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Pscience5: Previous home page entries (2005)

Date Link Description
20/12/2005 Lost & Found... "Gemtile provides instant fun in your Epoc PDA with easy to play -but hard to master- puzzle sets. The object of the game is to remove all the gems (tiles) from the board, unveiling nice pictures from the gameset backdrops." Another program from Beelogic that, like Mosaic, appears to be 'Abandonware'. Hence I'm now offering this program with a generic registration code and I've uploaded it to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page.
17/12/2005 Lost & Found... "Regardless your age, sex or nationality, you will not need any explanation to get on Mosaic, an electronic version of the best known puzzle ever. The fun is one click ago!" So said the tagline at Beelogic when they produced Mosaic as shareware in 1999. Sadly Beelogic appears to have been defunct from late 2002 and so I'm now offering this program with a generic registration code as 'Abandonware'. I've uploaded it to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page.
16/12/2005 Lost & Found... Anders Henriksen got in touch to let me know that the links to nZip at Neuon's website were broken. So I've now linked to my own local copies here on the Pscience5 site (‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page). Thanks Anders!
13/12/2005 Xtra Software... I'm delighted to be able to now offer Revertris on the ‘Xtra Software’ page. Revertris is a puzzle game that combines concentration tactics with time-attack arcade action. Using conventional tetramines (tiles made of four linked cells), Revertris starts where Tetris ends, pushing the game to a new level of fun.

Revertris was originally written by BeeLogic but they sold the rights to RMRSoft who in turn marketed it as shareware up until a few months ago. Al Richey at RMR has very kindly provided a generic registation key for it and allowed me to offer it here for free. There are 3 zip files containing versions for the 5/mx, revo/+/mako, and S7/nB as well as zip file containing replacement help files in Danish, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish.
12/12/2005 Xtra Software... Chris Handley (one of my colleagues at FreEPOC) pointed out that the SpeedPatch file I'd previously uploaded for PsiTris was apparently corrupt. In fact, it was one of those RMRZip 'Zip with icon' file types that the latest version of WinZip doesn't like. I've now fixed it and re-uploaded it to the ‘Xtra Software’ page. Sorry about that - and my thanks to Chris for pointing it out
10/12/2005 Lost & Found... I recently came into posession of an interesting document. It's the pre-release version of the PsionLX brochure that was due to be published with the machine's release. Fascinating to see what could have been - and so very nearly was! Makes me wanna cry into my beer! Added to the ‘Lost & Found - Documents’ section.
09/12/2005 Lost & Found... Dancing Baby is back! Here is the original baby dance packed with a digital soundtrack. Not so much a 'game' as an interesting animation demo. Originally released as freeware by BeeLogic, the program works on 5/mx and S7/nB machines. Uploaded to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page.
03/12/2005 Software... I've updated makeBook to v0.25ß. This adds an 'Options' item to the menu structure and the first option is ability to create uncompressed .prc eBooks (default is compressed).
01/12/2005 Xtra Software... Ooops! I didn't update the link to point to the right file yesterday! My apologies - it's fixed now. Martin
30/11/2005 Xtra Software... No sooner than I highlight an update than he goes and releases another one! Alexey Semenov has again upgraded his SDict program for EPOC - to v1.7.3 - and so I've uploaded this newer version to the new ‘Xtra Software’ page. Changes include: GUI cosmetic changes, Maximum article size increased to 256K (which is up to 128K for Cyrillic texts), maximum word size is now 2K, Dynamic memory reallocation for big articles, 'Search in current article' added, Bugfixes... Thanks Alexey!
29/11/2005 Lost & Found... Ken Emmanuel - author of iBattery - got in touch with me to say that he was still alive and kicking and accepting registrations for his program! Hence I've removed the keygen that I previously supplied with the program and given details on the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page of how to register the program. For anyone that doesn't know, iBattery is a battery monitor for the netBook and Series 7 machines. It monitors your main battery, analyses how you use your Psion over time, and provides a range of statistics which are missing in the standard Psion power information dialog. There's also a graph function which shows how the battery decays over time, with a rapid loss in power towards the end. Also, the graph shows how your battery is currently performing in relation to the best performance achieved out of the battery. In this way you can see when you battery is starting to fade quickly after charging.
26/11/2005 Xtra Software... I've uploaded a speed patch for PsiTris 1.5X to the ‘Xtra Software’ and ‘Colour Icons & Patches’ pages. Running Speed Patch will update PsiTris so it can run at the correct speed on your machine. This version of Speed Patch will detect any of the following EPOC machines: Series 5, Geofox One, Series 5mx, Series 5mx PRO, MC218, Series 7, netBook. Kindly sent in by Matthew Walters. I've also move PsiTris to the ‘Xtra Software’ page and removed it from ‘Lost & Found’ since FatCatz kindly gave his permission for it to be hosted on Pscience5.
25/11/2005 Xtra Software... I'm very pleased to be able to announce a full release version of Rob Haskell's Sudoku Generator and Solver program! This version installs vis SIS file as a fully-fledged application, provides scaled views to fit revo/+, 5/mx, and S7/nB sized screens, and will either check/solve existing Su Doku puzzles for you or generate its own for you (or it!) to solve. Freeware with source code. See the ‘Xtra Software’ page for details and download.
24/11/2005 Xtra Software... Ivo Woltring got in touch to say that he'd seen his programs (KeyDirect and ClipIt) on my ‘Lost & Found’ pages and was happy to see his programs still on the web. Since there's still an interest, he's added his Psion programs back onto his website. Hence I've moved these two programs over to my ‘Xtra Software’ page as they're now available online again. KeyDirect has also been upgraded to v3.01 (the latest version) since I only had v2.00 before. However, Ivo no longer uses a Psion and so won't be supporting the software.
23/11/2005 Xtra Software... Alexey Semenov has again upgraded his SDict program for EPOC to v1.7.2 and so I've uploaded this newer version to the new ‘Xtra Software’ page. Changes include: Regexp word search was added, Word history implemented, Bugfixes... Thanks Alexey!
19/11/2005 Lost & Found... I've uploaded Trainer to the ‘Lost & Found - Travel & Language’ page. Trainer is a vocabulary training program (i.e. to help to learn words in a different language, etc.) working on the card-index box principle. It was released in 2000 by Oliver Tölker as shareware but his website has long since gone and there is no response to my attempts to contact him so I have released it here with a generic registration code in the zip file. My thanks to Frank Emmerlich for the program's suggested inclusion.
18/11/2005 Articles... I've compiled my series of WiFi articles into a single complete document (inc. graphics) and added it in both zipped EPOC Word and zipped PDF format to the WiFi Introduction page. My thanks to Kees van der Straten for the suggestion/request.
17/11/2005 Overlays... Jon Bray has very kindly updated his overlay for the English Premier League Football Clubs to the current 2005-2006 season. I've added this file to the Overlays page. Thanks Jon!
16/11/2005 Lost & Found... Stuart Johnson kindly sent me the original alpha drivers for ethernet on the netBook. These are now effectively obsoleted as release-quality versions of these drivers are built into all the last OS images. I've added them to the ‘Lost & Found - Psion: EPOC Files’ page for completeness in case they are useful to someone. Thanks for sending Stuart!
15/11/2005 Xtra Software... RMRSnake is the traditional game of snake for EPOC. I've added a patched - and hence essentially now freeware version - of RMRSnake to the ‘Xtra Software’ page. This patched version has been kindly authorised for release by Andy Harsent (the program's author) and Al Richey (of RMR Software). My thanks to both of them for their consent.
14/11/2005 Dic Files... The last of the collection of Dic files kindly sent in by Jack: Hungarian-English, Hungarian-German, IDP-Latin, Italian-French, Italian-German, Italian-Greek, Spanish-French, Spanish-German Spanish-Greek, Spanish-Italian, Swedish-German, and Welsh-English. Whew!
12/11/2005 Psion LX website under development From one small penguin to another... Someone recently pointed me to the URL on the link here. To explain: it was reasonably well known last year (or rumoured certainly) that Psion were readying a Linux version of the netBookPro. Apparently this particular website development company were developing the website pages for the product - due to be called the Psion LX - but for some reason they never removed the work in progress from the web! I am reliably informed that it only needed a few more weeks of software testing but got canned prematurely - a crying shame IMHO. Déjâ vu anyone?
11/11/2005 Dic Files... And yet more Dic files added courtesy of Jack:- French-German, French-Greek, French-Spanish, German-English, German-French, German-Greek, German-Hungarian, German-Italian, German-Spanish, German-Swedish, Greek-English, Greek-French, Greek-Italian, and Greek-Spanish.
08/11/2005 Dic Files... More Dic files added courtesy of Jack:- English-German, English-Greek, English-Hungarian, English-Icelandic, English-Irish, English-Papiamento, English-Russian, English-Sranan, English-Tagalog, and English-Turkish.
05/11/2005 Dic Files... 'Jack' has kindly sent me a whole collection of dictionary files for use with the Dic program. Here's the first 6 added to the Dic page: Czech-English, English-Africaans, English-Czech, English-Danish, English-Finnish, and English-Frisian. I'll upload more over the next few days... Thanks Jack!
04/11/2005 Lost & Found... Added a link for a zip file of the image of Ericsson's MC218 EPOC Connect CD to the ‘Lost & Found - Psion: EPOC’ page. It also contains the MC218 manual in PDF format. My thanks to 'Alex218' for the tip!
03/11/2005 Like many diehard psioneers I'm sure, I was somewhat dreading the switch back to winter time. Depressed at the days drawing in? Distressed at getting home in the dark?? Nope, the thought of PsiWin insisting on a full backup once my Psion had switched back to winter was that which was filling me with trepidity! 1GB over a 115Kb/s serial link is a slooow thing...

I was slightly surprised therefore when I switched my netBook on on Sunday to find that the time was already correct. Sure enough I realised, AlarmPlus had done what I'd forgotten it would do and automatically adjusted the settings. I was however even more somewhat delighted this morning when I bit the bullet and decided to start the PsiWin backup. After churning away at its analysis for a few minutes, it started backing up - and told me that it'd take all of 4½ minutes to do it! Sure enough, it just did its incremental backup as normal! I can only assume therefore that an undocumented feature of AlarmPlus is that it adjusts the Summer Time settings in such a way that PsiWin doesn't think that the global time stamp has changed.

