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This is a collection of overlays for TomTom's (formerly Palmtop) EnRoute, RoutePlanner, Street, and CityMaps programs. Since these are no longer sold by TomTom for the EPOC platform, they removed all the EPOC overlays that they used to host. In fact, the original collection has been expanded to include more recent overlays that were published for use on PocketPC/Wince platforms - these have been converted to EPOC format.

My thanks go to Ian Fitzhenry and Gideon Jones-Davies for their help in retrieving and converting the overlays.

Note that the Route and Street icons used below are for indicative purposes only. In other words, if an overlay contains locations in Paris (for example) then the chances are that it's indended for use with Street/CityMaps. However, it's perfectly possible to use and overlay file with either program I believe.

Also, although I have in many cases just copied the original description in the local language, this does not necessarily mean that I can actually speak Dutch, French, German, etc.! If you want to contact me, please excuse my ignorance and try and do so in English. ;¬) Thank you!

TomTom Overlays

File Country Entries Description
GPS Update (50KB)
This is TomTom's GPS update; it brings the GPS software in the Streetplanner and Routeplanner software up to v1.70 which improves its stability. Unfortunately it seems to have vanished from the web and TomTom no longer support the software. NB: This has to be used in conjunction with the above packages, it isn't a standalone app.
Link to PoiEdit...
A link to Dnote Software who've written a freeware Windows program called PoiEdit. Let's you convert from TomTom's PPC Navigator .OV2 files to EPOC .OVR files. Also lists its features as:

• Save, load, convert and edit TomTom Navigator, Smartpath, GPX (GPs eXchange format), Excel XML Sheets (load only), and text formatted files
• Updates POI's from internet sites like or to your desktop computer or Pocket PC
• Edit pois which are stored both on the desktop and the mobile device
• Batch convert and append poi files (15Kb)
Not to be confused with Richard Gee's MakeOver for EPOC program, this is a DOS command-line program for generating overlay files from text files and visa-versa. Originally published by PalmTop as freeware in 1997, the program seems to have long since disappeared. v1.2 (19Kb)
Richard Gee's free EPOC program for generating overlay files for Palmtop's Route Planner / Enroute and Street Planner / Citymaps programs from coordinates lists. Text is supported in various longitude-latitude and British OS grid co-ordinate formats. Freeware v2.11
Overlays for CityMaps (Europe) (15Kb)
This file contains overlays for Austria, Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, Scandanavia/Denmark, Spain/Portugal, Switzerland. Files kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityLists ref. (Data) (2.7Mb) All except UK
This collection is intended as being complimentary to David Steer's/Simon Dare's CityMaps reference for the UK (below). It identifies all the continental European towns (over 329,000 of them) by country and then details which of the sis files the town is contained in. Basically it helps you figure out which file to load for the town you're looking for. Kindly generated and donated by Keith Giles.
Bankomaten / Cash machines (50Kb) Austria
Standorte aller Bankomaten in Österreich. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Cemetaries (2Kb) Austria
Friedhöfe. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (506Kb) Austria
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the country of Austria in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, all Austrian cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Kinos Wien (1Kb) Austria
Kinos_Wien. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Krankenhäuser (2Kb) Austria
Krankenhäuser. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
McDonalds Wien (2Kb) Austria
McDonalds_Wien. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Museums Vienna (1Kb) Austria
Bezirksmuseen Wien / Museums Vienna. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Pensionistenheime Wien (1Kb) Austria
Pensionistenheime. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Polizeikommissariate Wien (1Kb) Austria
Polizeikommissariate. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Restaurants (6Kb) Austria
For Gourmets and interested people. The Gault-Millau-Guide consists of about 200 entries (in german) from the best Restaurants in Austria at this time. Submitted 1998, by kotzl.
S. Bahn Wien (2Kb) Austria
S_Bahn_Wien. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Speed Cameras / Bodenwellen (10Kb) Austria
Speed Cameras / Bodenwellen. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Harry Sterndl.
