File |
Description | (758KB) |
2ConnectU was - as far as I can recall (or find out) - the commercial derivative sold by 2K systems of X-Soft's XConverter. Xconverter is/was a file conversion utility for EPOC - similar in function to nConvert from Neuon. 2K systems took this and added platform-independent connectivity with desktops using TCP/IP over the cable and using your desktop machine's web browser! The original blurb from 2K systems site used to describe it thus:-
"2Connect you is a software package for connecting an Epoc hand-held device to a personal computer. It also allows to copy and save data as well as file conversions to keep data fully useable on both, hand-held and desktop. You wish to edit your Epoc agenda and contacts using Web browser and desktop keyboard? With 2Connect you you get all the facilites. Define your backup rules and choose only the files or directories, you want to save. Restore is simple and can even be made for only one file."
Once you've got it set up (see the Help file for detailed instructions on how to set things up on your desktop machine and EPOC device), it essentially gives you the following:-
• PsiWin and platform independent access to your Psion
• Web browser or FTP access to your Psion with File Manager, Contracts, Backup, Agenda, and File Conversions capability
• File conversion capabilities on the Psion itself
The native file conversion capabilities supported are:-
EPOC Word: Rich Text Format (RTF) without embedded objects, HTML, Text
EPOC Sheet: Delimited Text, MS Excel (import of all versions from 2.1 to 2000, export of 2.1)
EPOC Data: DBase (memo fields compatible with FoxPro 2.6 and dBase III), Text
EPOC Jotter: Text
EPOC Paint: GIF, Windows BMP, JPEG
ZIP: Zip/Unzip files on the Psion
Both 2K systems and X-Soft's websites appear to have gone offline in early 2002 and certainly all the emails I've sent to them recently have bounced. Hence 2ConnectU would appear to be 'abandonware'. v1.0 - All ER5 machines supported. | (1.8MB) |
Two instruction/installation manuals for 2ConnectU in German - kindly donated by Frank Galenzowski. |
5Account (162KB) |
5Account - by Simon Berridge - is a banking and personal ledger system designed specifically to take advantage of the Psion Series 5mx/Revo/7 available functions and databases. Formerly shareware, the author has released a generic registration key to make it freeware. Key is included in the zip file. v5.1 Freeware |
5Account - User Manual (503KB) |
Zipped user manual in PDF format.
Key features of 5Account:
• Many accounts
• Many categories
• Many standing orders
• Many transactions
• QIF Import/Export
• Export to CSV files
• Optimised for speed
• 5Account has been designed to be a friendly intuitive environment and supports both pen/pointer and keyboard entries so that the user can use 5Account as he feels most comfortable.
• 5Account will show the user his net worth at a glance, he can review the transactions within the system, reconcile those transactions, add new transactions, set up standing orders which can be for always or limited by a number of entries or an end date, and modify entries.
• 5Account is a multi-currency system which allows for many currencies. All you have to do is add a new currency, set its conversion rate to your home currency and from then on you can add a transaction in the new currency and the result will be automatically converted to your home currency.
• 5Account lets you maintain these currency conversion rates at any time without affecting the existing written transactions, thereby allowing for daily fluctuations in the rate. | (16KB) |
5Pic is a Series 3.x pic file viewer for EPOC (originally for the Series 5). It'll let you view and print the images - as well as save them in EPOC mbm format. Originally written as freeware in 1998 by Richard Wakelin, his website no longer supports Psions - hence its offering here. v1.01 | (59KB) |
Aaahh is a 'sliding squares' puzzle - i.e. move the mixed up parts of a picture around within a square frame to make the original picture again. Originally freeware from the 'NRG' team in 1997, it's origins are long gone. Designed to run on a 5/mx, it will work in 'letterbox mode' on a S7/nB. v2.21 | (19KB) |
AgnClean by Frank Fiedler is a tool for cleaning up and removing entries in Agenda files. Entries specified by specific symbols in entries, date ranges, or specific text searches. All searches can be done by exclusion also. Originally offered as freeware, Franks site no longer exists. Works on all EPOC platforms. v1.00 | (24KB) |
Also by Frank Fiedler, AgnPrint is a tool for printing ranges within Agenda files. Ranges specified by specific symbols in entries, entry type, date ranges, or specific text searches. All searches can be done by exclusion also. Originally offered as freeware, Franks site no longer exists. Works on all EPOC platforms. v1.04 | (5KB) |
AIM is Dan Ramage's freeware mini-app facilitating the use of AOL's Instant Messaging software on EPOC. Requires EPOC Release 5 with Java and a working net connection. Runs best on a Series 7 or netBook. v1.00 | (11KB) |
AppLink is a program to produce files which link to EPOC applications, similar to shortcuts in Windows or aliases on the Macintosh. An AppLink file has the same icon as the application to which it is linked, and is very small (only 16 bytes). Tapping on the AppLink icon launches the application. Unlike other shortcut programs for the Psion, you do not need to have AppLink running in the background (or even installed) for AppLinks to work – they are handled by EPOC itself. It was published as un-crippled shareware by KuDaTa in 2002 but their website has disappeared so I guess it's abandoned now. v1.03b |
AstroPlan (108KB) |
AstroPlan by Philippe Laurent is an astrology program for the Series 5/mx. Works okay on a netBook/S7 but I don't think it'll work on a revo. v1.2 | (205KB) |
Purple Software's critically acclaimed version of Backgammon enables you to play this most popular of board games to a high standard anytime, anywhere. This game was originally sold commercially but is now being offered for free by ZingMagic, the new owner of Purple's EPOC software. Compatible with: revo, S5/mx, S7/nB. v2.00 |