Excellent news! And reason enough to justify installing AlarmPlus just before the switchover dates in future for anyone that doesn't want to use it at any other time.
02/11/2005 Lost & Found... I've added a printer driver for the Seiko DPU-3445 printer to the ‘Lost & Found - Printers!’ page. Kindly donated by 'Alex218' (his preferred nom-de-plume).
01/11/2005 Articles... I've added another section to the end of my last WiFi article. Specifically it talks about how I extended the range of my 802.11b coverage to get connectivity throughout my house...
29/10/2005 Software... I've updated my program makeBook to v0.2ß. This version has the added functionality of being able to compile/decompile .tcr eBooks as well as .prc format. More updates to follow...
28/10/2005 Lost & Found... Stuart Johnson kindly sent me a copy of Bloobox recently and I've now added this to the ‘Lost & Found - Communications’ page. Bloobox - released as freeware by Wired Pr0tea and Phull Phat Software in 1998-99 - was essentially a phreaking aid/program. And if you don't know what 'phreaking' is then you almost certainly won't be interested in this software! Thanks for the contribution Stuart!
27/10/2005 Colour Icons... At long last - and after much helpful input and contributions from people such as Eric de Bruijn, Oscar Dario Lopez, Kees van der Straten, and Matthew Walters - I'm pleased to be able to say that the Colour Icons files have been updated again with new colour icons and patches. Specific additions/changes are:

Bomz5, CMagic5, Conjugue.aif, Converter (aif + patch - alternative versions), Converti (alternative version), CronTab (alternative version), EEC5 (alternative version), EpocSync patch (alternative version), EpocToday (aif + patch), ERubik, Ferret, Ferret (alternative version), Ferret (patch), Locker (improved version), Moon, Orga (aif + patch - alternative version), PostIt (alternative version), PowerBase (alternative version), PsiBATT, PsiNMEA, Reclaim (alternative version), Redate, Reminder, RMRTable, ShopCL (icon + patch - alternative versions), Stigma5, Tactile (alternative version), TeamPsion (alternative version), and Wombat.

This brings the total up to something like 471 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 147 colour patches for programs.
26/10/2005 Colour Icons... Oscar Dario Lopez has also kindly generated a replacement colour mbm patch for Purple's Chinese Chess and as with the Navigator patch yesterday, I've given it a separate entry on the Colour Icons page. This is in addition to the existing replacement aif icon in the file on the same page. Thanks Oscar!
25/10/2005 Colour Icons... Oscar Dario Lopez has kindly generated a couple of replacement colour mbm patches for Purple's Navigator and due to the file sizes I've given them a separate entry on the Colour Icons page. These are in addition to the existing mbm patch and replacement aif icons in the file there. The icons are more XP-esque and feature a proper netBook/Series 7 icon. The larger file also has a very nice startup image. Thanks Oscar!
18/10/2005 Articles... I've uploaded a guest article by Austin Taylor describing his experiences of using a Palmtop GPS unit on a 5mx - but without any car in sight! Also downloadable in zipped PDF format. Thanks Austin!
17/10/2005 A few ardent readers may have noticed a slight tail-off in activity here in the past couple of weeks. There's a few reasons for this (and none of them is anything to worry about - normal service will be restored shortly!). One of them is that a shiny new Nokia 9500 recently came into my possesion and, quite simply, I've been playing!

Oh, oh, I hear you say. Is this the beginning of the end for Martin's affection for things EPOC? Well, I doubt it. It's a nice machine, no doubt, but I'm not keen on the (IMHO) inefficent use of screen space on what was already a smaller resolution screen. It's like Nokia dumbed-down the GUI when they made it so that it could only show you a few things at a time. You can still find the EPOC (ahem, sorry, Symbian 6!) strengths under the interface - but it just seems a little clunky to me. I dare say I'll port a few programs onto it in time - but I certainly don't see me getting rid of my ER5 machines any time soon!
13/10/2005 Lost & Found... My thanks to Peter Jungmann and Fredrik Johansson for sending me v3 of Conjugue. It's now on the ‘Lost & Found - Travel & Language’ page together with its own, author-supplied keygen.
10/10/2005 Xtra Software... Rob Haskell's Sudoku Solver program has been updated and has already evolved into a Sudoku generator and solver! It's still early stages but the core is now in place. Oh, and I've managed to correctly spell 'Sudoku' this time! See the Xtra Software page for details and download...
09/10/2005 Articles... Sorry for the lack of updates in the last few days. I was away travelling on business and just didn't manage to get anything else done. Normal service will be resumed shortly as they say...

It was pointed out in the last few days that the link on my Articles page to the new Partitioning a CF Card article had disappeared. Oops! Sorry about that - I've fixed it now.
03/10/2005 Software... As mentioned last week, I've been working on a small new utility. makeBook is - at this stage at least - just an eBook compiler/decompiler. In other words, it converts text files (.txt) to Aportis eBook (.prc) files and back again. Aportis eBook (.prc) files are those used by programs such as EBook, VReader5, etc. Even this description is somewhat grandiose since all it really is is a front-end for Simon Quinn's port of Makedoc7 called Makedoc. However Makedoc uses a comand line interface and these tend to be at best not very user friendly and at worst downright clunky.

It's still in its early stages but the core functionality seems to work as it should so I'm releasing this version. Expect to see various updates in the coming days and weeks.
30/09/2005 Xtra Software... It's just been pointed out to me (thanks Pete!) that - despite me advertising the Sudoko solver program a few days ago as being on my ‘Xtra Software’ page - it's wasn't there! I could've sworn that I'd...

Oh well, it is now for anyone that was looking for it. Sorry about that!
28/09/2005 I'm starting work on a new program/utility which is going to keep me a bit busy over the next week or two - so don't be too surprised if things seem a little quiet. As soon as I have something worthwhile I'll post alpha and/or beta code. In the meantime, here's a little teaser by way on an icon...
27/09/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded a SSD driver for SiBO machines to the ‘Lost & Found - SiBO’ page. Apparently it's a Series 3 SSD driver for large disks.
24/09/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded Wombat Racing to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page. Wombat Racing - written as freeware by Edward Hannay and David Sansome in 1999 - is a simple gambling game. The aim of the game is to bet money on wombats (which look strangely like sheep) and bankrupt your opponent.
23/09/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded a patched version of Conjugue to the ‘Lost & Found - Travel & Languages’ page. Conjugue - published by Jean-Baptiste Lernout in 2000 - is a program for conjugating French verbs into the most common tenses. It uses an old version of the cliptext.opx built into the SIS file and this version and the program itself wasn't compatible with the latest version of cliptext. I have patched the program and re-packaged the original sis file so that it installs just as the original used to - but is compatible with the latest version of cliptext. My thanks to Jonas Bark for helping to make this happen.
21/09/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded a collection of all the standard OPX's (including the 'Wins' versions and the OHX files) to the ‘Lost & Found - Programmers corner’ page. Specifically: Agenda2, Agnopx, Alarm, Buffer, Cntopx, Dataopx, DButils, Music, SComms, Spell, Subst, Sysram1, Systnifo.
20/09/2005 Xtra Software... Alexey Semenov has let me know that he's again upgraded his SDict program for EPOC to v1.7.0 and so I've uploaded this newer version to the new ‘Xtra Software’ page. Changes include: New 'article auto-open' configurable parameter allows you to open article automatically after some inactivity interval, List-box double tap is now handled, Line spacing is corrected for all zoom rates, Word in article is selected with bigger font, Article renderer was optimized, Bugfixes... Thanks Alexey!
17/09/2005 Xtra Software... A new program - still in its early stages of development - has been contributed by Rob Haskell: Sudoko. This is a (very early) version of a Sudoko solver program for all you Sudoko addicts out there! Think of it as a work in progress and expect to see further updates in the near future.
16/09/2005 Xtra Software... Okay, I think I've correctly reorganised everything to correctly use the new page. As well as adding the appropriate apps. to the new ‘Xtra Software’ page, I've also added a new little utility from Jan Palenicek: BatchRenamer. BatchRenamer is multipurpose renaming utility. It allows you to rename all files in specified folder, create log file with formatting options and also reverse changes based on the log file.
15/09/2005 Xtra Software... I'm in the process of splitting my 'Software' page into two. The new pages will be called 'My Software' and 'Xtra Software' (with apologies in advance to the spelling police - I ran out of space on the button, okay?!). 'My Software' will be, well, exactly what it says. 'Xtra Software' will be other people's software that doesn't really qualify as 'Lost & Found'. Increasingly people are sending me their own software for addition to the site but it's always felt wrong putting it on the 'L&F' pages since it's never been 'Lost'!

So I'll be transferring some programs there in the next few days and adding the new buttons to all the other site pages - as well as adding some new things there that haven't been seen before! Don't go to the page yet, because there's nothing there; trust me.
14/09/2005 Lost & Found... I see that PsiLoc are now offering free registrations for all their Psion software on their site - excellent news about some excellent apps.

I've added another dictionary app / dictionaries that I'm the lookout for to the ‘Lost & Found - Looking for...’ page - Newpolidiom - all help appreciated. Thanks!
13/09/2005 Macros... Jonas Bark has updated his 'LED' macro to v1.2. LED is a macro for controlling the LED on your Psion. It handles 3 languages (English, French, German) as well as having a Morse code function and sound handling too. Updates include: 1) You can now set the pauses between flashing of the LEDs, 2) A frequency-feature for the Fun-Mode has been implemented, 3) It's now possible to activate morse beeps. The macro is compatible with all ER3-ER5 machines, excluding the revo (you can only use beeps instead of the LED). Uploaded to the Macros page. Thanks Jonas!
12/09/2005 Lost & Found... Added the 3 Symbian SDKs (Software Development Kits) to the ‘Lost & Found - Psion: EPOC’ page. I.e. the OPL, Java, and C++ SDKs. Perhaps of most interest is that the Windows EPOC emulator is part of each SDK.
10/09/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded EpocToday to the ‘Lost & Found - PIM & Database’ Page. EpocToday was developed by Chris Selby in 1999 as a 'Today' view for the Psion 5/mx/7/nB; similar to the Today view available on the revo/+. It was never completely finished (e.g. Email support is disabled on ER5 machines) although works well enough in its current form. It was released as an open source project and so I have also put the source code for it on the ‘Lost & Found - Programmer corner’ page. I contemplated trying to finish it myself but in all honesty I simply don't have the time these days and so it would be much better if someone else would have a go at doing it.
08/09/2005 Macros... Uploaded a new macro from Jan Palenicek: DiskList. This macro effectively gives a keyboard shortcut equivalent to tapping the drive icon on the title bar in the System screen. It brings up the list of drives. Especially useful if you use a utility like SecureDrive to create extra drives or have partitioned your CF card into multiple drives. Zip contains explanation and instructions in EPOC Word plus a version of the program that I modified myself which works better with ExtraBars.
07/09/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded the JpegMbm opx to the ‘Lost & Found - Programmers Corner’ pages. This is an opx for converting Jpeg images to EPOC mbm. Zip file includes the ohx file and a sample program by Vinvent Benner (from an article on the former website) for using it.
06/09/2005 Lost & Found... Alexey Semenov has let me know that he's again upgraded his SDict program for EPOC to v1.6.2 and so I've uploaded this newer version to the ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page. Changes include: Width of word-list can be changed on the fly, Logic was changed in full-screen mode, Article zoom capability, and Article position in dictionary is now saved upon exit. Thanks Alexey!