Speed Cameras / Bodenwellen (12Kb) Austria
Festinstallierten Radarfallen von Östereich. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jörn Kossert.
Swimming pools (1Kb) Austria
Wien's Bäder / Vienna Swimming pools. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
U. Bahn Wien (2Kb) Austria
U_Bahn_Wien. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Airports (1Kb) Belgium
A database of airports in Belgium. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Autoroute Junctions (1Kb) Belgium
A database of autoroute (motorway) junctions in Belgium. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Border (5Kb) Belgium
A database of border points in Belgium. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Citroën Car Dealers (6Kb) Belgium
All Belgian Citroën Car Dealers. Submitted 29 jan 2003, by M. Maesen.
Colmar Restaurants (1Kb) Belgium
This overlay covers the restaurant chain 'COLMAR' in Belgium. The restaurant position on the maps was made through usage of Street Planner (maps delivered by Colmar). Submitted 2000, by Yves Vandermeer.
Fina Gas Stations (12Kb) Belgium
This POI database contains all Fina/Total/De Smet Gas Stations in Belgium. Very usefull if you have a Fina TankCard and want to find the closest gas station. Submitted oct 2002, by Wouter Kerkhof.
Golf Courses (2Kb) Belgium
All golf courses in Belgium and Luxemburg. Positioning should be quite accurate, although I didn't drive to each one with a GPS system. ;-) Submitted 1998, by Jean-François Schmitz.
Harbours (3Kb) Belgium
An overlay with the harbours of Antwerpen and Rotterdam. Submitted 2000, by Frank Lahmann.
IMO CarWash sites (2Kb) Belgium
A database of all IMO carwashes in Belgium. Submitted 4 jan 2003, by Alain De Cooman.
Microlight Airfields (1Kb) Belgium
POI database for all the "microlight airfield" in Belgium. Submitted 15 dec 2002, by Nabil Nassart.
Parking (1Kb) Belgium
All the car parks in Hasselt, both covered and uncovered. Submitted 2000, by Russell Hutson.
Places of interest (2Kb) Belgium
Submitted 2000, by Russell Hutson.
Railway Stations (7Kb) Belgium
A large database of railway stations in Belgium. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Shell Petrol Stations (12Kb) Belgium
All Shell Stations in Belgium. Submitted 15 dec 2002, by Francis Vanderbruggen.
Speed Cameras (2Kb) Belgium
A database of speed cameras in Belgium. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Speed Cameras (3Kb) Belgium
Location of 24 Speed cameras on Belgian roads. Submitted 1998, by Dr. ir. Herbert De Smet.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (370Kb) Benelux
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the countries of Benelux in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, all Benelux cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Speed Cameras (10Kb) Benelux
A database of all the speed cameras in Benelux. Kindly submitted by Ivan Liesse, June 2005. Overlay file created by Erik Pietersma.
McDonalds (2Kb) Denmark
All the McDonalds in Denmark. Submitted 29 jan 2003, by Flemming Jensen.
Airports (23Kb) France
From the Big International Airports to the smallest Ultralight airfield, everything is enclosed, with OACI code and Radio Freq. In France 4-digit OACI codes are normal airfields for standard aircraft, 5-digit OACI codes are for Ultralight, Gliders and mixed airfields. Submitted nov 2002, by Andreas Fuchs.
Châteaux de la Loire (2Kb) France
95 Châteaux de la Loire. The most interesting monuments are marked by 1, 2 or 3 stars. Submitted 1999, by Jean-Luc Hochart.
McDonalds_France (2Kb) France
Mc Donald's restaurant for the North-East of France. Submitted 3 mar 2003, by Xavier Freyss.
Metro/RER (9Kb) France
All the metro and RER stations of Paris and suburbs (nearly 500 entries!). Submitted 2001, by Matthieu Dhennin.
Misc. interesting places in Paris (2Kb) France
63 miscelleanous interesting places. Submitted 1999, by Jean-Luc Hochart.
