PsiFS: SWI Calls


(SWI &520C7)
Poll the status of an asynchronous remote operation

On entry:R0 =the previously allocated handle for this operation

On exit:R0 =status of the operation
R1 =pointer to null terminated description of status
R2 =pointer to null terminated details, or 0 if none

Interrupts:Interrupt status is undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled

Processor mode:Processor is in SVC mode

Re-entrancy:SWI is not re-entrant

Use: Poll the status of a previously started asynchronous remote operation. The possible values for the status are:
&0000completed successfully
&0001completed with error
&0100operation starting
&0101operation in progress
&1000reading list of open files
&1001reading command line for an open file
&1002closing a file
&1003opening a file

If an error has been produced, then R2 will point to the text of the error.

The returned pointers only remain valid until the next call of this SWI. If the values need to be kept then they must be copied immediately.

Related SWIs:PsiFS_AsyncStart, PsiFS_AsyncEnd, PsiFS_AsyncControl

Related vectors:None

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