Thanks also for all the feedback, comments, emails, etc. that I've received on the bandwidth issue over the past few days. As a short to medium-term solution I've decided that - since Psion's own software collection (e.g. PsiWin, support files, manuals, etc.) is a) very large (and hence a bandwidth hog), and b) still available (albeit sometime difficult to find) - I'll simply point to their existing download URLs instead of my own for the time being. There's little risk involved in doing this since I still have both local copies and also online copies of everything so should their website go offline then I can switch back very easily. For most users purposes the web pages will stay the same for all intents and purposes.
03/09/2005 Pscience5 Forum Pleased to report that my PsiDat database is all repaired.

On another website related issue, I've been notified by my hosting company that the Pscience5 site is getting near to it's monthly bandwidth limit (10GB). Since they charge what I consider to be a fairly hefty fee for every GB that you exceed this by (£5/GB), I'm trying to think in advance about how best to handle things. I can think of a few suggestions off the top of my head and so I've started a forum topic and a poll on the Pscience5 forum for everyone's inputs. Please visit and let me know what you think - thanks.
01/09/2005 No updates today I'm afraid. My main PsiDat database for the website got corrupted (my fault! ) and I'm having to re-build it...
31/08/2005 Articles... Finished the article describing How to Partition a Compact Flash card. Zip file also available for download containing article in EPOC Word format and PDF format.
30/08/2005 Articles... And yet more!
29/08/2005 Articles... And there's more...
28/08/2005 Articles... More added to the article I started yesterday...
27/08/2005 Articles... As promised yesterday, I've started a new article called ‘Partitioning a Compact Flash card’ that describes how to partition a CF card (sensibly enough!) and what some of the advantages are of doing so. It is and will be a work in progress over the next week but hopefully I'll manage daily updates so be sure and check back as it grows...
26/08/2005 Software... Uploaded DiskBench v2.1 to the ‘Software’ page. DiskBench was originally written by Jan Rydval as a freeware utility for testing Compact Flash (CF) cards speeds. Simon Johns upgraded it to v2.0 last year with the authors permission so that it could cope with cards in the E: drive on Series 7 / netBook machines. To my regret - and with apologies to Simon - I never got around to publishing it. I have now however upgraded Simon's version slightly to allow for still further drives (in a partitioned CF card) all the way up to K: drive.

I'll be introducing a new article over the next few days describing how to partition a CF card - and why you might want to. Stay tuned!
25/08/2005 Lost & Found... Added Psion's OPL Manual (in MS Word format) to the ‘Lost & Found - Documents’ and ‘Lost & Found - Programmers Corner’ pages.
24/08/2005 Lost & Found... Added Psion's Installer application for the Series 5 to the ‘Lost & Found - Psion Support Files: EPOC’ page. This installs the Add/Remove icon to the Control Panel in a Series 5 (not required in any of the other machines as it was built into their ROMs).
23/08/2005 Lost & Found... Alexey Semenov has let me know that he's again upgraded his SDict program for EPOC to v1.6.1 and so I've uploaded this newer version to the ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page. Changes include: PageUp/Down as well as Home/End added, width of word-list is variable, full screen mode. Thanks Alexey!
22/08/2005 Lost & Found... Added Psion's power / battery management upgrade to the ‘Lost & Found - Psion Support Files: EPOC’ page. This was issued by Psion in early 2003 and designed to improve the way the revo deals with battery charging and cycling. My thanks to Bas for tracking it down.
20/08/2005 Lost & Found... Added Psion's Mobile Connectivity Upgrade v2.0 to the ‘Lost & Found - Psion Support Files: EPOC’ page. This is required in order to work with certain phones, especially if GPRS connectivity is required.

Also added a link at the top of the ‘Colour Icons’ page. Jonas Bark has very kindly generated a collection of files listing the contents of the various colour icons collections - both as plain text and pdf. Thanks Jonas.
19/08/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded KeyDirect to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. KeyDirect is a very useful little app that makes redirecting softkeys (like: word, sheet, Cut & paste, zoom, ...) to another application easy. Published as freeware in 2000 by Ivo Woltring, his website now seems to be gone...
18/08/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded a zipped PDF of User Guides for the HP LaserJet 5/M/MP/N/P models to the ‘Lost & Found - Printers!’ page.
17/08/2005 Software... Keith Giles has written his own personal set of instructions and tips for using Macro5 and kindly contributed them here for others. The zip file contains his notes in EPOC Word, MS Word, and plain text. I've uploaded it to both the Software page and to the Macro5 page itself. Thanks Keith!
16/08/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded the last of the User Manuals for the Psions (I think - whew! ) to the ‘Lost & Found - Psion Support files: EPOC’ page. This time User Manuals for the series 7 and 5mx.

It was also pointed out to me recently that I'm incorrectly using "Mb" and "Kb" for megabyte and kilobyte. In fact the acronyms I've been using stand for megabit and kilobit - clearly not what was intended. What makes it worse is that I work in the industry and should really know this stuff! ) Ahem, I'll be updating pages on an ongoing basis as I add stuff to them in the next few days and weeks.

Also updated the ‘Lost & Found - Looking for...’ page
13/08/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded User Manuals for the revo and revo+ to the ‘Lost & Found - Psion Support files: EPOC’ page and also the ‘Lost & Found - Documents’ Page.
12/08/2005 Lost & Found... Added a copy of the User Manual for the Psion 3c to the ‘Lost & Found - Psion Support files: SiBO’ page.
11/08/2005 Lost & Found... I've uploaded a patch for PelicanSoft's NotePad application to the ‘Lost & Found - PIM’ page. The patched files allow the application to work with newer versions of the ClipText OPX (used by a number of newer apps.).
10/08/2005 Lost & Found... Vitek Semenec kindly sent me two more printer drivers: A Czech printer driver for the Canon BJC-50 and -80 (including IrDA) and a printer driver for the Pentax PocketJet 200. I've uploaded these to the ‘Lost & Found - Printers!’ page. Thanks Vitek!
09/08/2005 Lost & Found... Jean Guillonneau kindly pointed out to me that the ClipBit and ClipText OPX's were no longer available on EMCC's website. I've added these to the ‘Lost & Found - Programmers’ page. Thanks Jean!
08/08/2005 Lost & Found... I've added a new page to the ‘Lost & Found’ section - Printers! It was suggested to me by 'Pensioneer' (a Pscience5 contributor) recently that it'd be useful to have an online collection of User Manuals for printers that are known to work with Psion's. This because many of the original printers that were known to work with them are no longer available new and are tending to be bought 2nd-hand from eBay, etc. - often without manuals. Also, there are probably a number of new printers that work directly with the Psions and/or using Andrew Johnson's drivers - but no one seems to be keeping tabs on which do and which don't. So this is just such a collection of manuals. Also, Andrew Johnson has kindly given me permission to link directly to his driver file downloads here as well as keep local copies of everything lest 'something happen' to his website.
06/08/2005 Colour Icons... Kees van der Straten has kindly contributed a colour patch for ProcyonXL. It's fairly large - so I've given it a separate entry on the Colour Icons & Patches page rather than add it to one of the existing files there. See also the ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page for downloads of ProcyonXL.
05/08/2005 Lost & Found... Henk de Koning has kindly contributed a further collection of dictionaries for use with 'Dic'. These are: Dutch-English, Dutch-German, English-Dutch, English-French, English-Italian, English-Latin, English-Portuguese, English-Spanish, French-English, German-Dutch, Italian-English, Portuguese-English, and Spanish-English. I've added them to the same page as yesterday. Thanks Henk!
04/08/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded '' to a new 'Dic' dictionaries page navigable from the ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page (amongst others). This is a set of files, dictionaries, fonts and instructions for adding a couple of Japanese dictionaries (one file for looking up complete words, the other for looking up kanji) to Otfried Cheong's 'Dic' dictionary program. There are also some screenshots of it working on a 5mx. My thanks to the "Pensioneer" (his own nom de plume!) who kindly contributed the files and wrote the accompanying notes, took the screenshots, etc.
03/08/2005 Lost & Found... I'm back from my holidays after a very pleasant (and hot!) week in Corfu. Arrived back to over 450 emails in my Pscience5 account - only about 60 of which weren't spam! Oh well; that's still a lot of emails to respond to and so I'll try and reply to everyone over the next few days.

Alexey Semenov has let me know that he's upgraded his SDict program for EPOC to v1.5 and so I've uploaded this newer version to the ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page. Changes include: Global dictionary scrolling added, AI article formatting mode added, various Bugfixes. Thanks Alexey!
23/07/2005 Colour Icons... Matthew Walters has kindly generated a patch and upgrade for O&X which colours all the icons, extends the toolbar to the correct size for a nB/S7 and has the toolbar recompiled to work with dpToolbar (if installed). More interestingly, he's added a new option to let you pick the image set - Standard (O's and X's), Sport (Football & Cricket), Xmas, or Drink.
22/07/2005 Colour Icons... Thanks to the efforts of Kees van der Straten, Colin Messer, and Cor van Avesaath, I've updated the Colour Icons page again with new icons and patches added. This is a collection of replacement Extras bar icons (aif files) for you to download and use to replace icons on your machine. New icons added were:

AdTrasher, Agn2Mob, Assistant, Astroplan, Backup, BlackJack5, c2f, Chess (alternative icon), Client_L (+ patch), Crypto (alternative icon), DarkHorizon (alternative icon), DriveMap5 (alternative icon), Eec5, ENoteM, EPlayM, Ferret (logo only), Find (alternative icon), FsMan, Gen5 (alternative icon), iLaunch (alternative icon), Imaging, Lingo (alternative icon), MbmUtils, MbmView, Menus5 (patch only), Meter, OandX (+ patch), Optimize, Pgp (alternative icon), Photopal (+ patch), PostIt, PowerBase (alternative icon), SaveMail (alternative icon), SoLune, Solun (patch only), SoundTrans (alternative icon), TasMan (alternative icon), TForce (alternative icon), TheDialer, Tickle, TightVnc2, YFH Subst (alternative icon), and Zheroes.