Museums (2Kb) France
31 museums in Paris. Submitted 1999, by Jean-Luc Hochart.
Parks (2Kb) France
22 "green" interesting places in Paris. Submitted 1999, by Jean-Luc Hochart.
Railway Stations (48Kb) France
A large database of railway stations in France. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Religious Buildings (1Kb) France
22 religious buildings in Paris. Submitted 1999, by Jean-Luc Hochart.
Street Planner names (22Kb) France
There are two overlay files for France for use with Street Planner. One for Street Planner '99 (St Pl 99 FR.OVR) and one for Street Planner Millennium (St Pl Mil FR.OVR) together with their associated mbm files. Each overlay will show the place name of every map included in the France section of the relevant version of Street Planner. The street maps of the two versions of Street Planner are built in different ways. The original '99 version provides a separate map for most towns/villages (some 3000 in total). Additionally some other small villages will load another town's map; these villages are not included in the overlay but represent only a small proportion of the total. Street Planner Millennium provides a much smaller number of city maps which incorporate surrounding suburbs/villages into a single larger map. For instance the map of Angers in Millennium incorporates all 11 village maps from the '99 version. Both versions of Street Planner cover a similar area of France so if travelling to France the use of the St Pl Mil overlay will give an instant indication of which areas are covered (whichever version of Street Planner owned) and the St Pl 99 overlay will then give a more detailed picture of villages covered. One notable exception is that the city of Roanne and its surroundings is included in Street Planner '99 but not in Millennium. Submitted by John Dunn.
Tolls (2Kb) France
A database of Tolls in France. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Tubes and stations (6Kb) France
Tubes and stations. Submitted 2000, by Christophe Goetzmann.
VOR (6Kb) France
All French VOR with Name, Code and Radio Freq. Be carreful, the database used is not recent! Submitted 29 jan 2003, by Jean-Luc Hochart.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (938Kb) France (A-Ch)
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the countries of France in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, French cities beginning with A through Ch which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city. Packages 2 through 5 contain the remaining French cities.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (756Kb) France (Cor-Gy)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (Cor-Gy), French Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayFr1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (928Kb) France (H-O)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (H-O), French Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayFr1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (942Kb) France (P-S)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (P-S), French Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayFr1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (432Kb) France (T-Z)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (T-Z), French Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayFr1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
ALDI NORD stores (43Kb) Germany
ALDI NORD stores. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jogy.
ALDI SUED stores (28Kb) Germany
ALDI SUED stores. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jogy.
ARAL Petrol stations (49Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Airports (2Kb) Germany
A database of airports in Germany. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Airports (2Kb) Germany
All German international airports. Submitted 2000, by Olaf Richters.
Airstrips (8Kb) Germany
All German regional airstrips. Submitted 2000, by Olaf Richters.
Autogas Stations (8Kb) Germany
Autogastankstellen. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Autokennzeichen (10Kb) Germany
405 deutschen KFZ - Auto Kennzeichen. Submitted 1998.
BP Petrol stations (21Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Baumärkte (4Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Beate Uhse stores (4Kb) Germany
Beate Uhse Filialen Deutschland (94). Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jogy.
Berlin Rail S_Bahn (5Kb) Germany
These overlays (S_Bahn and U_Bahn) give the position of all Underground, City-Rail and Regional Rail stations in and near Berlin, together with additional information about the lines stopping there, the order of the stations, park and ride possibilities as well as access to airports and German Rail (DB) and more. Submitted oct 2002, by Andreas Reicke.
Berlin Rail U_Bahn (4Kb) Germany
These overlays (S_Bahn and U_Bahn) give the position of all Underground, City-Rail and Regional Rail stations in and near Berlin, together with additional information about the lines stopping there, the order of the stations, park and ride possibilities as well as access to airports and German Rail (DB) and more. Submitted oct 2002, by Andreas Reicke.
