PsiFS: SWI Calls


(SWI &520C2)
Modify a PsiFS option

On entry:R0 =option to modify
If the option specified by R0 requires a numeric value
R1 =value to set
If the option specified by R0 requires a string value
R1 =pointer to control-character terminated string

On exit:Registers preserved

Interrupts:Interrupt status is undefined
Fast interrupts are enabled

Processor mode:Processor is in SVC mode

Re-entrancy:SWI is not re-entrant

Use: This call sets the value of a PsiFS option. An error may be returned if an attempt is made to modify an option that is meaningless for the current mode of operation.

The options that may be set are:
&100stringname of the serial block driver
&101numericserial block driver port number
&102numericserial block driver baud rate
&103stringoptional extra serial block driver options
&104numericautomatic baud rate identification mode

Related SWIs:PsiFS_Get, PsiFS_Mode

Related vectors:None

PsiFS_Get &100
(SWI &520C2)
Set the serial block driver name

On entry:R0 =&100
R1 =pointer to control-character terminated serial block driver name string

On exit:Registers preserved

Use: This call sets the name of the configured serial block driver.

PsiFS_Get &101
(SWI &520C2)
Set the serial block driver port number

On entry:R0 =&101

On exit:R1 =port number (0 for the first)

On exit:Registers preserved

Use: This call sets the configured serial block driver port number.

PsiFS_Get &102
(SWI &520C2)
Set the serial block driver baud rate

On entry:R0 =&102

On exit:R1 =baud rate

On exit:Registers preserved

Use: This call sets the configured serial block driver baud rate. If the requested baud rate is not available then a valid alternative is selected.

PsiFS_Get &103
(SWI &520C2)
Set the serial block driver options

On entry:R0 =&103
R1 =pointer to control-character terminated serial block driver options string

On exit:Registers preserved

Use: This call sets the optional parameter string of the configured serial block driver.

PsiFS_Get &104
(SWI &520C2)
Set the automatic baud rate identification mode

On entry:R0 =&104

On exit:R1 =automatic baud rate identification (0 disables)

On exit:Registers preserved

Use: This call enables or disables automatic baud rate identification. Only the remote link is affected; the printer mirror always uses the configured baud rate.

[Contents] [Up] Copyright © Alexander Thoukydides, 1998, 1999