Berlitz Phrase Book (248KB) |
Phrase Book was a commercial application that was originally released for the Psion Series 5/mx, but is also compatible with a Series 7 or Netbook (not sure about the revo - haven't checked, sorry). It no longer appears to be commercially available anywhere (including Psion's own site via Expansys) and so I'm making it available here - although I have seen it offered elsewhere as well. As its name suggests, its a phrase book - in this case for translating typical or common scenario phrases between 13 different languages. Specifically: Dutch, English, Italian, Danish, French, German, Hungarian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. v1.00F (Build 970926) |
Berlitz Phrase Book - colour patch (96KB) |
Colin Messer has kindly generated some replacement colour icons for Berlitz Phrase Book when running on a netBook/Series7/netpad/etc. Simply copy the file contained in the zip to c:\system\apps\phrase\ (or same on d: if installed on CF) and replace the original file. |
Berlitz Phrase Book - revo patch (12KB) |
Colin Messer has also kindly generated some replacement icons for Berlitz Phrase Book when running on a revo to make it run better. Simply copy the file contained in the zip to c:\system\apps\phrase\ and replace the original file. | (246KB) |
Backgammon colour graphics plug in for the Psion Series 7/netBook. Simply download and install the zipped .SIS as any normal application. Use the Preferences menu option in Backgammon to choose the new graphics set. | (64KB) |
Bloobox - released as freeware by Wired Pr0tea and Phull Phat Software in 1998-99 - was essentially a phreaking aid/program. And if you don't know what 'phreaking' is then you almost certainly won't be interested in this software! v0.9b | (56KB) |
BusyView gives 4 additional views for your Agenda file(s): Busy view, Calendar view, List view, and Horizontal view. Sadly its author - Lieuwe de Vries - died in late 2002. However his family have very kindly consented for his programs to be released freely to the community. Hence here is the last version he published (v2.60) with a generic registration code in the zip file so that his work can continue to be useful to those who never knew him or his software when he was alive. Believed to be compatible with all EPOC ER5 machines. | (17KB) |
CBeam is still available from the C-Pen site but not very widely known I suspect (hence 'Found' only!). It offers similar functionality as plBeam (beaming of files via Infrared using the IRObex standard used by PC's and some other PDA's). Freeware - v1.01 | (4KB) |
CharMap from the former PelicanSoft is a simple freeware ASCII Character Map for EPOC - similar to Character Map in Windows. It is Pen compatible and you can use the copy/paste button on the screen to copy the highlighted character to the clipboard. Compatible with the 5/5mx and works fine on a netBook/S7 in 'letterbox' mode. I don't think it will work properly on a revo as much of the display will be missing. v1.01 | (159KB) |
Checkers (or Draughts) is the classic strategy board game with the goal of capturing all the opponent’s pieces. The game is deceptively simple yet full of intricacy as those that take on the Expert level will find. This game was originally sold commercially by Purple Software but is now being offered for free by ZingMagic, the new owner of their software. Compatible with: revo, S5/mx, S7/nB. v2.00F (101) | (306KB) |
Checkers colour graphics plug in for Psion Series 7/netBook. Simply download and install the zipped .SIS as any normal application. Use the Preferences menu option in Checkers to choose the new graphics set. | (88KB) |
Regardless of your playing level, Purple Software's award winning Chess is a stimulating and challenging game for beginners and champions alike. This game was originally sold commercially but is now being offered for free by ZingMagic, the new owner of Purple's EPOC software. Compatible with: revo, S5/mx, S7/nB. v1.06 (NB: Installs as v1.05 but it's actually v1.06) | (139KB) |
This is an earlier version of Purple's Chess. v1.06 of Chess made the program revo-compatible but seems to have lost the 3D view. This v1.03 has that 3D view but I don't think it's revo-friendly. Hence I'd tend to recomend this version for all machines except the revo/mako. | (214KB) |
Purple Software’s critically acclaimed Chinese Chess application is a stimulating and interesting alternative to western Chess. This game was originally sold commercially but is now being offered for free by ZingMagic, the new owner of Purple's EPOC software. Compatible with: revo, S5/mx, S7/nB. v2.00F (101) NB: There's also a colour patch availailable for this program on the Colour Icons page. |
Clip5Art (206KB) |
A collection of monochrome clipart in Sketch format. Categories include: Everyday, Faces/Animals/Charactertures, PC, Shapes & Pattern, Signs & Symbols, and Work. | (28KB) |
'Clueless' v1.0 published by Damien Lewis in 1999 is a freeware crossword program capable of importing and running standard crossword format files. It was designed for the Series 5/mx but works on the larger colour machines - albeit in a reduced letterbox format (and the colour masking on the toolbar isn't great). Doubt whether it'll work well on a revo. Also, it was pre-SIS install files - so it's a manual install per the included instructions. | (99KB) |
Conjugue - published by Jean-Baptiste Lernout in 2000 - is a program for conjugating French verbs into the most common tenses. The author has stopped supporting this program and has been sending out copies of the keygen - hence his keygen is supplied here. v3.0 | (68KB) |
ConvertPro - by Purple Software - is an extensible conversions program for all EPOC machines. It handles conversions for Acceleration, Area, Circles, Currency, Dates, Density, Energy, General Constants, Illuminance, Length, Mass, Multiples, Permutations, Power, Pressure, Temperatures, VAT Calculations, Velocity, and Volumes as standard. I've also included a importable category covering WeightWatchers Points.