Bike shops (40Kb) Germany
Fahrradhändler (bike shops). Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Burger King Restaurants (8Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Camping sites (18Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
CashPool-Geldautomaten / ATM's (28Kb) Germany
Alle GAA's (ATMs) der CashPool-Gruppe (Spardabank, Citibank, SEB, ...). Submitted 24 dec 2002.
Castles (1Kb) Germany
German castles. Submitted 1998.
Citroën Car Dealers (17Kb) Germany
All 722 Citroën trade partners in Germany / Alle 722 Citroën Vertragspartner Deutschlands! Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jogy.
ComLine Computer Stores (1Kb) Germany
COMLINE Computer + Softwarelösungen AG in Deutschland. Submitted 24 dec 2002.
Commerzbank offices (9Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Conrad Electronic Stores (2Kb) Germany
Conrad Electronic Stores. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jogy.
Courts of Justice (32Kb) Germany
The locations of all 1265 courts of justice in Germany. Submitted 15 dec 2002, by Uwe Jagert.
DEA Petrol stations (39Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Erdgastankstellen (10Kb) Germany
Die deutschen Erdgastankstellen. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Esso Petrol stations (29Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Fire departments (4Kb) Germany
Berlin firedepartments. Submitted oct 2002, by Andreas Reicke.
Gas Stations (47Kb) Germany
2500 Gas stations in Germany. Submitted 1998, by Michael Deimling.
Gliding fields (6Kb) Germany
All German gliding fields. Submitted 2000, by Olaf Richters.
Golf courses (2Kb) Germany
Die Masse der Golfplätze in NRW. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Frank Bräutigam.
IKEA Stores (2Kb) Germany
IKEA Stores. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Dirk.
Interesting places (1Kb) Germany
An overlay covering places in the city of Stuttgart, Germany. Submitted 2000, by Volker Kugler.
Jet Gas Stations (19Kb) Germany
Alle JET-Tankstellen Deutschlands (Stand Oktober 2002). Submitted 24 dec 2002.
Kaufhof sites (2Kb) Germany
Alle Kaufhof & Horten in der BRD. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Kentucky Fried Chicken (2Kb) Germany
Kentucky Fried Chicken. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Dirk.
McDonalds Restaurants (26Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
MediaMarkt Stores (6Kb) Germany
MediaMarkt Stores. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jogy.
Metro Filialen (2Kb) Germany
Alle 58 Metro-Filialen in der BRD. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Museums of Train and Traffic (5Kb) Germany
Museums of Train and Traffic (Museums-Eisenbahnen und Verkehrsmuseen). Submitted 21 mar 2003, by Jochen Fahrner.
Parking places (2Kb) Germany
An overlay covering places in the city of Stuttgart, Germany. Submitted 2000, by Volker Kugler.
Parks and Zoo's (3Kb) Germany
Parks and Zoos ("Freizeitparks & Zoos von Ralf Weiss"). Submitted 1998.
Pizza Hut Restaurants (2Kb) Germany
All Pizza Hut Restaurants in Germany. Submitted 15 dec 2002, by Bernd.
Points of Interest (3Kb) Germany
Overlay file with important places in Berlin. Submitted 1999, by Frank Lahmann.
ProMarkt / MakroMarkt (4Kb) Germany
ProMarkt & MakroMarkt. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Railway Stations (89Kb) Germany
A large database of railway stations in Germany. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Saturn Stores (3Kb) Germany
Saturn Filialen. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Dirk.
Service Areas (3Kb) Germany
Service-areas (Autohof) near the autobahn-exits in Germany with a petrol station, restaurant and some times a repair shop and hotel. Submitted sep 2002, by Frank Sommer.
Shell Petrol stations (32Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Sights (1Kb) Germany
The most interesting sights, museum and places of the city of Hamburg. Submitted sep 2002, by Frank Sommer.
Sixt stations (8Kb) Germany
Sixt stations. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Sixt stations (8Kb) Germany
All German Sixt stations. Submitted 1998, by Michael Deimling.
