PsiFS: Menu Entries

Printer Mirror

Printer mirror

Selecting the Printer mirror menu entry enables the printer mirror with received data redirected to the configured default destination. The printer mirror icon is displayed to indicate the new state.

This has the same effect as clicking on the iconbar icon with Adjust.

Moving the mouse pointer to the right over the Printer mirror sub-menu icon displays the following menu:
Printer mirror
Parallel printer
Serial printer
Print to file

Serial settings

The printer mirror uses the configured serial block driver and baud rate. The SIBO or EPOC device must be configured to use the same baud rate, and the following data format and handshaking:
Data formatHandshaking
Data bits8XON/XOFFNo
Stop bits1RTS/CTSYes
Ignore parityYesDCDNo

Note that the remote link must be switched off on the SIBO or EPOC device before attempting to use the printer mirror feature. Failure to do this will result in garbage being printed.

Printer mirror > Parallel printer

Selecting the Parallel printer menu entry, from the Printer mirror menu, enables the printer mirror with received data redirected to the parallel printer port. The printer mirror icon is displayed to indicate the new state.

This is equivalent to using the Print to file option with printer#parallel: selected as the filename.

Printer mirror > Serial printer

Selecting the Serial printer menu entry, from the Printer mirror menu, enables the printer mirror with received data redirected to the internal serial port. The printer mirror icon is displayed to indicate the new state.

This is equivalent to using the Print to file option with printer#serial: selected as the filename. The current serial port settings are used; not those specified in the PsiFS configuration. This option can only be used if PsiFS is configured to use a different serial port for connecting to the SIBO or EPOC device.

Printer mirror > Print to file

Selecting the Print to file menu entry or moving the mouse pointer to the right, from the Printer mirror menu, opens a Print to window allowing a filename to be specified. The printer mirror will be enabled with received data redirected to the specified file or device. The printer mirror icon is displayed to indicate the new state.

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