-------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Point32 Update README March 1996 -------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1996 ------------------------ HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ------------------------ To view Readme.txt onscreen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print Readme.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, then use the Print command on the File menu. -------- CONTENTS -------- WHAT THE UPDATED POINT32 DRIVERS RESOLVE INSTALLING THE UPDATED POINT32 DRIVERS UNINSTALLING UPDATED POINT32 DRIVERS MORE INFORMATION WHAT THE UPDATED POINT32 DRIVERS RESOLVE ======================================== Microsoft has updated Point32 to resolve known issues with: - SnapTo feature not working with in some 16bit applications - PointerWrap not working with in some 16bit applications - General Protection Faults/Segment Load Failures with Quicken 4.0 for Windows - General Protection Faults/Segment Load Failures with Quicken Deluxe 5.0 for Windows - General Protection Faults in America On-Line Software INSTALLING THE UPDATED POINT32 DRIVERS ====================================== If Windows 95 is installed on your computer and you wish to install the updated Point32 drivers, one of the following must also be installed on your computer: - Microsoft IntelliPoint version 1.1 - Microsoft IntelliType version 1.1 - Microsoft EasyBall version 1.0 To install the Point32 drivers on a computer running Windows 95, follow these steps: 1. Restart your computer. When you see the "Starting Windows 95" message, press the F8 key, and then choose Safe Mode Command Prompt Only from the Startup menu. 2. Change to the folder where you installed IntelliPoint, IntelliType, or EasyBall (typically this is the C:\Msinput folder). 3. Rename Point32.exe to Point32.ex1. 4. Rename Point32.dll to Point32.dl1. 5. Copy Point32.exe and Point32.dll to your Msinput folder. 3. Restart Windows 95 normally for the updated drivers to take effect. UNINSTALLING THE UPDATED POINT32 DRIVERS ======================================== Perform one of the following steps to uninstall the updated Point32 drivers: - Run Setup from any of the following products: - Microsoft IntelliPoint version 1.1 - Microsoft IntelliType version 1.1 - Microsoft EasyBall version 1.0 Reinstallation of the earlier software will prompt you for confirmation before overwriting the updated drivers. Choose OK to accomplish this. -or- - 1. Restart your computer. When you see the "Starting Windows 95" message, press the F8 key, and then choose Safe Mode Command Prompt Only from the Startup menu. 2. Change to the folder where you installed IntelliPoint, IntelliType, or EasyBall (typically this is the C:\Msinput folder). 3. Copy Point32.ex1 to Point32.exe. 4. Copy Point32.dl1 to Point32.dll. 5. Restart Windows 95 normally for the original drivers to take effect.