This brings the total up to something like 445 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 142 colour patches for programs.
21/07/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded 'Ferret' to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. Ferret is a powerful search utility for EPOC-based machines. It provides file search functions based either on the name or characteristics of the file, or by text contained within the file. It was programmed in C++ and operates quickly, in the background if necessary, searching for files that fit the search criteria and displaying them in a table output. Ferret was released by Nutshell software in 1998 as shareware but Nutshell have long since disappeared so I am supplying it with a generic registration code as 'Abandonware'.
20/07/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded the netBook user manual to the ‘Lost & Found - Documents’ and the ‘Lost & Found - Psion Support Files: EPOC’ pages.
19/07/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded ClipIt by Ivo Woltring to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. ClipIt is a multi-clipboard handling program for use by anyone who wants to use (potentially) a database full of different bits of clipboard information. Uses standard Data files for storing the multiple clips.

I finally fixed a problem whereby I'd accidentally put the reg. code for TimePlan into the zip for TimeLog. Actually, I fixed it on my nB months ago - but had forgotten to upload the files to the site. Sorry; now done.

Finally: a request for people to look at the ‘Lost & Found - Looking for...’ page ocassionally. I added a new file that I'm looking for there today and it's building up into a fairly healthy wish-list for stuff that visitors may well have lying around on their hard disks...
18/07/2005 Lost & Found... Just a quickie today - uploaded a Newton keyboard driver to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. Does exactly what it says on the tin I believe...
16/07/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded two versions of 'Space Exodus' to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page. Written as freeware by David Sansome in 2000, Exodus is a space adventure platform game. Contains a built-in level editor so that you can design your own games too. One version is designed for the revo/revo+/mako and the other for 5/mx (although can be used on nB/S7 in 'letterbox mode').
15/07/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded 'CBeam' to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. CBeam is still available from the C-Pen site but not very widely known I suspect (hence 'Found' only!). It offers similar functionality as plBeam (beaming of files over Infrared using the IRObex standard used by PC's and some other PDA's) - except for free.
14/07/2005 SDictionary files... I've added a further 16 dictionaries to the SDictionary page. Specifically: Afrikaans-English, Danish-English, Dutch-English, English-Spanish, English-Finnish, Finnish-English, French-English, German-English, Hungarian-English, Italian-English, Latin-English, Norwegian-English, Portuguese-English, Spanish-English, Swahili-English, and Swedish-English.

I've also added new Forum buttons to every page (and increased pages to a full compliment of buttons as appropriate to improve navigation). So please visit the Forum and say hello!
13/07/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded a zip file with the user manual for the 'Comms' application to the ‘Lost & Found - Documents’ page. Manual is stored in 3 formats: EPOC Word, RFT, and PDF.

Also, I'm in the process of setting up a small forum for Pscience5. It's not fully configured yet but if you're interested please visit the Pscience5 Forum. Feel free to register and post a comment or two. I'll add a proper button link at the top of the pages in the next day or two...
12/07/2005 Lost & Found... Matthew Walters kindly pointed out to me yesterday that the initial file I'd uploaded to the new ‘Lost & Found - Programmers corner’ page wasn't linked to correctly. I've now fixed this and uploaded a few new files there - essentially OPX's for FTP and encryption based on the 'Blowfish' algorythm. Thanks Matthew. Also added a couple more files to the ‘Lost & Found - Looking for...’ page - files that I'm currently trying to track down.
11/07/2005 Lost & Found... As promised on Saturday, I've uploaded a (small, so far) collection of zipped .dct files for use with SDict (below). Links available from the ‘Software’ and ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ pages.
09/07/2005 Lost & Found... There seem to have been a lot of dictionary programs coming up lately! Alexey Semenov got in touch to let me know about his program, SDict, that reads standard platform-independent '.dct' files. Visit his web site for details (link is also on my links page). He's also kindly given me permission to host a copy of his program on the Pscience5 site and so I've uploaded it to the ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page (although of course it's not actually lost - just found!). Alexey has a large collection of dictionaries on his site - although they're stored in bzip2 (bz2) format. I will be uploading a number of these converted to standard zip format in the next few days...
08/07/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded 'Keyboard Layouter' - by Bodo Maass - to ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’. This program allows easy redefinition of the Psion keyboard. Rather than being aimed at redefining individual keys, the program is really for redefining the whole keyboard. For example the author of the program was a keen Dvorak keyboard layout user.
07/07/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded the last of the Binaryfish/Fatcatz programs:

WallpaperMan (uploaded to ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page): WallpaperMan is an advanced wallpaper management system for your EPOC device. It allows you to easily switch between different wallpapers, swap between them automatically, and manage your wallpaper collections.

'RC4 in OPL' (uploaded to new ‘Lost & Found - Programmers corner’ page): This provides the RC4 algorithm source code for both OPL16 and OPL32.

The reason behind the new 'Programmers Corner' section is that useful pieces of code, OPX's, etc. and have never had anywhere to store them online. Also, I've a reasonable collection of code snippets that I've written myself over the years which might be useful to others. I'll upload these in due course.
06/07/2005 Contact... Site maintenance: I've changed the 'Newsletter' page to become the 'Contact' page. It's still where to go if you want to subscribe or unsubscribe to the newsletter but I've added a web-based contact form to make dropping me a line easier. Basically it removes the need for you to use an email to send me a message - might be handy if you're at someone else's machine, at work, etc. Anyway; hopefully I've switched all the links to point to the new page but if I've not I'll clean them up in the next few days...
Oh, and don't worry about the database for the newsletter - it's still as before and existing subscribers are still subscribed.
05/07/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded VRule from Binaryfish (Fatcatz) to the ‘Lost & Found - Utlities’ page. VRule transforms your EPOC device into a virtual rule instantly. You never know when it might come in handy!
04/07/2005 Lost & Found... Another classic from the Binaryfish (Fatcatz) stable uploaded - PsiTris - to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page. PsiTris is the classic falling blocks game (i.e. Tetris) for EPOC. Features: Choice of game styles, endurance or points achieved after 25 lines, Different block styles, Random garbage and random garbage height selection, High score table. Freeware
02/07/2005 Lost & Found... In a brief break from the 'Binaryfish series', I've uploaded K2 to the ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page. Not 'lost' but K2 is a little-known (outside of Russia I think anyway) compressed document reader - very similar to Tomereader in principal but apparently with a slightly better compression capability (it uses zip compression natively). Written by Robin Hood in 2002, it has (IMHO) the following advantages over Tomeraider: 1) Better compression (by about 5-10% I think), 2) Faster (believe it or not!), and 3) It's free! The help file is in Russian but I don't think this is a big issue as it's pretty self-explanatory. I've also uploaded a few dictionaries to a new K2 files page - contributions welcome!
01/07/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded the 3rd in the series of Binaryfish (Fatcatz) programs - EpocBackup - to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. As the name suggests, EpocBackup is a non-Windows back up solution for your EPOC device. EpocBackup helps you protect data from: accidental loss due to hardware or battery failure, as well as accidentally deleted or overwritten files. You can easily restore the data from the back up copy. Using EpocBackup you can: back up selected files and folders, back up files to a FTP site, restore the backed up files and folders to the internal disk or memory disk, password protect and compress your backed up files using the industry standard Zip 2.0 format.
30/06/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded the 2nd in the series of Binaryfish (Fatcatz) programs - MagicKeys - to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. MagicKeys performs two functions: 1) It offers a way to store and quickly insert text, sketch, and other items that you use frequently. 2) It can also collect and paste multiple items. Uploaded with a generic registration key for use as freeware.
29/06/2005 Lost & Found... Two files uploaded to the ‘Lost & Found - Psion’ page: these are patches for the Series 7 OS that were released in 2000 in order to upgrade it from build 754 to build 756. "How can you upgrade the Series 7? It's OS is in ROM!" Well, yes, but it has some Flash ROM also and this was a flash upgrade/patch. There are two versions - a UK English and a US English version. Apparently it fixed a number of system crashes that build 754 was prone to.
28/06/2005 Lost & Found... Gavin at Binaryfish (formerly Fatcatz) has kindly agreed to let me host his EPOC programs on Pscience5 - so I'll be gradually adding these to the ‘Lost & Found’ pages over the coming days. Starting today with Solitaire Deluxe: perhaps the ultimate solitaire card game. Not just one in fact but a collection of solitaire games! Written as freeware in 1999, this is still available on the Binaryfish site. However this copy has more plugins (i.e. games) as well as the SDK for developing more games than the one available on his site.
27/06/2005 Software... Uploaded a new zip file to the ‘Databases’ page containing two Data files entitled Comms Terms and Comms Glossary - a glossary and list of terms used in the Communications industry. Kindly contributed by Jon Baker - thanks Jon.
26/06/2005 Lost & Found... Added the last in the series of Robert Longbottom programs - Companion v1.6 - to the ‘Lost & Found - Communications’ page. Companion is an extension of Signature (also by Robert) which allows you to store email addressess and fax numbers for intserting directly into the email application. It also has a comment option for placing those comment markers (>) in reply to emails. Originally written as shareware, Robert made it freeware earlier this year and so a keygen is included.
25/06/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded another program by Robert Longbottom: Othello (aka. Reversi). Comes with its own keygen as it's now been made freeware. Uploaded to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page.

