======================================================================= Entertainment Online Ltd. ======================================================================= CONTENTS -=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.0 What is Entertainment Online 2.0 Minimum Requirements 3.0 Registration and Subscription 3.1 Registered Access 3.2 How to register with E-On: 3.3 Subscribed Access 3.4 How to subscribe to E-On: 4.0 The E-On Software 4.1 The Game Manager 4.2 The Games Room 5.0 What’s this CD for? 5.1 Installing the E-On interactive demo 5.11 For Windows 95 users 5.12 For Windows 3.1x users 5.2 The Interactive demo N.B : ON ITS OWN, THIS CD DOES NOT GIVE YOU ACCESS TO THE E-ON SERVICES YOU MUST GO TO THE E-ON SITE AT http://www.e-on.com AND SUBSCRIBE. THIS CD CONTAINS THE SOFTWARE THAT E-ON SUBSCRIBERS NEED TO GAIN ACCESS TO THE GAMES AND CHAT AREAS OF THE SITE. ======================================================================= 1.0 What is Entertainment Online? ======================================================================= Entertainment Online (E-On) is a Web based entertainment channel. It includes the best in low latency, online multi-player games, a range of top ten download games and a electronic centres for media and commerce. The main areas are: The Digital shop Games The Neon Magazine Chat Forum All these areas are available via our web site at http://www.e-on.com We are not an Internet Service Provider. ======================================================================= 2.0 Minimum Requirements ======================================================================= IBM Compatible PC 486 DX2 66 with 8 Mb RAM 14.4 bps modem An account with an Internet Service Provider (I.S.P.) such as CompuServe or AOL Either Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 or Netscape Navigator 2.0 (or higher) ======================================================================= 3.0 Registration and Subscription ======================================================================= There are two classes of user at E-On. Either you are a registered user or a subscribed user. 3.1 Registered Access -------------------------------- As a registered user, you will have access to the digital shop and the magazine areas of the site only. None of the games will be available to you. Gaining registered access is free. You will need to choose a user-name and password when you register. These must be in lower case with no spaces. You have to register before you can subscribe and the user-name and password that you choose when you register is carried over to your subscription. The registered user-name and password will allow you access to the site. You will not be able to download games or open the Games Room to play the multi-player games until you are a subscriber. 3.2 How to register with E-On: ------------------------------------------- Start your Internet Browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) and type http://www.e-on.com into the address box. Follow the links below: Click on the [welcome to eon] text Click on the [log in] button Click on the [register] button Enter your personal details in the form provided Take care to remember your user-name and password Click the [process registration now] button at the bottom of the page 3.3 Subscribed Access ---------------------------------- To subscribe, you will need to pay a monthly subscription charge. E-On frequently has a range of special offers available and so the charges and access rights may change. Please check the site regularly for offers. The full membership allows access to all areas of the site including both the multi-player and download games, and the live chat forums. As a subscriber, you will also be able to take advantage of more of E-On’s special offers and will be given a preferential rate in the digital shop. Please visit the site to find out subscription charges. The only charge that E-On makes is the monthly subscription. There are no other costs other than those you would normally incur when connecting to the Internet. 3.4 How to subscribe to E-On: ------------------------------------------ Start your Internet Browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) and type http://www.e-on.com into the address box. Follow the links below: Click on the welcome text Click the [Log in] button Enter your user name and password Click the [Subscribe] button Press the [click here to subscribe] text link Fill in the rest of your details on the subscription form Click the [accept terms and process] at the bottom of the page ======================================================================= 4.0 The E-On Software ======================================================================= This CD contains an interactive demo and the client software that E-On subscribers need to access the games and chat services. The client software consists of two parts: the Game Manager and the Games Room. You will need to install this software in order to access any of the games, educational software and chat on the E-On site. 4.1 The Game Manager ---------------------------------- E-On provides it’s subscribers with a range of top-ten games for download. These games cannot be transferred to any other computer. Once they have been downloaded to a subscribers machine, they will only run on that machine. They need to be refreshed every 30 days. This does not mean that the user has to download each game over again, they must merely run the Game Manager so it can check that their account is still open. When you run the Game Manager for the first time, you must be connected to the Internet and have your subscribed user-name and password ready. After you have entered your details, Game Manager will verify your account with the E-On server and allow you access to the download games that are available on the E-On web site at the time. See http://www.e-on.com for details To run the game manager, you MUST be a subscriber and have an open connection to the Internet. 4.2 The Games Room -------------------------------- The multi-player games and chat areas can be launched from the Games Room. By clicking the [play now] icons on the multi-player games web pages at E-On, you will start the Games Room. From the Games Room, you will be able to access all of the multi-player games and chat to all the other subscribers who are there. You cannot play any of the multi-player games until you have logged in to the Games Room. You have to enter your subscribed user-name and password to do so. ======================================================================= 5.0 What is this CD for? ======================================================================= This CD is an interactive demo which shows what E-on has to offer. It includes Quick Time (TM) movies and also includes all the software that you will need to use the service to its full. You must be a subscriber before the software is any use to you. 5.1 Installing the E-On interactive demo ------------------------------------------------------ To properly view the interactive demo, you must install an application called Apple Quick-time (TM). Quick-time is a movie viewer that allows you to watch animated sequences on a PC. To install all the files that you need to view the interactive demo, please follow the instructions below. 5.11 For Windows 95 users -------------------------------------- From the Start menu, choose [Run] and type: D:\SETUP.EXE (Where D: is the letter of your CD-ROM drive) 5.12 For Windows 3.1x users -------------------------------------- From Program Manager, choose [File], [Run] and then type: D:\SETUP.EXE (Where D: is the letter of your CD-ROM drive) When the install has finished, an E-On program group will have been created. To start the E-On demo, click on the E-On CD-ROM icon. 5.2 The Interactive Demo -------------------------- Mr. E-On is the main character in the interactive demo. He’ll tell you all about the site and the services on offer, you are also given the chance to install the E-On software from here. To use the demo, simply move your mouse pointer around the screen and click on the areas that are of interest to you. The E-On software is available in one of the main areas on the demo. Explore and see what great services E-On has to offer. The Games Manager and Games Room are put together into a package called Full Install. This may be accessed from the Interactive demo. If you have any queries, questions or comments, please Contact our Customer Services department at: e-mail : support@e-on.com Tel: (0990) 133 039