It was originally a commercial product but was given away for free by Purple after a while - hence why I've included it here. If anyone has any additional categories of their own, please feel free to send them to me and I'll include them in this download file. The colour icon/patch for the program is in my normal Colour Icons files. v1.01F (042) | (55KB) |
DCustom is a small template utility that extends the new file dialog in the system app; to allow new files to be created based on existing files placed in a C:\Template directory. I have added a PDF file to the zip explaining its use. v1.01 |
Dic (843KB) |
Dic is a dictionary handling program. It's supplied here with 7 dictionaries which are: German>Norwegian, English>Norwegian, English>French, English>Flemish, English>Swedish, Norwegian>German, and Norwegian>English (I believe - please let me know if I have some of this incorrect and I'll correct this list). It's believed however that there were originally many more dictionaries available for the program and so if you know of any or have any please email them to me in order that they can be shared with others. Dic was originally written by Otfried Cheong in 1998 and was supplied as freeware as far as I know. v1.06 |
Dic files... |
A collection of Dictionary files for use with the above application. |
DirPrint4 (4KB) |
What are all those files on my Psion? DirPrint4 - 'Directory Print v4' - will give you a complete listing, sorted by date last accessed, which means it is also useful for finding that file you were working on just recently. Freeware from Robert Longbottom. v4 | (4KB) |
DriveMap5 is a small EPOC/32 utility that adds Windows style Drive Mapping to your palmtop computer. The program can be activated from the Extras bar and allows you to map or unmap drives H to Y. Similar in function to YFH Subst below, it was published by Graham Crichton of Medialinx Software in 1999 as freeware. v1.00 | (1.4MB) |
DsLink is a small windows utility that allows EPOC devices to connect to the internet via a Windows 95/98/Me/2k/XP PC. For example you can use it to log on to your email server (internet) and download your email. Originally published by David Spooner's Makesure Services Ltd. as uncrippled shareware, it was sold to another company but now appears to be unavailable. I've added a couple of PDF files explaining how to set it up (generated from their original website and from one on revoworld). v1.00 (010) | (139KB) |
DstEdit is a basic text file manager. It allows you to 'attach' pain text files and load/edit/save them in a simple built in text editor. I have added a PDF file to the zip explaining its use. v1.2 | (18KB) |
Dual_O - by Lutz Wohlfarth - is a program designed to allow the installation and use of both versions of Opera (v3.62 and v5.14) on your machine at the same time. v1.00 Freeware | (479KB) |
EDU - Essential Disk Utilities - from Atelier was effectively the 'Norton Utilities' of its time for EPOC. Atelier stopped selling EPOC software 3 or 4 years ago and quit the PDA market entirely a couple of years ago as far as I can tell. My emails to them have gone unanswered. Hence - and after considerable encouragement by various members of the EPOC community (and some soul-searching on my part) - I have decided to call it 'Abandoned' and offer it for download here.
Essential Disk Utilities contains 4 full-fledged applications :
• A check and repair utility that checks and repairs corrupt disks, lost files, etc.
• A high speed disk defragmenter that optimises your disk space (both internal and CompactFlash)
• A new disk formatter that allows you to customise your disks so that no space is wasted
• A disk editor that allows you to view and edit (for example you are able to find lost data)
v1.00 of all 4 applications. Compatible with Series 5, 5mx, MC218, Geofox, Series 7, and netBook. I don't believe that it is fully compatible with the revo/revo+ due to the screen size. | (52KB) |
Atelier released an update to Optimize (in EDU above). Early versions of the update wiped the older versions of the .aif, .mbm, and .rsc files when it installed (making the app unusable!). However this is a later download which works fine. Apparently "This fixes a problem in earlier version of Optimize that could cause Optimize to refuse to optimize certain Compact Flash Cards and to exit with a "Panic 21" error". | (95KB) |
Psion/Symbian's text editor application. Essentially performs the same as Notepad in Windows - ideal for quick text editing as well as more complex stuff. 3 versions supplied in this zip file: monochrome, colour, and Wins (PC emulator). Runs on any ER5 machine. v1.41(049) | (64KB) |
Empower - written by Ian Leake in 1999 - is an integrated contact management suite offering contacts, task, and expense management. Freeware - works on 5, 5mx, S7, netBook. v1.04 | (282KB) |
This was a freeware offering from Palmtop (nowadays called TomTom) and was the first 1st-person perspective shoot-em-up clone (i.e. in the 'Doom' genre) for the EPOC platform. Palmtop/TomTom no longer offer any EPOC software so here it is... Believed to be compatible with all EPOC ER5 machines. Includes a 'game wad' for actually running and 'makegame' for compiling your own scenarios. | (57KB) |
It looks easy but you will require all your powers of deductive reasoning to crack the master level code in less than 14 turns. Essentially 'Mastermind' re-worked. This game was originally sold commercially by Purple Software but is now being offered for free by ZingMagic, the new owner of their software. Compatible with: S5/mx. v1.02F (020) | (255KB) |
Dancing Baby is back! Here is the original baby dance packed with a digital soundtrack. Not so much a 'game' as an interesting animation demo. Originally released as freeware by BeeLogic, the program works on 5/mx and S7/nB machines. v1.0 | (52KB) |
EpocToday was developed by Chris Selby in 1999 as 'Today' view for the Psion 5/mx/7/nB; similar to the Today view available on the revo/+. It was never completely finished (e.g. Email support is disabled on ER5 machines) although works well enough in its current form. It was released as an open source project and so I have also put the source code for it on the ‘Lost & Found - Programmers corner’ page. Freeware. v0.62ß | (80KB) |
Written by David Sansome in 2000, Space Exodus is a space adventure platform game. Contains a built-in level editor so that you can design your own games too. Designed to work on a 5/mx but will work on nB/S7 in 'letterbox mode'. Freeware - v3.0 | (70KB) |
Written by David Sansome in 2000, Space Exodus is a space adventure platform game. Contains a built-in level editor so that you can design your own games too. This version designed to work on a revo/revo+/mako (although will work on any EPOC device - albeit in a revo 'small screen' mode). Freeware - v2.01. |
Ferret (51KB) |
Ferret is a powerful search utility for EPOC-based machines. It provides file search functions based either on the name or characteristics of the file, or by text contained within the file. It is programmed in C++ and operates quickly, in the background if necessary, searching for files that fit the search criteria and displaying them in a table output. Ferret was released by Nutshell software in 1998 as shareware but Nutshell have long since disappeared so I am supplying it with a generic registration code as 'Abandonware'. Works on 5/mx and S7/nB in 'letterbox' mode. v1.1 | (66KB) |
