Graffiti! V1.1 09/06/95 Thank you for reviewing the Graffiti! Screen Saver Please distribute this like crazy!!!!!!! If you find this in the slightest bit amusing or useful, Please find it in your heart to register this program. The registered version will: - Allow for extended painting abilities (fills, etc..) - Provide pre-defined painting shapes - Create multiple screen designs selectable in config - Different pen sizes - Passwords, AND MORE! So in order for me to retain the will to support this, and other programs of this nature, please REGISTER! To register, send $15 to: Brian Gregory 917 N. Nielson Street Gilbert, Arizona 85234 With the registration, you will receive the release version of the screen saver and documentation for it. If there are any problems, suggestions or comments concerning this product, please remit to the above address or leave me email at on the internet at Quick Program Description: Configurations Screen: (Access through the CONTROL PANEL -> DESKTOP Screensaver setup) 'Paint New' button - Clicking on this will bring up the screen that allows you to paint the screen. 'About' button - Program Description, Registration information, and any other program things/ 'OK' button - Saves changes made to the initialization file, and exits. 'Cancel' button - Discards changes made, except those made in the painting itself. 'BackGround Color' - Is the color of the background at screen save time. Choose the color by clicking on the drop-down box and selecting a color. 'Draw Speed' - Is the Speed in which the drawing you created is output to the screen. This can be any value between 50 and 1000. 'Pause After Complete (In Seconds)' - Determines the amount of time in between a drawing completely redrawn and restarts drawing at the beginning. from 1 to 60 seconds. Paint Screen: (Access through the 'Paint New' button in the configuration screen) 'Select Colors' - Choose the drawing color, and paint away! 'Current Color' - Displays the current drawing color. 'Clear Screen' button - Clears the current screen to allow for redraw. 'Close' button - Closes the paint portion of the program and returns to the configuration screen. This product is supplied 'AS IS', with no warranty either BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, you know the rest!