Sadly - and after many years of faithful service - I've had to retire the use of the web form that was on this page as it's now being totally abused by web-bots. It's reached the point where it's forwarding a few hundred spam-bot generated emails every day and I simply cannot keep up.
Similarly I've discontinued the subscriptions for the Pscience5 newsletter and of course the newsletter itself. This was a grand idea that I never really had the time to do enough with. In the end, I had the choice of spending hours on generating newsletters every so often - or adding a few more apps to the collection. It always seemed to make more sense to keep building the collection. And nowadays I'm pushed even just to do that!
So... If you want to get in touch, send me an attachment / file, etc. then you'll need to do it the old-fashioned way I'm afraid! Send an email to - thank you.
Update: Due to a deluge of spam in recent months I've had to close this particular address down. However, just add a "g" between the "martin" and the "@" and you'll get through to me again!
The Psion Digest:
If you're interested in all things EPOC-related then I can heartily recommend the new Psion Digest. Run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, it's a free email digest sent (usually) daily. See here for details. (NB: I've no connection - just a enthusiastic subscriber!).
Thursday, 7 March 2002