PsiFS: Contact Details

Mailing Lists

Mailing Lists

Two mailing lists have been created for announcements and discussions concerning PsiFS. These are:
A moderated list for announcements of new beta-test or release versions.
An unmoderated list for discussion of all aspects of PsiFS.

Subscribing and Unsubscribing

To join or remove yourself from either list email with one of the following commands in the message body:
Obtain a summary of the supported commands.
info listname
Retrieve a description of the named list, where listname should be either psifs-announce or psifs-chat.
List all the current mailing lists on the server, whether they are moderated or closed, and whether they are secure.
subscribe listname
Subscribe to the named list, where listname should again be either psifs-announce or psifs-chat.
unsubscribe listname
Unsubscribe from the named list, where listname should again be either psifs-announce or psifs-chat.
Note: Commands must be place in the body of the message, not the subject.

[Contents] [Up] Copyright © Alexander Thoukydides, 1998, 1999