Purple Software's freeware phone number update program. Originally released to coincide with the UK's 'Big Number' change in 2000, FixIt is designed to update phone numbers stored in your Data or Contacts database to reflect changes to area dialling codes. NB: Note that it isn't just for the number change in 2000 - it can handle any 'search&replace' function you wish to carry out on your Contacts or Data database. | (119KB) |
FlipFlop is a card solitaire type game played with a standard pack of fifty-two playing cards without Jokers. Originally freeware from Purple Software. Runs in colour and full-screen on colour machines as well as standard mode on 5/mx machines. v1.03 | (168KB) |
Four In A Line is the perfect game for those who look for a quick five-minute pleasure fix whilst on the run - essentially it's 'Connect4' on a Psion! This game was originally sold commercially by Purple Software but is now being offered for free by ZingMagic, the new owner of their software. Compatible with: revo, S5/mx, S7/nB. v1.00F | (196KB) |
Four In A Line colour graphics plug in for Psion Series 7/netBook. Simply download and install the zipped .SIS as any normal application. Use the Preferences menu option in Four In A Line to choose the new graphics set. | (168KB) |
Gemtile provides instant fun in your Epoc PDA with easy to play -but hard to master- puzzle sets. The object of the game is to remove all the gems (tiles) from the board, unveiling nice pictures from the gameset backdrops. Beelogic produced Gemtile as shareware in 1999. Sadly Beelogic appears to have been defunct from late 2002 and so I'm now offering this program with a generic registration code as 'Abandonware'. Runs on a 5/mx (and S7/nB in 'letterbox' mode). v2.1 | (64KB) |
Written by David Sharp, Goby was the first Gameboy emulator for EPOC. Originally market and sold by David before being sold by Proporta, he has now decided to make the registration key generator available so that anyone can use Goby freely. He has kindly also agreed to let it be hosted here at Pscience5. The reg-key generator is contained in the file but please note that it runs on a PC, not EPOC. Note that there are no Gameboy ROMs here - you need to supply those yourselves. Further details are also available at David's own website: v1.2 | (170KB) |
The ancient game of Gomoku is essentially a very simple one, however as you progress you will be surprised at the richness and strategies required in both defence and attack. This game was originally sold commercially by Purple Software but is now being offered for free by ZingMagic, the new owner of their software. Compatible with: revo, S5/mx, S7/nB. v1.00F | (148KB) |
Gomoku colour graphics plug in for Psion Series 7/netBook. Simply download and install the zipped .SIS as any normal application. Use the Preferences menu option in Gomoku to choose the new graphics set. |
Hol5 (146KB) |
Hol5 - by Jean Luc Damnet and Reto Beeler - is a program for calculating holidays (e.g. national holidays) or other recurring events, and for writing them to an EPOC agenda. Hol5 is based on the Psion S3 application Hol, written by Odd Gripenstam. The program was released in 1999 as freeware and I thought its web site had disappeared - but in fact it's still available at! Compatible with S5/mx/7/nB. v3.1 |
Hol5 - Birthday Manager (2KB) |
This zip files contains 2 files for use with Hol5: 'Birthday Manager' - a Sheet file that you can use to convert text data exported from your contacts database into Hol5 format, and 'Birthdays template' - a Word file that you can use to create the ".hol" text file from the data you generate in the Birthday Manager sheet. Both files originally published by 'Lord Lucan' (not the original I assume!) but long since lost. | (174KB) |
HomeRun is an addictive card solitaire – played with a standard pack of 52 playing cards and up to 4 Jokers – that combines luck with skill providing hours of fun and entertainment. This game was originally sold commercially by Purple Software but is now being offered for free by ZingMagic, the new owner of their software. Compatible with: S5/mx, S7/nB. v1.01F | (58KB) |
The IMAP4 patch from Psion that lets you use IMAP4 email with your ER5 email program. | (120KB) |
Invasion - by Thomas Ashton - is a graphics game falling under the 'Command & Conquer' genre. As far as I've been able to ascertain, Thomas quit things Psion back in 1998-1999. Emails to the supplied address bounce and a detailed web-search finds no obvious web presence. Hence this is now being supplied with a generic registration code (in the zip file) for anyone to use. The game was designed for the 5/mx but I'm pleased to note that it plays full-screen on S7, netBook, etc. machines. I don't think it will run properly on revo-size devices however. v1.2 | (60KB) |
Fritz Waechter has very kindly generated a replacement colour icon and graphics patch for Invasion (above). I've added this to the appropriate downloadable colour icon/graphics file - but at 296Kb for the file, I thought people might like an individual download as well! | (217KB) |
A couple of documents from the PsiWin CD - one which describes EPOC's Java implimentation and a User Manual for Java on a Psion. | (2KB) |
JavaSweep - a Rogue Java Process terminator (released in 1999 as freeware by Symbian). When a Java program is running, it is possible if something goes wrong for the user interface part to get closed down while the Java Runtime does not. This means that it's no longer possible for the user to bring up the process in the "Open files / programs" dialog and call Ctrl+Shift+E on it (which is the standard way of closing down a rogue Java process which still has an attached UI). This occurs in particular if Ctrl+Shift+Fn+K (a key combination which closes down standard ER5 applications) is mistakenly used on a Java application. JavaSweep enables the user to terminate these rogue processes. |
K2 (102KB) |
K2 is a little-known (outside of Russia I think anyway) compressed document reader - very similar to Tomereader in principal but apparently with a slightly better compression capability (it uses zip compression natively). Written by Robin Hood in 2002, it has (IMHO) the following advantages over Tomeraider: 1) Better compression (by about 5-10% I think), 2) Faster (believe it or not!), and 3) It's free! The help file is in Russian but I don't think this is a big issue as it's pretty self-explanatory. v2.0 |
K2 files |
A small collection of K2 files for use with the above application. |
Keyboard Layouter (11KB) |
Keyboard Layouter - by Bodo Maass - allows easy redefinition of the Psion keyboard. Rather than being aimed at redefining individual keys, the program is really for redefining the whole keyboard. For example the author of the program was a keen Dvorak keyboard layout user. Freeware. v0.91ß | (8KB) |
These are the original beta Ethernet drivers originally released by Psion for the Series 7. In actual fact they're apparently more alpha than beta... Reported to work with both the Series 7 and the malayBook - but fairly buggy apparently. | (117KB) |