Also added some more to my WiFi update page. Added another file I'm looking for to the ‘Lost & Found - Looking for...’ page.
24/06/2005 Overlays... Uploaded an updated version of the large overlay database of speed cameras in the UK to the Overlays page - kindly generated by Itamar Engelsman and forwarded by Chris Handley. This database is twice the size of the previous one at almost 6500 entries!
23/06/2005 Articles... I've started writing a new section and update for my WiFi articles. This will describe my experience of upgrading to broadband and how it works with my netBook. It's not complete yet - a work in progress - but I'll finish it in the next few days...
22/06/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded 'Aaahh' to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page. Aaahh is a 'sliding squares' puzzle - i.e. move the mixed up parts of a picture around within a square frame to make the original picture again. Originally freeware from the 'NRG' team in 1997, it's origins are long gone. My thanks to Dolf for sending it in.
21/06/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded another program by Robert Longbottom: OandX. This is the traditional game of Noughts and Crosses, or Tic Tac Toe as it is sometimes called. You can play against the computer or against a friend. Robert thought he'd managed to write an unbeatable level - why not test your skill? Uploaded to ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page.
20/06/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded Master3A, a SiBO program, to the ‘Lost & Found - SiBO’ page today. Released by Achim Rittmeyer in 1994 for both the Series 3 and 3a, it looks to be a classic Mastermind-type program for the platform. My thanks to Richard van Stappershoef for sending it in.
19/06/2005 Lost & Found... This is something I'd forgotten to upload to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page. It's an earlier version of Purple's Chess. v1.06 of Chess made the program revo-compatible but seems to have lost the 3D view. So I've added v1.03 which has that 3D view but I don't think is revo-friendly. Hence I'd tend to recomend this version for all machines except the revo/mako. My thanks to Aidan O'Donnell for reminding me to do something about this!
18/06/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded 'Dic' to the ‘Lost & Found - Travel’ and ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ pages. Dic is a dictionary handling program. It's supplied here with 7 dictionaries which are: German>Norwegian, English>Norwegian, English>French, English>Flemish, English>Swedish, Norwegian>German, and Norwegian>English (I believe - please let me know if I have some of this incorrect and I'll correct this list). It's believed however that there were originally many more dictionaries available for the program and so if you know of any or have any please email them to me in order that they can be shared with others. Dic was originally written by Otfried Cheong in 1998 and was supplied as freeware as far as I know. My thanks to Dolf for sending me this file.
16/06/2005 Colour Icons... David Steer discovered that the version of S5mboles packaged in Cor van Avesaath's colour files used an old version of the Clipbit.opx - and this would cause compatibility problems if installed on machines that used this OPX for other programs such as View+ or the 'fixed' version of NotePad. However, Huub Linthorst had already updated his app. to use the latest version so I've updated the patch on my Colour Icons/Patches page with this new version. Also added new colour S5mboles.ico icons from both myself and David to the package. Thanks David!
15/06/2005 Overlays... Uploaded a new overlay file for Benelux which details all the speed camera positions there. File kindly contributed by Ivan Liesse but originally created by Erik Pietersma.
14/06/2005 Software... I've added a small collection of Tomeraider files to a new Tomeraider section on the Software page. Currently these are files that I keep permanently on my netBook because I've found them so useful - but if you've got any that you feel are equally useful then please send them in and I'll add them to the collection.
11/06/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded another program by Robert Longbottom: Signature. Signature is a small helper app which allows you to add signatures onto the end of emails you write in Psion's email software. There are actually two versions - one for pre-ER5 machines (i.e. using Message Suite) and one for ER5 machines. Uploaded to both the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page as well as the ‘Lost & Found - Comms’ page.
10/06/2005 Lost & Found... I've uploaded the copy of Opera v3.62 that was shipped by Psion at one point on their standard CD to the ‘Lost & Found - Psion Files: EPOC’ page.

Also added a couple more entries to the ‘Lost & Found - Looking for...’ page - software that I'm hunting for to put on the site!
07/06/2005 Colour Icons... I'm very pleased to be able to announce the first public release of a new upgrade for Psion/SGSoftware's Monopoly. This patch upgrades Monopoly to run in colour and full-screen on your Psion Series 7 or netBook. It is based on Steve Godfrey's own (much fabled) upgrade patch but also includes extra colour files from Lewis Barton and myself - e.g. colour toolbar icons, colour program file on the Extras bar, coloured player pieces, better colour dice rendering, some improved board icons, etc. As such, Lewis and I have been referring to this as the Monopoly 'uber-patch'! To illustrate the difference here is an image of 'before' on a netBook and here is an image of 'after' the patch has been applied (NB: both links open new windows).

Important: Installation of this patch/update must be a) over an existing installation of Monopoly, and b) on the same disk as the previous installation. The updated game will not work unless both these conditions are met. The original version of Monopoly is still available for purchase from Handango.

Available for download now on my ‘Colour Icons’ page.
04/06/2005 Overlays... I noticed that Richard Gee's 'Pseudocode' website seems have gone offline. Hence I've uploaded MakeOver (his free EPOC program for generating overlay files for Palmtop's Route Planner / Enroute and Street Planner / Citymaps programs from coordinates lists) to both the ‘Overlays’ page and the ‘Lost & Found - Travel’ page.
03/06/2005 Colour Icons... Cor van Avesaath has very kindly sent in his collection of coloured mbm files for Huub Linthorst's S5mboles application. I've uploaded this to the ‘Colour Icons’ page. Many thanks Cor!
02/06/2005 Lost & Found... To complete the Xilonen portfolio I've also uploaded 'Mind' to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page. Mind is a 'Mastermind' type game and was released in 1999 by Xilonen as freeware.
01/06/2005 Lost & Found... As promised on Saturday, I've uploaded a copy of Meter with a generic registration code to the ‘Lost & Found - Applications’ page. Meter is a fully configurable counting meter (i.e. timer) - i.e. it lets you create customised meters that update before your eyes. For example: Find out the population growth of China. Show how many hours of sunshine there are left. Want to count down the days until your vacation? Ever wondered how much interest your savings have earned this year? You get the idea... Meter was originally published in 1999 by Xilonen as shareware. They have long since left the EPOC scene and hence I am releasing it as 'Abandonware'. I actually have the source code for it and so might be persuaded to devleop it slightly further if there's enough demand.
28/05/2005 Lost & Found... Managed to get hold of a copy of Meter - many thanks to everyone who responded. I'll publish a generic registration version of this program in the next few days...
27/05/2005 Lost & Found... Added another program to the 'Looking for...' page under ‘Lost & Found’ - 'Meter' by Xilonen. If anyone has a copy of this previously shareware program I'd be greatful if they could get in touch - thanks!
26/05/2005 Lost & Found... And another of Robert's programs - Solitaire. This is the classic peg version of Solitaire where you have to jump the pegs over each other and finish with the last peg in the centre hole. The program has a built in solution so you can see how to do it if you can't work it out yourself.
25/05/2005 Lost & Found... Another of Robert's programs - DirPrint4 - uploaded to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. DirPrint4 - 'Directory Print v4' - will give you a complete listing, sorted by date last accessed, which means it is also useful for finding that file you were working on just recently.
24/05/2005 Lost & Found... Robert Longbottom has kindly given permission for his software to be hosted on the Pscience5 site (with his keygens as appropriate) - so I'll be uploading these programs over the next week or two. Starting off today with Tickle which I've uploaded to the ‘Lost & Found - PIM & DataBases’ page:-

Tickle is a list ticking program which allows you to make lists and have multiple columns in which to place ticks when you have started, finished, given up on, or whatever with each item in the list.
21/05/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded PNPlus to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. It was designed as an add-on utility for Purplesoft's Navigator program allowing control over the remote link as well as providing information on the battery status, power status, memory, etc. Written by Mark Riley as Freeware in 1998.
20/05/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded JavaSweep to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. JavaSweep is a small utility (really aimed at programmers - it runs on the command line interface from /System/Programs/) for closing rogue Java programs that haven't properly quit. Freeware from Symbian, it's still available on their site but is fairly obscure. My thanks to Mark Franklin for suggesting it.
19/05/2005 Pan Galactic Guide My thanks to Austin who pointed out that the link on my PGG page for downloading my Psion version of PGG wasn't working. It is now I'm pleased to report.
17/05/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded 'VGASuite' to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. This is the driver software that was developed for use with the "Voyager VGA PCMCIA Bus Super VGA Adapter" - as manufactured by the Colorgraphic Communications Corp.
15/05/2005 Lost & Found... My thanks to: Matthew, Jon, Kees, Volker, Ivan, and Henk who sent me the files I was looking for on my ‘Lost & Found - Looking for...’ page. These will be uploaded to the site during the week.

I've added a couple more requests to the page - hopefully they'll prove slightly more challenging than the previous set! ;¬)
14/05/2005 PDATotaal Meeting Kees van der Straten asked me to mention that PDATotaal in the Netherlands are holding a meet-and-greet get together for Symbian/EPOC users:
"Zaterdag 14 mei 2005 organiseren we een Meet & Greet in Ede. De toegang is gratis en alle PDA's zijn vertegenwoordigd. Het is er altijd erg gezellig en u kunt er met al uw vragen terecht. Hopelijk mogen we u ook ontmoeten."
which translates as:
"On Saturday May 14th, 2005 we are organising a 'Meet & Greet' in Ede, The Netherlands. Entrance is free and all OS systems will be represented. It's always very informal and you'll be able to ask all your questions. Hopefully we can meet you there."
13/05/2005 Lost & Found... I've added a couple of files I'm looking for to the ‘Lost & Found - Looking for’ page...
11/05/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded a Reference File for the MC218 to the ‘Lost & Found - Documents’ section. This was a file (well, a small book!) produced by Ericsson in 1999 but has since gone from their web site.
05/05/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded Maze3D to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page. Written by James L. Dean in 1998, Maze3D is a freeware game for the Psion Series 5/mx that lets you generate and solve mazes in 3 dimensions. Game also runs on S7/nB in 'letterbox mode'. The OPL source code is included - so it could be adapted for colour and larger screens if someone wants to play with it...
05/05/2005 Lost & Found... Steve Godfrey confirmed he was happy for me to have his freeware software on the site and so I've also uploaded copies of the additional files/add-ins to the ‘Lost & Found - Comms’ page and a copy of the PC emulator version of PhoneManPro to the ‘Lost & Found - Wins’ page.
03/05/2005 Lost & Found... If you've been a close watcher of the Psion pscene this past weekend you may have seen this already. I hadn't but Richard van Stappershoef kindly dropped me a note to let me know. ZingMagic (the new owners of Purple Software's EPOC programs) have made many of Purple's EPOC games free on their website ( So I've now zipped them up and uploaded all 10 of them (plus official colour patches for the S7/nB as available) to my ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page. These are 4InALine (aka. Connect4), Backgammon, Checkers (aka. Draughts), Chess, Chiness Chess, Enigma (aka. Mastermind), Gomoku (similar to Go - but not the same!), HomeRun (card game), Theole (aka. Reversi, and Yacht (aka. Yahtzee).

