799 orders only 2701 California Ave SW #301 1(206) 935-6032 orders/tech Seattle, WA 98116 Mon-Sat, 8:00am-5:00pm PST USA (1600h -0100h GMT) 1(206) 935-2464 fax 1(206) 938-2398 BBS =========================================================== EVALUATION AGREEMENT =========================================================== ClockMan95 is not and has never been public domain software, nor is it free software. ClockMan95 is copyrighted by Graphical Dynamics, Inc. You are granted a limited license to use ClockMan95 on a 30-day trial basis for the purpose of determining whether ClockMan95 is suitable for your needs. After this initial 30-day trial license expires, you must register the program to continue using it. The use of unlicensed copies of ClockMan95 by any person, business, corporation, government agency or any other entity beyond the trial period is strictly prohibited. A single user license permits a user to use ClockMan95 only on a single computer at a time. No one may modify or patch the ClockMan95 executable filesn in any way, including but not limited to decompiling, disas- sembling, changing the icon or string resources, or otherwise reverse engineering the program. A limited license is granted to copy and distribute ClockMan95 only for the trial use of others, subject to the above limitations, and also the following: 1) ClockMan95 must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the file containing this license information. 2) The full machine-readable ClockMan95 documentation must be included with each copy. 3) ClockMan95 may not be distributed in conjunction with any other product without a specific license to do so from Graphical Dynamics. 4) No fee, charge, or other compensation may be requested or accepted, except as authorized below: A) Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (sysops) may make ClockMan95 available for downloading as long as the above conditions are met. An overall or time-dependent charge for the use of the bulletin board system is permitted as long as there is not a specific charge for the download of ClockMan95. B) Vendors of shareware software may distribute ClockMan95 ONLY AFTER OBTAINING WRITTEN PERMISSION from Graphical Dynamics. Such permission is usually granted. Vendors may charge a reasonable disk duplication and handling fee. =========================================================== WARRANTIES AND DISCLAIMERS =========================================================== LIMITED WARRANTY ================ Graphical Dynamics guarantees your satisfaction with this product for a period of 90 days from the date of original purchase. If you are unsatisfied with the product within that time period, return the package in saleable condition to the place of purchase for a full refund. Graphical Dynamics warrants that all disks provided are free from defects in material and workmanship, assuming normal use, for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. Graphical Dynamics warrants that the program will perform in substantial compliance with the documentation supplied with the software product. If a significant defect in the product is found, you may return the product for a refund. In no event will such a refund exceed the purchase price of the product. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, GRAPHICAL DYNAMICS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, THE PURCHASER ASSUMES THE RISK OF PAYING THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION AND ANY INCIDENTAL OR CON- SEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL GRAPHICAL DYNAMICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMIT- ATION DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTER- RUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT EVEN IF GRAPHICAL DYNAMICS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY HAVE OTHERS, WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents. This agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Washington. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS ================================= This product is provided with restricted rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 48 CFR 252.227-7013, or in subdivision (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights clause at 48 CFR 52.27-19, as applicable. The contractor/ manufacturer is Graphical Dynamics, Inc., 2701 California Ave SW, ste 301, Seattle, WA 98116.