"Lifeplan is an advanced personal information manager (PIM). It allows tasks to be sorted and filtered in up to 40 user-specified views. Tasks can cascade in an outline-like structure..." So said the blurb from Lexden Computer Services before they moved websites and lost all previous references to Lifeplan. However, they were offering it with a free registration code latterly and have kindly given permission for me to offer it here again with that same registration code. v1.06e | (724KB) |
Logit from the former Pelicansoft (see comments in Notepad below) is a client/customer time logging and management program. Essentially the purpose of Logit is to time/track billable events and then log them to file for viewing in the Log view. Compatible with the 5/5mx and netBook/S7. I don't believe that it will work properly on a revo. v1.0 (R3) | (14KB) |
M5Logger - freeware by Mark Riley - is a mileage logging program. It allows you to record your present location and trip (speedometer) reading to a database with a time and date stamped entry. This database records whether the trip is personal or business, the actual mileage completed for the journey and gives sub totals of each type of mileage. Designed to run on a 5/mx but also seems to work reasonably well on a netBook/S7. Won't run on a revo/mako properly. v1.1 | (197KB) |
MBMView was and is the graphics file viewer/manipulator for EPOC and handles MBM, Sketch, BMP, GIF, JPG, and TIFF file formats. Sadly its author - Lieuwe de Vries - died in late 2002. However his family have very kindly consented for his programs to be released freely to the community. Hence here is the last version he published (v4.12) with a generic registration code in the zip file so that his work can continue to be useful to those who never knew him or his software when he was alive. Believed to be compatible with all EPOC ER5 machines. |
MacConnect (1.2MB) |
MacConnect - the equivalent of PsiWin but for the Macintosh. This is version 1.0 (as far as I remember - I haven't used a Mac of any sort for years now) so be sure and also download the various upgrades available on my ‘Lost & Found - Psion Files, EPOC’ pages. |
MacConnect (649KB) |
As above but .sit file format for those that can't easily handle .zip file format. | (33KB) |
MailArc is a message archiver for the Psion ER5 Email program. It enables
received and sent emails and SMS messages to be stored in plain text files, for
archiving or for subsequent import into the Psion Data application. It was published as un-crippled shareware by KuDaTa in 2002 but their website has disappeared so I guess it's abandoned now. Works on all ER5 machines - not Series 5. v1.04b | (19KB) |
Richard Gee's free EPOC program for generating overlay files for Palmtop's Route Planner / Enroute and Street Planner / Citymaps programs from coordinates lists. Text is supported in various longitude-latitude and British OS grid co-ordinate formats. Freeware v2.11 | (15KB) |
Not to be confused with Richard Gee's MakeOver for EPOC program, this is a DOS command-line program for generating overlay files from text files and visa-versa. Originally published by PalmTop as freeware in 1997, the program seems to have long since disappeared. v1.2 | (9KB) |
MasterMind was written and released as freeware by the late Lieuwe de Vries in 1997. It is the classic Mastermind game using letters - 4, 6, or 8 different letters - to represent the different possible colour combinations (it was written prior to colour EPOC machines). In re-releasing it here, all I have done is re-package his original manual installation into a SIS file for ease of use and added the option of installing colour icon files (kindly supplied by Fritz Waechter). NB: The colour toolbar icons don't appear properly on colour machines as Lieuwe did not use masking when he wrote the program originally - it wasn't necessary on a monochrome machine. The program was written for the Psion Series 5 but will also work on a 5mx, Ericsson MC218, and netPad. It will also work on a Series 7 or netBook in 'letterbox' mode. It won't work on a revo/mako as it won't correctly fit the screen. v1.00 |
Maze3D (23KB) |
Maze3D - written by James L. Dean in 1998 - is a freeware game for the Psion Series 5/mx that lets you generate and solve mazes in 3 dimensions. Game also runs on S7/nB in 'letterbox mode'. The OPL source code is included - so it could be adapted for colour and larger screens if someone wants to play with it. v5.1 | (103KB) |
Mbornes5 - by Fred Botton - is one of the original classic Psion Series 5 games. Essentially its an adaption of the French card came, Mille Bornes, which was popular 20 or 30 years ago. It's freeware and still available on the authors website - but I'm including it here for completeness alongside Mbornes7 below. v1.1 here is compatible with the Series 5, 5mx, and MC218. It won't play properly on the revo. | (162KB) |
Mbornes7 is a larger screen colour adaption of Mbornes5 above designed for the Series 7, netBook, etc. This is v1.3 as adapted by Francis Goguelat. Was available as freeware from his site but unfortunately that seems to have disappeared. | (92KB) |
MbornesRevo is a smaller screen adaption of Mbornes5 above designed for the revo, revo+ and Diamond mako. This is v1.2 as adapted by Francis Goguelat. Was available as freeware from his site but unfortunately that seems to have disappeared. | (68KB) |
Meter is a fully configurable counting meter (i.e. timer) - i.e. it lets you create customised meters that update before your eyes. For example: Find out the population growth of China. Show how many hours of sunshine there are left. Want to count down the days until your vacation? Ever wondered how much interest your savings have earned this year? You get the idea... Meter was originally published in 1999 by Xilonen as shareware. They have long since left the EPOC scene and hence I am releasing it as 'Abandonware'. I actually have the source code for it and so might be persuaded to devleop it slightly further if there's enough demand. Designed for the 5/mx, it works on the S7/nB in 'letterbox mode'. v1.00 | (27KB) |
Mind is a 'Mastermind' type game and was released in 1999 by Xilonen as freeware. Designed to run on a 5/mx but works on the S7/nB in 'letterbox format. v1.01 Freeware |
MochaPPP (141KB) |
Similar to DSLink (above), Mocha W32 PPP is a Windows app. that can be used to connect your Psion (or PalmPilot or Windows CE device) to a Windows 95/98/NT/2k/XP directly through a serial cable, giving direct access to the network (Internet) on your local PC. Works with both dial-up and broadband connections (although can't cope with proxy connections as far as I know). There's a good guide on how to configure it for Psion use on Thomas F. van der Zijden's Psi-On Line website. MochaPPP used to be shareware but I'm pleased to say that MochaSoft recently released it as freeware. v4.0 | (187KB) |
"Regardless your age, sex or nationality, you will not need any explanation to get on Mosaic, an electronic version of the best known puzzle ever. The fun is one click ago!" So said the tagline at Beelogic when they produced Mosaic as shareware in 1999. Sadly Beelogic appears to have been defunct from late 2002 and so I'm now offering this program with a generic registration code as 'Abandonware'. Runs on a 5/mx (and S7/nB in 'letterbox' mode). v1.0 | (31KB) |
