The procedure for configuring PsiFS depends on whether it is started within the desktop or from the command line.
If PsiFS is loaded within the desktop, for example by double-clicking on the !PsiFS icon, then the configuration should be modified using the desktop filer. Ensure that the idle icon is visible, and then select Configure... from the iconbar icon menu to open the configuration window. Make any required changes to the configuration, and then click Save to preserve the changes for future sessions, followed by Set to apply the changes for the current session. If PsiFS is loaded outside the desktop or from a command line, then the configuration is taken from the !PsiFS.Configure file. This file also contains the mappings used to convert SIBO file extensions and EPOC UIDs to RISC OS file types. See the documentation for the *PsiFSDriver and *PsiFSMap commands for more details. |
The most important configuration options are for the serial block driver used to communicate with the remote SIBO or EPOC device. The default settings should be adequate if only the remote link and internal serial port are being used.
The first option to select is the Driver name. This should normally be set to InternalPC if the internal serial port is being used, or SP_DualPC if either an Atomwide or The Serial Port serial port card is being used. Other serial port cards may require different serial block drivers. The second option to configure is the Port number. The first port of each block driver is numbered 0. The internal serial port it is always number 0, and ports on Atomwide or The Serial Port triple serial port cards are numbered 0, 1 or 2. Do not attempt to select a port for which no hardware is present. The third option to adjust is the Baud rate. This should normally be set to the highest baud rate supported by both machines. The same baud rate must be selected on the SIBO or EPOC device. If the Automatic option is selected then PsiFS will automatically identify the required baud rate for the remote link, but will take longer to establish a connection. This option can be useful if different SIBO or EPOC devices are used with a single RISC OS computer. The printer mirror ignores this setting and always uses the configured baud rate. Finally, the Other options icon should normally be left blank. This feature allows extra options to be passed to serial block drivers that support them. |
Backups are stored by default in a directory called Backups in the same directory as !PsiFS.
An alternative directory may be used by dragging the directory icon and dropping it over a filer window, or dragging a directory icon from a filer window and dropping it over the arrow. Alternatively, any valid path may be typed directly into the Directory containing backup files icon. Options specific to a single disc are set by selecting Backup... from the menu of the appropriate SIBO or EPOC drive icon. If the Open backup options window for unrecognised discs option is selected then PsiFS will automatically open the backup options window when connected to unrecognised discs. |
The default destination for the printer mirror is printer:. This results in output being sent to the active RISC OS printer, which may be changed using !Printers.
It is possible to redirect output to any other RISC OS file or device. The pop-up menu to the right of the Default destination icon provides a list of useful alternatives. Alternatively, any valid filename may be typed directly into the icon. The configured destination is used when the idle icon is clicked on with Adjust or Printer mirror is selected from the iconbar icon menu. However, it is possible to select an alternative destination from the Printer mirror sub-menu. |
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