Subway stations (4Kb) Germany
An overlay covering places in the city of Stuttgart, Germany. Submitted 2000, by Volker Kugler.
Theaters/Cinemas (1Kb) Germany
An overlay covering places in the city of Stuttgart, Germany. Submitted 2000, by Volker Kugler.
Total Fina Elf stations (22Kb) Germany
Total Fina Elf. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
UPS Centers (3Kb) Germany
UPS Centers - die daten stammen von der frei zugänglichen UPS. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by matok25.
Ultralight aircraft airfields (6Kb) Germany
Route Planner overlay of airfields in Germany on which you can start and land with an Ultralight aircraft. Submitted 2000, by Stéphane Duminy.
Wohnmobilstellplatz (27Kb) Germany
Alle Wohnmobilstellplätze Deutschland. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jochen Entenmann.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (970Kb) Germany (A-Go)
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the country of Germany in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, German cities beginning with A through Go which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city. Packages 2 through 5 contain the remaining German cities.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overly file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (916Kb) Germany (Gl-L)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (Gl-L), German Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayGer1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (910Kb) Germany (M-Q)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (M-Q), German Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayGer1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (778Kb) Germany (R-V)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (R-V), German Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayGer1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (298Kb) Germany (W-Z)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (W-Z), German Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayGer1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Camping Sites (4Kb) Ireland
Here is an overlay with 127 camping-places (incl. 8 motorhome- and camping rent-stations) in the beautiful Ireland. Submitted 1999, by Marcel Halbeisen.
Camping (4Kb) Italy
Camper Service. Submitted 22 mar 2003, by Leon Adina.
Metro (2Kb) Italy
Metro Line A (Rome). Submitted 22 mar 2003, by Leon Adina.
Metro (2Kb) Italy
Metro Line B (Rome). Submitted 22 mar 2003, by Leon Adina.
Monuments (3Kb) Italy
Monuments in Rome. Submitted 22 mar 2003, by Leon Adina.
Pastarito (2Kb) Italy
Pastarito. Submitted 22 mar 2003, by Leon Adina.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (858Kb) Italy (A-F)
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the country of Italy in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, Italian cities beginning with A through F which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city. Packages 2 & 3 contain the remaining FrenchItalian cities.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (946Kb) Italy (G-Sant)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (G-Sant), Italian Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayIt1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (368Kb) Italy (Sant-Z)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (Sanv-Z), Italian Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayIt1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Golf Courses (2Kb) Luxembourg
All golf courses in Belgium and Luxemburg. Positioning should be quite accurate, although I didn't drive to each one with a GPS system ;-) Submitted 1998, by Jean-François Schmitz.
Airports (1Kb) Netherlands
A database of airports in The Netherlands. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Borders (3Kb) Netherlands
A database of border points in The Netherlands. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Citroën-garages (3Kb) Netherlands
All Citroën-garages in the Netherlands. Submitted 15 dec 2002, by M. Maesen.
Harbours (3Kb) Netherlands
An overlay with the harbours of Antwerpen and Rotterdam. Submitted 2000, by Frank Lahmann.
Hospitals (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Junctions (2Kb) Netherlands
A database of motorway junctions in The Netherlands. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
McDonalds Restaurants (4Kb) Netherlands
A database of McDonald's restaurants in The Netherlands. Submitted nov 2002, by Michiel de Wit.
Metro stops (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Museums (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Parking (1Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Parking (Large Vehicles) (1Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Parks (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Pin Automaten / ATM's (30Kb) Netherlands
Location of all ATM's (pinautomaten) in the Netherlands. Converted from the MasterCard & Map-o-rama databases. Submitted 15 dec 2002, by Dnote.
Postal Codes (28Kb) Netherlands
Rough "postcode" database for the Netherlands. Submitted oct 2002, by Harold Wegener.