MyCar is a fuel monitoring program giving data about your fuel consumption, distances travelled, costs (fixed and variable),etc. The info can be displayed in graphs as well as numerically. Freeware and written by Ad Bosch in 1998, it's no longer available from a home website. The program requires a manual installation: create a \System\Apps\MyCar\ folder on your preferred drive and copy the 4 supplied files into it - the icon will appear on the Extras bar. v32.4 (!) | (185KB) |
Navigator is a System replacement program for EPOC machines offering a Windows-style program that handles drag'n'drop file management, zip compression/decompression/viewing, application launching, shortcuts, search capabilities, etc. Originally commercial software from the long-since defunct Purple Software, the program has long been freely available for unrestricted download elsewhere on the web and so I think it fair to call it 'Abandonware' and offer it here also. v1.02F (012) - this version is also optimised for running on full-screen colour machines as well as 5/mx, etc. There are also replacement colour mbm patches and icons for the program on my Colour Icons page... |
Newton keyboard driver (3KB) |
Driver software for a Newton keyboard apparently. | (613Kb) |
No Mans Land is a real time strategy game. It pits you and your army against the computer opponent. Your army must fight for control of the valuable oil fields spread across the various scenarios. You need to balance the effort put into searching and drilling for new oil, attacking your opponents territory and oil fields whilst also building up and maintaining your own defences. No Mans Land was shareware/commercial until recently when its author - Steve Townsend - made it freeware for the EPOC platform whilst developing it further for UIQ phones. He has also kindly given permission for it to be hosted here. See his site: Great Ape Software for further details. Runs on all EPOC machines. v1.51 | (550Kb) |
NotePad by Mark Esposito (one time aka. Pelican Software) is a very powerful hierarchical note taking / organisational tool. Kind've like mind-mapping without the graphics. It was originally a commercial product but Mark Esposito has long been away from the Psion - and indeed the IT - scene (and no longer appears to reply to email). However, those that have had some contact with him just after he left the scene indicate that he had no objection to his programs being distributed. v1.01 (R4)
Update: Ulrich Hornstein has also kindly sent in the original NotePad manual in Pdf together with some NotePad example files. I've added these to the zip file. Many thanks Ulrich. | (81Kb) |
A set of plugins for use with the NotePad program above. | (80KB) |
This is a patch to enable NotePad to work with the newer versions of the ClipText OPX that's supplied with applications such as View+, Conjugue, etc. |
Opera v3.62 (ER3) (208KB) |
Full version of Opera v3.62 for ER3 machines (Series 5, Geofox, Osaris). |
Opera v3.62 (ER5) (213KB) |
Full version of Opera v3.62 for ER5 machines (5mx, MC218, revo, mako, Series 7, netBook, netPad). |
Opera v5.13 (ER3) (997KB) |
Opera v5.13 for ER3 machines (Series 5, Geofox, Osaris). |
Opera v5.13 (ER5) (1.01MB) |
Opera v5.13 for ER5 machines (5mx, MC218, revo, mako, Series 7, netBook, netPad). |
Opera v5.14 (ER3) (998KB) |
Opera v5.14 for ER3 machines (Series 5, Geofox, Osaris). You may also be interested in the 'OperaSettings' file on the ‘Xtra Software’ page. This is a file for replacing the Opera.ini file in c:\System\Apps\Opera\ in order to optimise all of Opera's settings. In theory you can do this from within Opera - except apparently there's a bug within Opera v5.14 in that changes to the security settings are not saved/displayed correctly.
Update: Opera Software have very kindly provided free registration codes for v5.14 for general use. I've added the registration code to the zip file as well as quoting it here. ER3 code is: e-wvSrQ-NAywD-JkUEs-jcLRn-rAnfT |
Opera v5.14 (ER5) (1MB) |
Opera v5.14 for ER5 machines (5mx, MC218, revo, mako, Series 7, netBook, netPad). You may also be interested in the 'OperaSettings' file on the ‘Xtra Software’ page. This is a file for replacing the Opera.ini file in c:\System\Apps\Opera\ in order to optimise all of Opera's settings. In theory you can do this from within Opera - except apparently there's a bug within Opera v5.14 in that changes to the security settings are not saved/displayed correctly.
Update: Opera Software have very kindly provided free registration codes for v5.14 for general use. I've added the registration code to the zip file as well as quoting it here. ER5 code is: e-XfaKu-WsCLh-rLaKT-y3tjW-k76bs | (44KB) |
Psion Games - a website long since gone - offered a couple of games for purchase - PGBalls and PGLines. These are the demo versions of those games. To quote from their website when it existed: "PGBalls is a fascinating puzzle game for children and adults, playing pgBalls you have to be ingenious and fast and this game will help you to improve your attentiveness and fast reaction." I've managed to find a copy of the rules and added these to the zip file. Appears to work on all machines (resizes nicely to larger screens as well as being revo-compatible). v1.00 | (42KB) |
Psion Games - a website long since gone - offered a couple of games for purchase - PGBalls and PGLines. These are the demo versions of those games. To quote from their website when it existed: "PGLines is an addictive board and strategy game for all ages. You can play pgLines during short coffee break or a long flight over the ocean. By playing pgLines with your children you can help them to improve their logic skill and their ability to concentrate. " I've managed to find a copy of the rules and added these to the zip file. Appears to work on all machines (resizes nicely to larger screens as well as being revo-compatible). v1.10 |
PGP for EPOC (208Kb) |
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a PC-based program originally written by Phil Zimmerman for encrypting and digitally signing data - often for the purposes of emailing. Steve Godfrey ported the program (actually PGP version 2.6.3ia) to EPOC and released it as freeware. I have added a PDF version of the FAQ on his former website to the zip file also. v1.02F (001) | (12Kb) |
PNPlus was designed as an add-on utility for Purplesoft's Navigator program allowing control over the remote link as well as providing information on the battery status, power status, memory, etc. Written by Mark Riley as Freeware in 1998. Works on S5/mx and S7/nB (in 'letterbox' mode). v1.0 | (251Kb) |
ParishFinder5 is an app for locating parishes in the UK and their surrounding parishes. Primarily for genealogy purposes I imagine. Freeware. |
Presentation Maker (1.5Mb) |
Psion's Presentation Maker was a commercial application that was originally released for the Psion Series 5/mx, but is also compatible with a Series 7 or Netbook. It provides all the basic formatting tools you would expect, allowing the choice between several predetermined slide designs, including embedding of both 'Sketch' and 'Sheet' objects. Slides can be converted using PsiWin to a format that can be read in PowerPoint to display on a PC, or for further editing.
