PsiFS: Menu Entries



Selecting the Configure... menu entry opens the PsiFS configuration window. There are three buttons at the bottom of the window:
  • Save - Save the displayed options for use during subsequent sessions. Note that this does not change the options for the current session.
  • Cancel - Close the window without applying any changes. Clicking with Adjust leaves the window open, but resets the options to their previous values.
  • OK - Apply the displayed changes. Clicking with Adjust applies the changes without closing the window.

The rest of the window allows various aspects of PsiFS to be configured.

Serial block driver

The top section of the window allows the serial block driver to be configured for communication with a SIBO or EPOC device. The options are:
  • Driver name - The name of the serial block driver to use. This should normally be InternalPC if the standard serial port is being used. Use the appropriate driver if extra serial ports are fitted to the computer.
  • Port number - The number of the serial port to use. For each block driver the port numbering starts from 0.
  • Baud rate - The serial baud rate to use. This should normally be set to the highest baud rate supported by both machines.
  • Automatic - Enable or disable automatic baud rate identification. This option may be useful if different SIBO or EPOC devices are used, although establishing a connection will take longer. This only affects operation of the remote link; the printer mirror always uses the specified baud rate.
  • Other options - Any other options required for the selected block driver. This should normally be left blank.
These options may also be changed using the *PsiFSDriver command.

The list of baud rates is normally restricted to those that are likely to be useful. It is possible to enable display of all available baud rates by adding the line BlockdriverRestrictBaud=False to the PsiFS configuration file (either !Boot.Choices.PsiFS.Config or !PsiFS.Config.Config, depending upon the computer's configuration).

Filer options

The middle section of the window controls the behaviour of the desktop filer. The options are:
  • Show drive icon - This controls which drive icons are shown on the iconbar:
    • for non-ROM drives - an icon is shown for each non-ROM drive that is accessible.
    • for every drive - an icon is shown for all accessible drives.
    • for virtual drive only - a single icon is shown for a special virtual drive that has all of the accessible drives represented by subdirectories.
  • Open filer windows - This controls when filer windows are opened:
    • manually only - filer windows are never opened automatically.
    • when remote link connected - filer windows are automatically opened for all available drives when a remote link is connected.
  • Close filer windows - This controls when filer windows are closed:
    • manually only - filer windows are never closed automatically.
    • when file system killed - filer windows are only closed automatically when the PsiFS file system is killed at the same time as the desktop filer.
    • when remote link disconnected - filer windows are closed whenever a drive becomes unavailable, usually when a remote link is disconnected.

Printer mirror

The final section of the window allows the printer mirror to be configured. The options are:
  • Default destination - The default destination for data received over the serial link in printer mirror mode:
    • parallel: - the parallel port.
    • fastparallel: - the parallel port in fast Centronics mode.
    • serial: - the interbal serial port (only available if PsiFS is configure to use a different port).
    • netprint: - a network printer.
    • null: - the null device (all data is discarded).
    • printer: - the active printer (selected using !Printers).
    • printer#parallel: - a printer connected to the parallel port.
    • printer#serial: - a printer connected to the serial port.
    • printer#user: - a user printer device.
    • printer#null: - a null printer device (all data is discarded).
    • <wimp$scrapdir>.printout - a temporary file (useful for trouble shooting).
    • pipe:$.printout - a pipe (useful for trouble shooting).
    Alternatively, any valid filename may be typed directly into the icon. This setting is used when the idle icon is clicked on with Adjust or Printer mirror is selected from the iconbar icon menu.
The *PsiFSEnable command can also be used to start the printer mirror and set the destination filename.

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