Railway Stations (2Kb) Netherlands
A large database of railway stations in The Netherlands. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Sights (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Speed Cameras (1Kb) Netherlands
A database of speed cameras in The Netherlands. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Speed Cameras (2Kb) Netherlands
Locations of speed cameras (flitspalen) in the region around Eindhoven. Submitted oct 2002, by Dnote.
Speed Cameras (2Kb) Netherlands
This overlay contains the locations of the speed cameras in The Netherlands. Submitted oct 2002, by Richard Beijer.
Speed Cameras (2Kb) Netherlands
This overlay contains the locations of the new type of speed cameras in Holland, which can't be detected by stingers or by vision. Submitted 1999, by Marco van Laerhoven.
Sporting Facilities (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Swimming pools (1Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Theaters (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Tinq Petrol Stations (2Kb) Netherlands
Location of all Tinq Selfservice petrol stations (benzinepompen) in the Netherlands. Submitted 3 mar 2003, by Albert Vermeulen.
Tourist Info (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Tram stops (3Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Zip Codes (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (430Kb) Scandinavia/Denmark
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, all the cities of these countries which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Metro stations (4Kb) Spain
All the metro stations of Madrid. Submitted nov 2002, by Jaime Devesa.
Museums (2Kb) Spain
These points of interest refer to the city of Madrid and the surrounding places.
Restaurtants (16Kb) Spain
These points of interest refer to the city of Madrid and the surrounding places.
Theatres (2Kb) Spain
These points of interest refer to the city of Madrid and the surrounding places.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (516Kb) Spain & Portugal
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the countries of Spain and Portugal in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, all Spanish and Portuguese cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Airports and Airfields (3Kb) Switzerland
All airport sites throughout Switzerland including Frequency (international, national, military and restricted). Submitted 2000, by Rudolf Gisler.
Attractions (2Kb) Switzerland
Streetplanner overlay file for the city of Bern, Switzerland. Submitted 2000, by Reto Beeler.
Attractions (4Kb) Switzerland
About 130 sites throughout Switzerland including:- Castles, ancient cities, roman ruins, convents, museums, Zoo's, riverrafting, skydiving, bungy jumping, airballooning, tobboggan runs, thermals, fitness centers, GoKart, Steam, caves, lookout mountains, gorges, waterfalls, lakes, shopping centers, outletparks. Submitted 1999, by Pedro Schläppi.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (314Kb) Switzerland
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the Country of Switzerland in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, all Swiss cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Historic Fountains (1Kb) Switzerland
Streetplanner overlay file for the city of Bern, Switzerland. Submitted 2000, by Reto Beeler.
Hotels (2Kb) Switzerland
Streetplanner overlay file for the city of Bern, Switzerland. Submitted 2000, by Reto Beeler.
Mountains (81Kb) Switzerland
One of the biggest overlays: over 6000 mountains in Switzerland, all greater than 2000 meter. The overlay shows the name and the high of the mountain. Submitted 2000, by Marcel Halbeisen.
Paragliding sites (3Kb) Switzerland
The 70 most famous paragliding sites all over Switzerland, all of them with indication of fitting wind direction (because you need to know which site is best, when e.g. wind is blowing from south). Submitted 1999, by Pedro Schläppi.
Parking places (2Kb) Switzerland
Streetplanner overlay file for the city of Bern, Switzerland. Submitted 2000, by Reto Beeler.
Sights (2Kb) Switzerland
An overlay which contains the most interesting sights, monuments and places of the city of Lucerne, Switzerland. Submitted 1998, by Adrian Gyger.
Stations and Bus stops (7Kb) Switzerland
Streetplanner overlay file for the city of Bern, Switzerland. Submitted 2000, by Reto Beeler.
Swiss Alpine Club Huts (7Kb) Switzerland
234 Huts from the "Swiss Alpine Club" are in this overlay. OK, it's not possible to reach this huts by car, but you can see where they are and make a pre-plan with the overlay "Mountains in Switzerland" for the next route. Submitted 2000, by Marcel Halbeisen.
