Version 1.01s of MonthVu - Update Release REGISTERED/EXISTING MONTHVU USERS - READ THIS CAREFULLY!!!!! 1. Before upgrading to this new version, make a note of your registration ID and any custom preferences you may have set and then delete the following 3 files in the \app\ directory (the Bin and PRF files will only be there if you are upgrading from an earlier version of MonthVu). MONTHVU.OPA MONTHVU.BIN MONTHVU.PRF Also delete all files in \APP\MONTHVU if there is a MONTHVU sub-directory underneath APP. 2. Copy the MONTHVU.OPA file into the appropriate \app directory. 3. If you have an earlier version of MonthVu installed, remove the application from the System screen and re-install it. 4. Run MonthVu. If there are no problems, restore your preferences, and re-insert your Registration ID. You may also want to look at the About dialog and make your title heaps and repeat heaps somewhat smaller as MonthVu will have made them as large as memory permits. Note that MonthVu will automatically create a MONTHVU sub-directory under APP and all files except for the MONTHVU.OPA file will be placed in that sub-directory. If you get an overflow on your title heap, you MAY be able to add as much as 1,000 to 1,500 bytes, but make sure you can still get into the More Preferences dialog without a NO SYSTEM MEMORY error. If your heaps are overflowing, your first step will be to adjust the MAX SIZE OF ITEM TEXT preference item down to say 40 or so. If that's still not enough, take it down to 15 or even 10 to get it to work. 5. If you have problems installing this new version, consult the manual, or immediately send an email to Pimlico Software: 6. In addition to fixing all reported bugs in the initial release, there are several new features in this release, including: Psion/L toggles timeline display Preference added to truncate titles and suppress item types Fixes problem of occasionally displaying deleted appts Fixes several minor problems in repeat appts Week can start on either Monday or Sunday Week of year displayed at all times Improved installation and tuning of memory Extra 1.5-2k of memory for heaps All Agenda files displayed under MonthVu icon Crossed out items can be optionally displayed Char code 219 (_) puts entry in reverse (Black on white) Optionally supports multiple Agenda image files Significant Speedup in processing of Repeat items Global Hotkey option to return to MonthVu from any Psion Application Option to specially handle the return to MonthVu after Psion/G Option to put the days of the week and rules in Black or Grey Regards, CESD