August 1996 CD Contents CompuServe WinCIM CompuServe Tour How To Interactive… Money Directory: content\Howto\Money Program name Subdirectory Executable Description Bank Book for Windows Bbook Install.exe Keep track of your finances with Bank Book for Windows Quicken Quicken4 Install.exe The UK's leading personal finance software QuickBooks Quickbk Install.exe One of the easiest to use small business accounting packages Excel spreadsheet files Natwide budget.xls Excel spreadsheet files Natwide life.xls Excel spreadsheet files Natwide pension.xls On-line Directory: content\Howto\Online Program name Subdirectory Executable Description Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 Beta 1 msie3 msie30b1.exe Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 Beta 1 for Windows 95. PaintShop Pro Psp Setup.exe The old favourite image manipulating program. Gifcon Gifcon gifcon.exe This is the current shareware release of GIF Construction Set for Windows. Gifcon Win 95 Gifcon95 gifcon32.exe This is the current shareware release of GIF Construction Set for Windows 95. Lview Pro Lview31 Lviewp1b.exe An image manipulating program that can save the preview JPEG format (Win 3.1 version). Lview Pro 95 Lview95 Lviewpro.exe An image manipulating program that can save the preview JPEG format (Win 95 version). Dave's Targa Animator Targa Dta.exe A DOS command-line utility to turn a directory of numbered images into an Autodesk animation. HoTMetaL Pro 2 Hotmetal Setup.exe A text editor specially for creating HTML files Int Assistant for Word IAWord31 wordia.exe Access the Web from within Word Int Assistant for Word iaword95 wdia203z.exe Access the Web from within Word Int Assistant for Excel IAexcel html.xla Add this handy assistant to your Excel Library Int Asst for Powerpoint IApoint Ia4ppt95.exe Turn PowerPoint presentations into Web pages Psion Directory: content\HowTo\Psion Program name Subdirectory Executable Description debug dialog dump elvis enigma gmenu Program Directory:content\HowTo\Program File name Caption.frm Caption.Vbp Center.Frm Center.Vbp Convert.Frm Convert.Vbp Focus.Frm Focus1.vbp ProcsFns.Bas Visual Basic setup.exe Other programs Software demos and trial versions Directory: content\demos name subdirectory executable OfficeBlox Office setup.exe 30-day trial version of OfficeBlox ClarisWorks Win 3.1 Claris\Trial\cw40bv1\disk1 cw4trial.exe The popular office suite ClarisWorks Win 95 Claris\Trial\cw30bv1\disk1 Setup.exe The popular office suite Complete Works Lite Complete setup.exe A trial version of the office suite Windows 95 drivers Directory: content\drivers Infra red w95ir SoundBlaster sbw95up HP DeskJet 600 deskjet S3 video s3video UniModem V unimodem Diamond Stealth stealth Trident 9400/9440 trid94xx Trident 9660/9680 trid96xx Tseng W32 tseng4k Trident chipsets vga Diamond Viper viper Ark ark Avance avance Viewsonic monitors vsonic DOS shareware Directory: content\share\dos Name directory exe Description News Werthy News nwerthy.exe NewsWerthy v2.10: SOUP offline mail reader Night Bird Bird nbird.exe Virtual reality simulation of birds in flight - you can use it as a screensaver ACCU Music System Music Install.exe "Create music, print it, transpose it, play it " Win 3.1 shareware Directory: content\share\win31 Name directory exe Description Postit Post postit.exe Sticky notes for your desktop Orlando HTML Editor Orlando orlando.exe HTML editor Metz Lock Metz Install.exe Password protection for Windows workstations The Grocery Consumer grocery setup.exe A recipe and grocery manager for Windows DocuMagix Hot Page DE docu dhde10.exe Capture and organize your Web pages in your own filing cabinet Win 95 shareware Directory: content\share\win95 Name directory exe Description Winzip95 Winzip95 winzip95.exe WinZip 6.1 for Windows 95 and NT Features the WinZip Wizard for easy unzipping McAfee Virus Scan McAfee setup.exe McAfee ViruScan for Windows95 v2.A PowerDesk PwrDesk setup.exe Customize your Windows desktop Games Directory: content\games Name directory exe Windows version Description Paradise Solitaire Solitair psolsh95.exe Win 95 Paradise Solitaire 1.13 - 30 excellent solitaire games Sim Tower Sim setup.exe Win 95 Build your own tower with this simulation game A Day At The Races Races Install.exe Win 95 Bet on the horses and watch them race Penny's Arcade PArcade setup.exe Win 95 A shooting arcade game Quake quake install.bat DOS A doom-type shoot-em-up Filler Filler Filler.exe Win 95 Logic game where you invade area by flooding colors Ultra Logic Logic Setup.exe Win 95 Windows '95 version of Master Mind board game END