This is a Christmas theme for the Plus! Pack. Use WINZIP or another 32-bit unzip package that can use long file names and unzip all contents into the Plus!\Themes\Christmas directory. Make sure you have the create directory structure checked. This theme will create a Christmas directory under the Themes directory. I apologize to all who had this theme before, because now it is all in one subdirectory. You could just unzip the wallpaper and add it yourself, but my themes directory was getting monotonous!!! Go figure? IMPORTANT: The Santa.scr file goes into \WINDOWS\SYSTEM. It is the only file that is not in the Themes directory. It is the screen saver. Click on settings to view the creator of the screen saver. If you like this theme, I have many links to others at Check it out. Enjoy. I got all the images and sounds from the many Christmas pages on the net. I am still looking for sounds and a background image, so I will post any additions as soon as I get them. Dale Bingham.