It's a shame that they've not included Purple's version of 'Go' or some of the other software (e.g. PowerBase) but this is still excellent news for all Psion owners!
27/04/2005 Lost & Found... Following on from yesterday, I've uploaded PGP for EPOC to the ‘Lost & Found - Apps’ page. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a PC-based program originally written by Phil Zimmerman for encrypting and digitally signing data - often for the purposes of emailing. Steve Godfrey ported the program (actually PGP version 2.6.3ia) to EPOC and released it as freeware. I have added a PDF version of the FAQ on his former website to the zip file also.

Update: Thomas Ullrich (of PsionWelt fame) has just let me know that Steve Godfrey's site is back up and redirecting to a new URL where all the old apps can once again be found! Oh well, I'll keep these ones here for now and check with Steve if it's okay...
26/04/2005 Lost & Found... It looks like ZenoByte's website has gone offline so I've uploaded a copy of the (now freeware) PhoneManPro to the ‘Lost & Found - Comms’ page. PhoneManPro allows you to send and receive SMS and edit the phonebook on your mobile phone using a computer running the EPOC operating system. It supports both infrared and serial connections to your phone. You can also send email messages via SMS. Additional features, supported by some phones, include allowing you to edit operator logos, set up the ringing pattern on the phone and compose your own melody for the phone’s ring. Melodies can be saved, and Ring profiles allow you to quickly set the phone to a saved ring setup.
20/04/2005 Lost & Found... There were some problems with the files I uploaded yesterday and I'm travelling on business in the US right now so didn't take the time to check the upload - stupid me! Anyway, I've now fixed the problem and re-uploaded the files and all should be well. My thanks to Kees van der Straten for pointing the issues out.
19/04/2005 Lost & Found... Colin Messer has very kindly generated some replacement colour icons for Berlitz Phrase Book when running on a netBook/Series7/netpad/etc together with replacement text icons for Phrase to help it run on a revo more easily. I've uploaded both to the ‘Lost & Found - Travel’ page (i.e. next to the Berlitz Phrase download) as well as a copy of the colour icons to the Colour Icons page (sensibly enough!). Thanks for all your efforts Colin!
16/04/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded XChange to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. XChange is a universal currency converter for the Psion
Series 5. Published by Paul Law of LHC Software as freeware in September 1997. Compatible with 5, 5mx, and MC218; it will also work on a Series 7/netBook in 'letterbox' mode but won't work properly on a revo/revo+/mako.
15/04/2005 Lost & Found... Sadly I've had to remove Calligrapher from the ‘Lost & Found’ pages. Atelier asked me to remove it and of course it's their software so I've complied. Sorry people - them's the rules!
14/04/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded DriveMap5 to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. DriveMap5 is a small EPOC/32 utility that adds Windows style Drive Mapping to your Psion. The program can be activated from the Extras bar and allows you to map or unmap drives H to Y. Similar in function to YFH Subst below, it was published by Graham Crichton of Medialinx Software in 1999 as freeware.
13/04/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded YFHSubst to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. YFHSubst - released in 2000 by YFH Software - is a directory substitutor for EPOC. In other words, YFHSubst can be used to map directories to an EPOC drive (c:, d:, etc.). For example, using YFH Subst the directory 'Documents' can be mapped to drive 'M'. The advantage of this is that in the list of drives in the System-screen (visible when you tap the button saying 'C' or 'D' in the corner of your screen on the Task-bar) an extra drive appears (in this case drive 'M'). If this drive is selected, you will automatically jump to the directory mapped to that drive (in this case 'Documents'). This way, you can browse through you folder a lot quicker. This is of particular advantage when browsing large CF disks on d: or e: as it can be significantly faster than using the System screen. YFH Software don't appear to be around any more so I've added the program here.
12/04/2005 Colour Icons... Thanks to the efforts again of both Kees van der Straten and Fritz Waechter, I've updated the Colour Icons page again with new icons and patches added. This is a collection of replacement Extras bar icons (aif files) for you to download and use to replace icons on your machine. New icons added were:

AOClassify, DigHandler, Encrypt, HtmlConv (icon + patch), HtmlEdit (Icon + patch), MonthMgr, MultiContacts, Navigator (4 icons), Phrase, PostIt, Remapper, TubeRoute, Whist, and Xtras.

This brings the total up to something like 404 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 136 colour patches for programs.
09/04/2005 Overlays... Andrew Moorhouse has very kindly contributed an enormous collection of 768 seperate overlays Route for the UK & Ireland. Uploaded to the Overlays page.
08/04/2005 Lost & Found... I've uploaded MacConnect to the ‘Lost & Found - Apps’ page. MacConnect was the PsiWin of its time for Mac users but hasn't been commercially available for years as far as I know. This is version 1.0 as far as I know so be sure and pick up the appropriate upgrades for your OS version from the ‘Lost & Found - Psion, EPOC’ page too.

Also fixed a slight zip file problem with the collection of macros reported by Richard Corfield - thanks Richard.
06/04/2005 Software... ebc has been upgraded to v1.10. The program now returns to the main menu after single icon colouring instead of quitting. This makes it much easier to colour multiple icons without using the 'colour all' option. ebc is designed to make Jason Kneen's excellent ExtraBars program work in colour on colour machines!
05/04/2005 Lost & Found... Uploaded No Mans Land to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ page. No Mans Land is a real time strategy game. It pits you and your army against the computer opponent. Your army must fight for control of the valuable oil fields spread across the various scenarios. You need to balance the effort put into searching and drilling for new oil, attacking your opponents territory and oil fields whilst also building up and maintaining your own defences. No Mans Land was shareware/commercial until recently when its author - Steve Townsend - made it freeware for the EPOC platform whilst developing it further for UIQ phones. He has also kindly given permission for it to be hosted here. See his site: Great Ape Software for further details.
04/04/2005 Lost & Found... Volker Elbel at Psionwelt pointed out to me that in fact Frank Fiedler's web site hasn't disappeared - it's just moved! You can find his site at My apologies to all for not checking properly! And thanks to Volker for correcting me of course.

As a token of acclamation, I've also uploaded Frank's other utility - AgnPrint - to the same ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ section (although of course neither app. is lost; just found! <grin>). AgnPrint is a tool for printing ranges within Agenda files. Ranges specified by specific symbols in entries, entry type, date ranges, or specific text searches. All searches can be done by exclusion also.
02/04/2005 Lost & Found... Added AgnClean to the ‘Lost & Found - Utilities’ page. AgnClean by Frank Fiedler is a tool for cleaning up and removing entries in Agenda files. Entries specified by specific symbols in entries, date ranges, or specific text searches. All searches can be done by exclusion also.
01/04/2005 Lost & Found... EMCC ( used to write SiBO and EPOC software and published a book called Programming Psion Computers. They now offer a PDF version of the book for free on their site. I've uploaded a copy to the ‘Lost & Found - Documents’ section.
31/03/2005 Lost & Found... I've added another Psion files section to the ‘Lost & Found’ page - this one for files that don't fit into the EPOC or SiBO section categories. I've uploaded files for the Psion Travel Modem to this section.
30/03/2005 Lost & Found... Somsak Chayapong very kindly scanned in a copy of the User Manual for Psion's Presentation Maker. I've uploaded it (in zipped PDF format) to the ‘Lost & Found - Documents’ section (and elsewhere). Many thanks to Somsak for his efforts!
29/03/2005 Lost & Found... I've uploaded a collection of replacement OPX files for use in WINS (emulator) to the ‘Lost & Found - Wins’ section. These have been sent in by various people and/or gathered from various sources. If you have any more that you'd like to contribute please email them to me and I'll add them to the file. These files can be used to replace the standard OPX and associated files sometimes installed by OPL applications to allow them to run on the PC emulator.
25/03/2005 Overlays... I've done a little work on some of the Data files contained in the zip I uploaded yesterday from Keith. Some of the countries (Germany, France, Italy) country data was split over separate files. I've now merged these so that each individual country has just one Data file. Be warned however that some of them are pretty large - France is 3.3Mb for example! It might make sense to get the country/countries you want and then zip the files as individual zip files for opening as and when you want them. You can get a pretty good compression ratio (˜70%) on these already-compressed Data files I've found.
24/03/2005 Overlays... Keith Giles has kindly donated a collection of Data files for all the continental European CityMaps (i.e. excluding UK). It identifies all the continental European towns (over 329,000 of them) by country and then details which of the sis files the town is contained in. Basically it helps you figure out which file to load for the town you're looking for. Uploaded to the Overlays page - many thanks for all your hard work Keith!
23/03/2005 Lost & Found... Written by David Sharp, Goby was the first Gameboy emulator for EPOC. Originally market and sold by David before being sold by Proporta, he has now decided to make the registration key generator available so that anyone can use Goby freely. He has kindly also agreed to let it be hosted here at Pscience5 so I have uploaded a copy of it and the key-gen to the ‘Lost & Found - Games’ section. Thanks David!
22/03/2005 Lost & Found... Vitek Semenec kindly sent me the Hol5 files (Sheet and Word template) that I've had up on my ‘Lost & Found - Looking for’ page for a while. So these 'Birthday Manager' files (to help convert text data exported from Contacts to Hol5 format) have been added to the ‘Lost & Found - PIM & Database’ page and removed from the ‘Lost & Found - Looking for’ page. Thanks Vitek.
21/03/2005 Lost & Found... Back again after my hols! I've got a fair bit of email to read that's been sent this last week so please bear with me for the next few days whilst I get around to replying to everyone.

