********************************** WebMirror(TM) Version 1.0 Release Date: 8 April 1996 ********************************** ================================================== Copyright (C) 1996 Siu Fung Chan. All rights reserved. ================================================== Please e-mail your comments and suggestions to the author at "sfchan@mailhost.net" or "s945589@mailserv.cuhk.hk". ================================================== Table of Contents ----------------- 1. What is WebMirror for? 2. How to use WebMirror? 2.1 How to install WebMirror? 2.2 How to set download options? 2.3 How to start mirroring? 3. What the user should know and agree? 4. How to register? 5. What are the possible future enhancements? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. What is WebMirror for? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WebMirror(TM) 1.0 is a World Wide Web utility shareware for Windows 95. It allows on-line service users to download web pages to their local hard disk for off-line browsing. Of course, other users through LAN connections can also use WebMirror to mirror their favorite web pages. It is also a handy tool for web authors or administrators to duplicate their web sites in its entirety or mirror only specific directories. The user can set options to limit a mirroring operation by the number of files, or the number of bytes. There will never be a non-ending downloading as each mirroring action is also limited by the depth of hyperlink traversing, which is also decided by the user. WebMirror will save you money and time by maximizing your on-line time. The automated downloading also eliminates the need to browse and save files and pictures manually when you are archiving your favorite web pages. Go ahead to try out WebMirror. And remember to register and pay the author for his hard work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. How to use WebMirror? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.1 How to install WebMirror? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WebMirror(TM) 1.0 comes in a single zip file. Simple create a destination directory to hold the zip file and unzip the contents to the directory. All files in the zip file must reside in the same directory to ensure proper functioning of the program. There are four files in the zip file: ReadMe.Txt The current file you are reading WebMirror.Exe The executable file for Windows 95 Wininet.Dll A redistributable Dll for network calls Urlcache.Dll A redistributable Dll for networking Form.Txt Registration form and mailing label If your unzip utility cannot handle long filenames, you may download the 32-bit version of the WinZip utility from http://www.winzip.com/winzip/. You may create a short-cut to WebMirror.Exe on your desktop for easy accessing. 2.2 How to start mirroring? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) To start mirroring, first key in a HTTP URL in the "Download from" combo box. For example, you may enter "http://www.someone.com" to download the starting page at "www.someone.com" and its subsequent linked pages. Or, you may specify "http://www.someone.com/First/" to download the pages linked by the starting page in the "First" subdirectory. (2) Then, key in or browse to a directory for saving your downloaded files. For example, you may set "c:\Mirror" (3) Choose a HTML file processing option. Select "Modify hyperlinks accordingly" if you wish to do off-line browsing from your hard disk after mirroring. The hyperlinks in the web pages downloaded will be modified to point to the files on the hard disk or the host if they are not downloaded. Select "Copy only" if you just want to copy the web pages exactly as they are in their host. With this option, the pictures and hyperlinks will not appear correctly if you browse from your hard disk. Hence, this option is more for web site backup or archival. (4) Check and set the Download Maximum options as specified in section 2.3. (5) Choose the "Mirror" button to start mirroring. You will see the progress logging in a status window. You may cancel the mirroring by pressing the "Cancel" button. However, as the networking process is blocking (synchronous), cancellation will not be immediate. (6) When the mirroring is completed, the "Cancel" button is changed to "OK". (7) When a URL does not specify a file name, the default file name for a path is "index.htm". For example, if you specify "http://www.someone.com" as the URL to download from. The default starting web page on your hard disk is "index.htm". (8) Click "Browse" to activate your favorite Web Browser to browse from the first downloaded page on your hard disk. Enjoy. 2.3 How to set download options? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Click on the Options button. You will see Download Maximum: (1) Number of Level(s) The number of levels to traverse from the starting web page. To download 1 page, you should put 0 level. To download the starting web page and all linked pages, you should put 1 level. To download the starting web page and all linked pages and the linked pages of the linked pages, you should put 2. With 2, the number of files to down- load may swell to a big number. It is not recommended to use more than 3 levels although it is allowed. (2) Number of Files The maximum number of files to download. This number includes the picture files. Set it to a big enough number if you wish. (3) Number of Mega-bytes The maximum number of MB of disk space to be used for mirroring. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. What the user should know and agree? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WebMirror(TM) is a shareware for Windows 95. You are free to distribute it on your FTP sites, CD-ROM or other media provided you keep this package intact. Also, if you are including WebMirror(TM) on a CD-ROM, please send a complimentary copy of the CD-ROM to the author. The whole package contains the following 4 files: ReadMe.Txt The current file you are reading WebMirror.Exe The executable file for Windows 95 Wininet.Dll A redistributable Dll for network calls Urlcache.Dll A redistributable Dll for networking Form.Txt Registration form and mailing label You should not change, add or delete any files in this package. As this is a shareware, the author has no control in ensuring that the copy that you are using will be free of virus. Please scan the files for virus before use. The author will not be responsible for any damage or whatsoever related in using an altered package. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE PROGRAM. THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE. Other standard shareware disclaimers are also applicable. You have 30 days to evaluate this software. If you decide to keep it, please register and pay the author for his hardwork. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. How to register? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This handy utility only costs US$9.50. Send a check or money order of US$9.50 payable to SIU FUNG CHAN at the following address: Siu Fung Chan Unit 1208, Wan Loi House, Wan Tau Tong Tsuen, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong Please also fill up the registration form in Form.Txt. All registered copy will be sent through e-mail once your payment is effected. For those who wish to receive the program on a floppy disk, you need to pay more for the disk and postage. The total cost for the disk and handling will be US$19.50, instead of US$9.50. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to order the e-mail version. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. What are the possible future enhancements? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) Add FTP and GOPHER support for URL. (2) Add time limit for mirroring. (3) Add new user interface for saving multiple URLs and their download directories for batch mirroring multiple sites or hosts. And many others. But, remember, without your support, these may not be realized. Please register promptly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~