PsiFS: Frequently Asked Questions

File Format Converters

How do I convert SIBO or EPOC files for use under RISC OS?

PsiFS does not include any file format converters, and there are no plans to add any within the foreseeable future. However, support may be added to allow integration of third party extensions.

Most SIBO and EPOC applications can import and export data in standard file formats, such as plain ASCII or CSV; these are suitable for exchanging data with RISC OS applications. Alternatively, some conversion software is available:

  • ChangePSI by Gert-Jan de Vos is a freeware file format conversion utility running under RISC OS.
  • Psionconv by Thomas Milius is another freeware file format conversion utility running under RISC OS.
  • ArcLink5 by Paul Vigay is a shareware EPOC to RISC OS connectivity application that includes the ability to perform a few file format conversions.
  • PsiRisc by Interconnex is a commercial SIBO and EPOC to RISC OS connectivity application that can also perform some file format conversions.
  • PsiWin, supplied with most EPOC devices, can be run on a PC (or PC card) to convert between a wider variety of common formats.

Third parties interested in implementing additional file format converters may be interested in details of EPOC file formats produced by Frodo Looijaard.

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