Markus Gruendel kindly sent more SiBO apps which I've now added to the ‘Lost & Found’ - SiBO section:- Backgammon, Battleships, FaxIt v1.4, FaxIt v2.4, and PsiSMS have all been uploaded.
12/03/2005 Pscience5 will be taking a break for the next 10 days or so - as indeed will I - on a weeks holiday to the Lake District in Cumbria, England. My apologies to those who have sent me files to upload recently and that I haven't gotten around to yet but the good news for everyone else is that there are some bumper uploads due when I get back!
09/03/2005 I've finally sent out a newsletter/updates email to all the Pscience5 subscribers! Ahem - sorry for the long delay since the last one!
08/03/2005 Lost & Found... Added Reversi to the ‘Lost & Found’ - Games page. Reversi from EpocWare in 2000 was given away for free as a demo/taster for their Logic & Card Games Pack. I haven't been able to locate their other games (but then they weren't free anyway!) but this one plays a decent game of Reversi/Othello. Kindly donated by same anonymous user as yesterday...
07/03/2005 Lost & Found... Added a file containing all the alarm sounds that used to be available from Psion at before it disappeared. 34 sound files in total. Uploaded to the ‘Lost & Found’ - Documents section. Kindly donated by an anonymous Psion user...
05/03/2005 Software... Kees van der Straten has sent more dummy apps. for adding to the RemoveApps collection (see below). Specifically he's added Word, eSetup, Sheet, Jotter, Calc, and a greyscale version of Sheet. I've updated the zip file on the Software page. Thanks Kees.
04/03/2005 Lost & Found... Added AppLink to the ‘Lost & Found’ - Utilities section. AppLink is a program to produce files which link to EPOC applications, similar to shortcuts in Windows or aliases on the Macintosh. An AppLink file has the same icon as the application to which it is linked, and is very small (only 16 bytes). Tapping on the AppLink icon launches the application. Unlike other shortcut programs for the Psion, you do not need to have AppLink running in the background (or even installed) for AppLinks to work – they are handled by EPOC itself. Like PsiTrex yesterday, it was published as un-crippled shareware by KuDaTa in 2002 but their website has disappeared so I'm counting it as abandoned now also.

Some other general website maintenancy stuff going on today too...
03/03/2005 Lost & Found... Added PsiTrex to the ‘Lost & Found’ - Travel section. PsiTrex is a program to interface with the Garmin eTrex range of GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers. It was designed with the eTrex Summit model in mind, but is believed to work with the eMap and others in the eTrex range. PsiTrex allows waypoints, routes and tracks to be downloaded from the GPS and saved as text files on the Psion. These files can be modified in a standard text editor, and uploaded back to the GPS. PsiTrex also allows waypoints and routes to be typed in on the Psion, and uploaded directly to the GPS – much easier than using the buttons on the eTrex. It was published as un-crippled shareware by KuDaTa in 2002 but their website has disappeared so I guess it's abandoned now.
02/03/2005 Lost & Found... Larry Mortlock asked me recently if I had copies of the Java documentation that was supplied on PsiWin CD's. I've uploaded a zip file containing a couple of documents to the ‘Lost & Found’ - Documents section.
01/03/2005 Software... Kees van der Straten has very kindly made and contributed some dummy apps. that remove any combination of Data, Record, Sketch, and/or Spell from the Extras bar (although of course the applications are still installed and available for use). Since these are something new rather than old or 'lost' software, I've put them onto the Software page - many thanks Kees.
28/02/2005 Lost & Found... Added MailArc to the ‘Lost & Found’ - 'Communications' section. MailArc is a message archiver for the Psion ER5 Email program. It enables received and sent emails and SMS messages to be stored in plain text files, for archiving or for subsequent import into the Psion Data application. It was published as un-crippled shareware by KuDaTa in 2002 but their website has disappeared so I guess it's abandoned now. My thanks to Lewis Barton for sending it to me.
26/02/2005 Lost & Found... Many thanks to Andrew Moorhouse, Jon Baker, and Jonas Bark who sent me the apps. I asked about yesterday - I've now removed them from the 'Looking for...' section. Thanks guys. I'll upload these in a few days time.

Today however, I've uploaded a set of instructions for making your own revo from scratch (!). ;¬) These were published by Psion USA I believe when the revo was first announced and was in short supply... Thanks to Volker Elbel for sending it in! I've also started a new 'Documents' page in the ‘Lost & Found’ section for puting things like this in.
25/02/2005 Lost & Found... As promised a week or two ago, I've uploaded CalliGrapher to the 'Utilities' page in the ‘Lost & Found’ section. I've also uploaded an updater for the app. which takes it to it's final v1.1 version. CalliGrapher from Atelier was originally published commercially in 1998 and was the handwriting recognition software for EPOC. Even by today's standards, its accuracy is quite remarkable. However, Atelier stopped selling EPOC software 3 or 4 years ago and quit the PDA market entirely a couple of years ago as far as I can tell - hence its inclusion here as 'Abandonware' now.

I've been meaning to write more here by way of a blogging update in recent weeks and months but never seemed to find the time. There's a few things I've been meaning to cover such as:-

1) the recent arrival of my 1Gb Ultra II SanDisk CF card. Whilst with judicious formatting its speeded up my d: drive access slightly, the main benefit is simply the extra capacity. Essentially it means plenty more space on my netBook for storing all the Pscience5 site and files!
2) The conversion to broadband at Guthrie towers a few months ago. That combined with setting up a 'proper' WiFi network has made my WiFi-enabled netBook an incredibly useful tool. It's truly become the 'connected' net Book that Psion originally envisioned. As and when there's more time, I plan to write a concluding section to my WiFi articles.
3) 'The Psion Nuclear Winter'. A subject that Lewis Barton and I have been knocking back and forth for a few weeks and another potential article as and when time permits...

Oh and one other thing - I've added a couple of programs to the 'Looking for...' page in the ‘Lost & Found’ section: PsiTrex and AppLink. If anyone can help track those down for me I'd be very grateful.
24/02/2005 Lost & Found... And here's Markus's second donated app: Phrase for SiBO. Now uploaded to the SiBO page of the ‘Lost & Found’ section.
23/02/2005 Lost & Found... Markus Gruendel has kindly sent in a couple of SiBO apps. and I've uploaded the first of these - Berlitz - to the SiBO page of the ‘Lost & Found’ section. Thanks Markus.
21/02/2005 Lost & Found... When Psion released the revo/revo+, one of the criticisms of it was that thay'd removed the Sketch app. from ROM. So Psion released a copy for users to install themselves if they wished. I've now uploaded this to the 'Applications' page of the ‘Lost & Found’ section.
20/02/2005 Lost & Found... I've added a ‘Psion Files: SiBO’ page to the ‘Lost & Found’ section. Basically an upload of all the SiBO/Series 3 stuff available on Psion's download site.
19/02/2005 Lost & Found... Back from Cannes - very tiring but worthwhile. So I'll be updating the website more regularly again.

Added Empower to the ‘Lost & Found’ - PIM & Data section. Empower - written by Ian Leake in 1999 - is an integrated contact management suite offering contacts, task, and expense management.
15/02/2005 Lost & Found... Added 5Pic to the ‘Lost & Found’ Utilities section. 5Pic is a Series 3.x pic file viewer for EPOC (originally for the Series 5). It'll let you view and print the images - as well as save them in EPOC mbm format.

My apologies in advance if entries this week are slightly sporadic. I'm attending the 3GSM exhibition in Cannes and - ironically - my connectivity is somewhat limited. Normal service back next week!
13/02/2005 Lost & Found... Added the support documents written by Psion (Ethernet User Guide, GPRS User Guide, ISDN User Guide, and ispWriter) for the netBook to the Psion EPOC section of the ‘Lost & Found’ pages.
12/02/2005 Lost & Found... Added VReader5 to the ‘Lost & Found’ pages - Apps. VReader5 (by Jean Luc Damnet) is a vertical reader application - i.e. an eBook reader - and worthy competition for Simon Quinn's EBook application (also available as freeware from Simon's website). It allows you to display textual information, stored in eText (electronic text) files, in different orientations, in different font styles, to find and remember places in the text using bookmarks, use selected portions of the text into another application, much like you would do with a real book. VReader5 also works in conjunction with Peter Csutora's Encrypt-it! to enable access to encrypted files, and provides an automatic scrolling mode (autocue) for speakers. Supports TXT, TCR, and Palm Doc (PRC) formats. Was always published as freeware but Jean Luc's website has long disappeared.
11/02/2005 Lost & Found... Added copies of the netBook OS IMG files to the Psion files section of the ‘Lost & Found’ pages. UK, US, French, German, and Spanish versions available together with optional component files for French, German, and Spanish.
10/02/2005 Lost & Found... Frank Galenzowski also sent me two instruction/installation manuals for 2ConnectU in German. I've added this file (containing both pdf files) to the appropriate pages of the ‘Lost & Found’ pages.
09/02/2005 Lost & Found... PsiBio added to the ‘Lost & Found’ pages ('Apps.' and 'All'). PsiBio is a biorhythm program for your Psion. The author is no longer active and no longer supports his program but has kindly given permission for PsiBio to be hosted here. My thanks to Frank Galenzowski for sending this app. and for discussing with the author.

Frank also sent me a 'Wins' (emulator) version of PsiBio. Since the number of emulator-specific versions of programs that I'm being sent is increasing, I've opened up a 'Wins' section on the ‘Lost & Found’ page. So feel free to send in Wins versions of programs as well!
08/02/2005 Lost & Found... I finished uploading all the Psion downloads site files to the ‘Lost & Found’ section and realised (and had pointed out to me!) that there's an immense amount of duplication on the different pages. Hence I've now reorganised it under a single 'EPOC' Psion downloads page to save unnecessary site pages and make the whole thing simpler.
06/02/2005 Lost & Found... Finished the 5mx page and started adding the Series 5 and Series 7 pages...
05/02/2005 Lost & Found... Okay, no sooner than I predict the demise of Psion's website than of course it picks itself back up and gets back to normal! So their download pages are available again. Serves me right! <grin> However, I'm going to continue uploading copies of all the (English language at least) files here. Probably more of a background activity now but I should have most stuff up in the next few days. Finished the revo page today and I've done most of the 5mx page as well...
04/02/2005 Lost & Found... It looks like Psion's homepage at may have finally bitten the dust. It's been up and down a few times these past few weeks and today I note that it now redirects to Teklogix's site. This means that their downloads support for the EPOC machines also seems to be gone (there doesn't seem to be anything new on the Teklogix site). It rang alarm bells in my head when it started getting eratic a few weeks ago and so I grabbed snapshots of everything (I think) when I had the chance. Hence, I'm planning to upload copies of it all here over the next few days.