Presentation Maker no longer appears to be commercially available anywhere (including Psion's own site via Expansys) and so I'm making it available here. It includes the necessary PsiWin converters and the original monochrome Clipart in English, Dutch, French, and German. Colour Icon, patches, and clipart are available on my Colour Icons page. v1.01f (015) |
Presentation Maker User Guide (1.7Mb) |
Somsak Chayapong very kindly scanned in a copy of the User Manual for Presentation Maker. Here it is in zipped PDF format. | (38Kb) |
PsiBio - by Michael Mährlein - is a biorhythm program for your Psion. The author is no longer active and no longer supports his program (so don't try to email him for support) but has kindly given permission for PsiBio to be hosted here. My thanks to Frank Galenzowski for sending this app. and for discussing with the author. Freeware. v1.22 | (29Kb) |
PsiTrex is a program to interface with the Garmin eTrex range of GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers. It was designed with the eTrex Summit model in mind, but is believed to work with the eMap and others in the eTrex range. PsiTrex allows waypoints, routes and tracks to be downloaded from the GPS and saved as text files on the Psion. These files can be modified in a standard text editor, and uploaded back to the GPS. PsiTrex also allows waypoints and routes to be typed in on the Psion, and uploaded directly to the GPS – much easier than using the buttons on the eTrex. It was published as un-crippled shareware by KuDaTa in 2002 but their website has disappeared so I guess it's abandoned now. v1.13b | (9KB) |
Psimple Psimon - Freeware by Julian Samphire - was originally published in 1998 on the long since defunct PlanetEPOC website. It's a simple memory game based on the electronic version of Simple Simon. Compatible with: S5/mx, S7/nB. v1.00 | (29Kb) |
Remapper - by Richard Reeve - is a utility for letting you re-map your keyboard and/or silkscreen keys. Handy if you use a lot of non-basic keyboard keys - or just want to re-assign application silkscreen keys to other applications. It will also record macros of keyboard and/or silkscreen combinations. Written in 1998 and released as Freeware under GNU public license, Richard's website has long since disappeared. Manual installation but instructions included. v1.2 | (3Kb) |
ResCodes (short for Resistor Codes) by Gareth Clarke is a small program for working out the values of resistors and tolerances from their colour codes. Written in 1998 as freeware, his website has long since gone. v1.0 | (11Kb) |
Reversi from EpocWare in 2000 was given away for free as a demo/taster for their Logic & Card Games Pack. I haven't been able to locate their other games (but then they weren't free anyway!) but this one plays a decent game of Reversi/Othello. v1.00 |
Revo-DIY.pdf (215Kb) |
If I recall correctly, this set of instructions on how to make your own revo (!) was published by Psion USA shortly after the revo was announced and demand was (temporarily) outstripping supply. Have fun! | (55KB) |
Rockfall is a one player game based on the age old game Boulder Dash. However, in this version you have to guide your trusty remote controlled robotic miner around the perilous mine avoiding falling rocks and solving puzzles. Originally shareware by Julian Samphire and also published in 1998 on the PlanetEPOC website, I think this can safely be called 'Abandonware' now and so I've supplied it with a generic registration code in the zip file. v1.05 (Don't forget to download the colour icon and patch from the Colour Icons page if you're using it on a colour machine) | (61Kb) |
This was a freeware offering from Palmtop (nowadays called TomTom) and is an secure database application for storing all your PIN numbers, passwords, ID details, etc.., etc. Palmtop/TomTom no longer offer any EPOC software so here it is... Believed to be compatible with all EPOC ER5 machines. v1.1 (Build 16.12.1999) | (41Kb) |
This is Max Westen's adaption of Jon Read's classic original (which was renamed Cascade and included by Psion in the revo's ROM!). Max coloured the program for use on the S7/nB and made more use of the screen-space. Max's website still exists but - try as I might - it doesn't seem possible to get to his Psion page any longer. Freeware - v1.30 |
Shell5 (279KB) |
Shell5 is a command line interpreter which allows basic file operations (copy, delete, rename, etc) as well as many sophisticated features including:
• Ability to add external commands
• Command line recall (command history)
• Filename expansion
• Batch file support
• Command input and output redirection
• Pipe like feature
• Command aliases and shell variables
• Keyboard remapping and macros
• Clipboard and toolbar support
• UNIX or DOS syntax for pathnames
• Built-in editor
• Extensive help
v2.12 Freeware. Source code for v2.12 is also included in the zip file. |
Sketch for Revo (78Kb) |
When Psion released the revo/revo+, one of the criticisms of it was that thay'd removed the Sketch app. from ROM. So Psion released a copy for users to install themselves if they wished. This is it. v1.05 | (111Kb) |
SoundTrans - by John Forrest - is a very handy sound file player/manipulator handling SIBO, EPOC, WAV, and Raw GSM file formats. John disappeared (virtually at least) in 2000 despite a number of attempts from various people to get in contact with him. This last version of the program (v1.07) was sold and branded by RMRSoft and RMR have kindly given the go-ahead for the program to now be released here with a generic registration code. The code is in the zip file. Believed to be compatible with all EPOC ER5 machines. | (106Kb) |
Another freeware offering from Palmtop (nowadays known as TomTom). Palmtop/TomTom no longer offer any EPOC software so here it is... Key points:
• Emulates 48K and 128K Spectrum with Kempston joystick.
• Loads .SNA and .Z80 snapshots and from .TAP tape files. Also loads from .POK files to enable pokes to be activated in games.
