Welcome to Osiris, the extensible graphing and data analysis package for Psion Series 3a computers. This User Guide has been written in order to help you familiarise yourself with the program before you register it, if you choose to do so. The author welcomes comments on how this Guide might be improved.
Please note that this guide assumes you are already familiar with the basic use of your Psion, and know how to copy files, make directories, use menus etc. If you have problems whilst following the tutorials and reference, please consult the "User Guide" manual provided with your Psion computer.
Wherever a complex keypress is needed, the keys should be held down in the order shown: E.g. Shift-PSION-A (Save as picture) means "Hold down a Shift key, then (keeping Shift held down) hold down the key on the bottom left and then (keeping both keys held) press the letter 'A'.
If you do wish to continue using it, you must pay a small fee for doing so. This is called "registering". You will be given a code which can be entered in the "Register" dialog in the "Special" menu. Once this is done, the limit of 8 equations disappears (along with the "Register" option). You will also receive a priority e-mail address and automatic updates, some of which will be distributed on a "registered users only" basis.
To register, send a cheque for £10.00 made out to the author to the address below with your full name, e-mail and postal address. Alternatively, you may prefer to use RegNet at www.reg.net. This is a secure on-line service which allows you to pay by credit card. An e-mail is then sent to you giving your registration code. Registration by this method costs $20.00. You will need Osiris's RegNet ID which is #7494.
If you do not wish to register, you must delete all files related to Osiris from your Psion and any other computers which you may have copies of these files on. This includes this User Guide and the original zip archive.
Please visit the Havaiki Designs website at http://www.geocities.com/tj_atherton/.