I've started off with the (majority of) the revo downloads added to the ‘Lost & Found’ section. More in the next few days - please bear with me however as some of these are large uploads!
03/02/2005 Lost & Found... Added Remapper to the ‘Lost & found’ (Utilities) page. Remapper - by Richard Reeve - is a utility for letting you re-map your keyboard and/or silkscreen keys. Handy if you use a lot of non-basic keyboard keys - or just want to re-assign application silkscreen keys to other applications. Written in 1998 and released as Freeware under GNU public license, Richard's website has long since disappeared.
02/02/2005 Lost & Found... I've added a SiBO Section to the ‘Lost & Found’ pages. Basically, a few people asked me if I'd also be prepared to host Lost & Found SiBO (i.e. Series 3, 3a, 3c, 3mx) programs. I am - although my own ancient 3a lies broken at the back of a dusty drawer somewhere. So I'm happy to host the files - but must rely totally on what people send me and tell me about what they send. That said, please feel free to send anything you feel qualifies here. :¬) The 1st entry is a SiBO version of Mille Bornes - kindly contributed by Kees van der Straten.
01/02/2005 Lost & Found... I've replaced 'Spy5' which came from Steve Litchfield's pages with 'Spy' on the ‘Lost & Found’ (Utilities) page which appears to be a marginally more recently version of the same thing (and installs via a .sis file!). Essentially it's a task manager/browser/tool - probably for advanced users only however. This version kindly sent in by Fritz Waechter.
31/01/2005 Macros... Jonas Bark kindly sent me in a new macro he's written. 'LED' is a macro for controlling the LED on your Psion (5, 5mx, or MC218 only I assume). It handles 3 languages (English, French, German) as well as having a Morse code function and sound handling too. Uploaded to the Macros page. Thanks Jonas!
30/01/2005 Lost & Found... Ivan Liesse kindly sent me a copy of MyCar. MyCar is a fuel monitoring program giving data about your fuel consumption, distances travelled, costs (fixed and variable),etc. The info can be displayed in graphs as well as numerically. Freeware and written by Ad Bosch in 1998, it's no longer available from a home website - so I've added to both the Travel and PIM/Database ‘Lost & Found’ pages.
29/01/2005 Macros... Jan Palenicek (a.k.a. OSG) has again upgraded his OSGMacroSuite - this time to v2.02 - and I've uploaded it to the Macros page. Apparently there were some errors in the v2.01 he sent previously (see below) - hence the quick upgrade. OSGMacroSuite is a collection of very 8 nice macros. Specifically: Localize, MacroBookmark, Alarm Timer, Open With, netBook OSD menu, Compute, CopyPath, and JavaToggle. Complete instructions are included for each macro in EPOC Word documents as well as all the necessary OPX files.

I've also added a 'Looking for...' section to the ‘Lost & Found’ pages. It's a list of software that I'm actively looking for in order to add it to the ‘Lost & Found’ collection. Please have a look and let me know if you can contribute anything - thanks! Similarly, if you are looking for a particular program that might fall into my ‘Lost & Found’ definition, let me know and if I can't find it I'll add it to the list...
28/01/2005 Lost & Found... Added Max Westen's freeware adaption of Jon Read's classic original SameGame (which was renamed Cascade and included by Psion in the revo's ROM!) to the ‘Lost & Found’ pages. Max coloured the program for use on the S7/nB and made more use of the screen-space. Max's website still exists but - try as I might - it doesn't seem possible to get to his Psion page any longer.
27/01/2005 Lost & Found... With the fairly rapid increase of programs and files in the ‘Lost & Found’ section, I've decided to re-organise the page into multiple pages for ease of navigation. There's still the one big long list of files but there are also sections by category in case you're looking for something specific.

It'll probably get prettier in a few days time - it's a little 'bare-boned' just now - please bear with me. :¬) OTOH, don't be afraid to let me know what you think - whether you like it or not...
26/01/2005 Lost & Found... By agreement with Steve Litchfield - he of 3-Lib fame - I've taken over the EPOC section of his PsiFind page and transferred the programs/files that I didn't already have to my ‘Lost & Found’ collection. Hence I've now added: AstroPlan, Clip5Art, MBMView (Emulator version), ParishFinder5, Spy5, TimeLog, and TimePlan to the ‘Lost & Found’ page and added to the Databases collection. Thanks Steve.
25/01/2005 Lost & Found... Atelier released an update to Optimize (part of Essential Disk Utilities). I've now uploaded this upgrade to the ‘Lost & Found’ page - more details there.
24/01/2005 Lost & Found... Gideon Jones-Davies kindly sent me in a copy of the Widget Leisure Pack designed for the revo/+. Must admit I don't think I realised that one had existed! Anyway, I've now added it alongside its bigger sibling on the ‘Lost & Found’ page. Thanks Gideon!
23/01/2005 Lost & Found... Ooops! Volker Elbel at PsionWelt let me know that in fact Reto Beeler's Hol5 home page hasn't in fact disappeared but just moved! It's now at I'll leave Hol5 on the Pscience5 site anyhow as the program gives permission for it to be hosted anywhere. However, I've certainly added the link to my Links page...
22/01/2005 Lost & Found... Hol5 uploaded to the ‘Lost & Found’ page. Written by Jean Luc Damnet and Reto Beeler, Hol5 is a program for calculating holidays (e.g. national holidays) or other recurring events and for writing them to an EPOC agenda. The program was released in 1999 as freeware but the home site has long since disappeared.

I notice that the site has just passed the ¼ million visitors mark since it was launched over 6 years ago. I'm also pleased to note that there's been an increase in the average number of daily and weekly visitors in recent months. So I guess I'm doing something right!
21/01/2005 Lost & Found... Mark Needham - the MD at Widget and founder of Widget Software - has kindly given permission for the Widget Leisure Pack to be added to the site. This suite of games includes Bandit (a slot machine simulator), Castle (an interactive text adventure), Chomper (PacMan game), Palmtris (Tetris game), Poker, Solo (Solitaire), and Reversi (Othello game). It's been added to the ‘Lost & Found’ page. Thanks Mark!
20/01/2005 Macros... Jan Palenicek (a.k.a. OSG) has upgraded his OSGMacroSuite to v2.01 and I've uploaded it to the Macros page. OSGMacroSuite is a collection of very 8 nice macros. Specifically: Localize, MacroBookmark, Alarm Timer, Open With, netBook OSD menu, Compute, CopyPath, and JavaToggle. Complete instructions are included for each macro in EPOC Word documents as well as all the necessary OPX files. Thanks Jan!
19/01/2005 Lost & Found... ZXSpectrum emulator uploaded to ‘Lost & Found’ page - another former freeware offering from Palmtop (nowadays known as TomTom). Palmtop/TomTom no longer offer any EPOC software so hence its addition.
18/01/2005 Lost & Found... EDU uploaded to the ‘Lost & Found’ page. Essential Disk Utilities from Atelier was effectively the 'Norton Utilities' of its time for EPOC. Atelier stopped selling EPOC software 3 or 4 years ago and quit the PDA market entirely a couple of years ago as far as I can tell. My emails to them have gone unanswered. Hence - and after considerable encouragement by various members of the EPOC community (and some soul-searching on my part) - I have decided to call it 'Abandoned' and offer it for download.

I will probably upload Calligrapher similarly later this week. However, I don't imagine that I'll be able to do this with SimCity because of course Electronic Arts own some of the rights over the program.
17/01/2005 Palette... Palette upgraded to v1.01! Cor van Avesaath kindly pointed out to me that Palette only worked properly on English OS machines. It now works on both English and German OS machines. If anyone wants it on other languages, please drop me an email - it's an easy change to make.
12/01/2005 Macros... A few new or updated macros uploaded from Phil Aypee, Chris Handley, OSG, and even one from myself. All marked for ease of finding.
10/01/2005 Lost & Found... Ulrich Hornstein has kindly sent in the original NotePad manual in Pdf together with some NotePad example files - neither of which I had previously. I've added these to the NotePad zip file on the ‘Lost & Found’ page. Many thanks Ulrich.
09/01/2005 Overlays... More than 11Mb uploaded today! Keith Giles has been exceptionally busy and generated 18 different sets of overlay files for RoutePlanner to show where all the CityMaps are located in the following countries/regions: Austria, Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Scandinavia, Spain, and Switzerland. These augment the files previously sent in by David Steer for the UK. As with the UK files, Keith has generated both MS Excel spreadsheets and also EPOC Sheet files which list all the cities in each country/region together with which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city. These have all been added to the Overlays page - many thanks for all your hard work Keith!
06/01/2005 Colour Icons... Yet further colour icons/patches kindly sent in by Tim Sneller, Matthew Walters, Fritz Waechter - and a large collection from Kees van der Straten. Many thanks gentlemen. The new icons/patches are:

AgnPrint (alternative icon), BackUp, CodeSafe, D, Defrag5 (alternative icon), EasySwitch (alternative icon), EpocSync (alternative icon+patch), ExAb, Fonts (alternative icon), Groups, IconBOXX, InstCtrl, JB5Utils (alternative icon), Link.On, Macro5 (alternative icon), MagicKeys (alternative icon), MbmUtils, Menus5, MyCar, MyNotes, nCnvMIMEUI, nConvert, OPLError (alternative icon), PdbRead (alternative icon), plOpen (alternative icon), Procyon, Psolly (icon + patch), QuoteMyMail, ReDate (alternative icon), Restart, RMRFile (alternative icon+patch), RMRUtils (icon+patch), RMRZip (alternative icon+patch), Signature, Sink2, T5mdb (icon + patch), TasMan (alternative icon), VReader5 (alternative icon), WinMail

This brings the total up to something like 387 replacement colour icons (aif files) and 134 colour patches for programs.
04/01/2005 Lost & Found... Added Psion's Berlitz Phrase Book to the ‘Lost & Found’ page. Phrase Book was a commercial application that was originally released for the Psion Series 5/mx, but is also compatible with a Series 7 or Netbook (not sure about the revo - haven't checked, sorry). It no longer appears to be commercially available anywhere (including Psion's own site via Expansys) and so I'm making it available here - although I have seen it offered elsewhere as well. As its name suggests, its a phrase book - in this case for translating typical or common scenario phrases between 13 different languages.
31/12/2004 Pscience5: 2004 Previous Pscience5 home page entries: 2004

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