• Saves .SNA snapshots and .SCR screenshots.
v4.0 Believed to be compatible with all EPOC ER5 machines. | (16Kb) |
A system task manager/browser/tool - for advanced users only. Freeware. | (140Kb) |
Symlink - also by John Forrest - is an extremely powerful (and sometimes misunderstood) application and system hyperlinking application. At its most basic, it allows you to embed any file type within another (i.e. not just Word, Sheet, Sketch, Record) and provide shortcut links from almost anywhere to anywhere within your EPOC system. Needs to be played with to fully appreciate it! As mentioned earlier, John disappeared (virtually at least) in 2000 despite a number of attempts from various people to get in contact with him. This is the last version of the program (v1.26) that was released and the registration code is in the zip file. Believed to be compatible with all EPOC ER5 machines. | (235Kb) |
This zip file contains both the TCP/IP Update for ER5 machines created by Psion Texlogix and IrLan drivers. The TCP/IP update is designed to prevent EPOC machines (Psion 5, 7, netBook, revo, Ericsson MC218, netPad, etc.) from freezing when connected to ISPs that don't filter out traffic to port 135. Effectively provides the same protection as the 'Sink' program by Hans Lub but without having to run another program. | (41KB) |
Written by Chris Matthee (of nFTP fame) in 1999, Terrace is a solitaire type card game simular to Klondike - but played with two decks of cards. Designed to run on a 5/mx/MC218, it also runs well on larger screen machines. v1.03 Freeware | (153Kb) |
Reversi (or Theole as it is sometimes called) is the classic strategy board game of territorial occupation involving placement & capture of game pieces. This game was originally sold commercially by Purple Software but is now being offered for free by ZingMagic, the new owner of their software. Compatible with: revo, S5/mx, S7/nB. v2.00F (101) | (392Kb) |
Reversi colour graphics plug in for the Psion Series 7/netBook. Simply download and install the zipped .SIS as any normal application. Use the Preferences menu option in Reversi (Theole) to choose the new graphics set. |
TimeLog (97Kb) |
Thomas Nemec's time-on-task logger. His website is long-gone and this shareware app. seems to unregisterable. When I get some free time, I'll try to create a keygen to supply with it. v3.23f(005) |
TimePlan (17Kb) |
Paul Law's time and task planner. Paul's website doesn't exisit any longer and this would certainly appear to be 'abandonware'. Hence I am supplying it with a generic registration code in the zip file. v1.0 | (79KB) |
Trainer is a vocabulary training program (i.e. to help to learn words in a different language, etc.) working on the card-index box principle. It was released in 2000 by Oliver Tölker as shareware but his website has long since gone and there is no response to my attempts to contact him so I have released it here with a generic registration code in the zip file. v1.50 | (212Kb) |
This is the driver software that was developed for use with the "Voyager VGA PCMCIA Bus Super VGA Adapter" - as manufactured by the Colorgraphic Communications Corp. This card plugged into the PCMCIA slot of the S7/nB and the other end would connect to a video projector for use with slide shows, etc. |
VReader5 (84Kb) |
VReader5 is a vertical reader application - i.e. an eBook reader - and worthy competition for Simon Quinn's EBook application (also available as freeware). It allows you to display textual information, stored in eText (electronic text) files, in different orientations, in different font styles, to find and remember places in the text using bookmarks, use selected portions of the text into another application, much like you would do with a real book. VReader5 also works in conjunction with Peter Csutora's Encrypt-it! to enable access to encrypted files, and provides an automatic scrolling mode (autocue) for speakers. Supports TXT, TCR, and Palm Doc (PRC) formats. Freeware. v2.01 | (222Kb) |
The Psion WAPBrowser was developed by Purple Software and distributed for free on the latest PsiWin installation CDs. However, it seems to have largely disappeared from the Web. This is the latest version: 1.00f (56), Stack 1.00 (28) - and installs as v1.04 on the machine itself. The colour icons/patch are available on my colour icons page. | (217Kb) |
As above but German installation. | (217Kb) |
As above but French installation. | (371Kb) |
This was the last version of Web that Psion released - optimised for use on the S7/netBook (colour, etc.). v2.00(49) | (398Kb) |
As above but for the revo/revo+/mako. | (377Kb) |
Mark Needham - the MD at Widget and founder of Widget Software - has kindly given permission for the Widget Leisure Pack to be added to the site. This suite of games includes Bandit (a slot machine simulator), Castle (an interactive text adventure), Chomper (PacMan game), Palmtris (Tetris game), Poker, Solo (Solitaire), and Reversi (Othello game). The suite was originally released in 1997 and so is designed for use on a 5/5mx - although will work in 'letterbox' mode on a S7/nB (it'd be a nice colouring project if anyone wants!). See below for revo/+ version. v5 | (145Kb) |
As per above but sized for the revo/revo plus/mako. | (45KB) |
Wombat Racing - written as freeware by Edward Hannay and David Sansome in 1999 - is a simple gambling game. The aim of the game is to bet money on wombats (which look strangely like sheep) and bankrupt your opponent. Designed to work on a 5/mx, it works in letterbox mode on a S7/nB. v2.0 | (5Kb) |
XChange is a universal currency converter for the Psion
Series 5. Published by Paul Law of LHC Software in September 1997. Compatible with 5, 5mx, and MC218; it will also work on a Series 7/netBook in 'letterbox' mode but won't work properly on a revo/revo+/mako. Freeware. v1.1 | (6Kb) |
YFHSubst - released in 2000 by YFH Software - is a directory substitutor for EPOC - similar to DriveMap5 above. In other words, YFHSubst can be used to map directories to an EPOC drive (c:, d:, etc.). For example, using YFH Subst the directory 'Documents' can be mapped to drive 'M'. The advantage of this is that in the list of drives in the System-screen (visible when you tap the button saying 'C' or 'D' in the corner of your screen on the Task-bar) an extra drive appears (in this case drive 'M'). If this drive is selected, you will automatically jump to the directory mapped to that drive (in this case 'Documents'). This way, you can browse through you folder a lot quicker. This is of particular advantage when browsing large CF disks on d: or e: as it can be significantly faster than using the System screen. Freeware. v1.0 | (63Kb) |
Yacht (aka. Yahtzee) is the classic poker dice game. Roll the dice, generate poker hands and enter the high score hall of fame. This game was originally sold commercially by Purple Software but is now being offered for free by ZingMagic, the new owner of their software. Compatible with: 5/mx,S7/nB. v1.05F (101) | (19Kb) |
iBattery - by Ken Emmanuel - is a battery monitor for the netBook and Series 7 machines. It monitors your main battery, analyses how you use your Psion over time, and provides a range of statistics which are missing in the standard Psion power information dialog. There's also a graph function which shows how the battery decays over time, with a rapid loss in power towards the end. Also, the graph shows how your battery is currently performing in relation to the best performance achieved out of the battery. In this way you can see when you battery is starting to fade quickly after charging. I used to offer a keygen of my own with the program as I believe it to have been abandonned but the author recently contacted me to let me know that he was still accepting registrations at or via email at and therefore I am no longer offering this. |