Tram stations (4Kb) Switzerland
This is an overlay containing all the tram stations in the city of Zurich,Switzerland. Submitted 1999, by Denis Jabaudon.
*UK & Ireland Overlays collection (1.4Mb) UK
An enormous collection of 768 separate overlays for the UK and Ireland. Kindly contributed by Andrew Moorhouse.
AA Walks, Surrey (2Kb) UK
The parking places for the walks detailed in the AA publication "50 Walks in Surrey". Submitted nov 2002, by Richard Davies.
AA Walks, Berkshire & Buckinghamshire (2Kb) UK
An overlay giving the parking places for the walks detailed in the AA publication "50 Walks in Berkshire & Buckinghamshire". As some of the walks share the same starting point there are only 40 entries. Submitted 3 mar 2003, by Richard Davies.
Airfields (6Kb) UK
Nice overlay for the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
Airports (3Kb) UK
UK airports. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Attractions (2Kb) UK
Nice overlay for the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
BP Garages (23Kb) UK
This is an overlay of all British Petroleum Garages located in the UK. Submitted 2000, by Christopher Spencer.
Bird Sanctuaries (3Kb) UK
Nice overlay for the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
Brewsters Brewers Fayre (3Kb) UK
Brewsters Brewers Fayre - use in conjunction with the Travel-Inn overlay as they are attached to the Travel inn's. Submitted 3 mar 2003, by Steve.
Brochs (2Kb) UK
One of a set of overlays covering historic places in the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
Cambridge Colleges (2Kb) UK
Here is an overlay of Cambridge Colleges (and other major Cambridge University sites) for Streetplanner. Given the enormous number of tourists who visit Cambridge each year, I suspect that it may be of more than just academic interest! Submitted 1999, by Dr Hugh R. Matthews.
Campanile Hotels (1Kb) UK
This overlay file contains 15 Campanile Hotels. Submitted 1999, by Eddie.
Caravan Club Sites (6Kb) UK
Here is an overlay for Caravan Club sites in Great Britain. Submitted 2001, by Brian.
Castles (4Kb) UK
One of a set of overlays covering historic places in the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
CityMaps Reference (Data) (230Kb) UK
An EPOC Data file for all the UK CityMaps. It identifies all the UK towns (over 27,700 of them) and then details which of the sis files (108 of them) the town is in. Basically it helps you figure out which file to load for the town you're looking for. Original file donated by David Steer (see below) and then kindly converted by Simon Dare.
CityMaps Reference (Excel) (448Kb) UK
An Excel spreadsheet for all the UK CityMaps. It identifies all the UK towns (over 27,700 of them) and then details which of the sis files (108 of them) the town is in. Basically it helps you figure out which file to load for the town you're looking for. Kindly donated by David Steer.
CityMaps Reference (2Kb) UK
An overlay file for the UK to help identify which CityMaps file they need to load for a particular town. Kindly donated by David Steer.
Country Carvery (2Kb) UK
This overlay file contains 67 Country Carvery locations. Submitted 1999, by Eddie.
Crosses (3Kb) UK
One of a set of overlays covering historic places in the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
Croydon Tramlinks (1Kb) UK
The Croydon Tramlink stations. Kindly donated by David Steer.
Dialling Codes (6Kb) UK
An overlay containing over 700 UK dialling codes. Submitted 1998, by Jamie Whitham.
Docklands Light Railway stations (1Kb) UK
All the Docklands Light Railway stations in East London. Submitted feb 2002, by Nick.
Early Churches (7Kb) UK
One of a set of overlays covering historic places in the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
Embassies (2Kb) UK
Embassies (London). Submitted 1999, by Eddie.
English Heritage (3Kb) UK
Nice overlay for the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
English Premier Football Clubs (1KB) UK
Contains English Premier League Football Clubs for the Season 2005-2006. Kindly submitted by Jon Bray to replace his previous entry.
English Premier Football Clubs (2Kb) UK
TomTom Overlays

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This is a collection of overlays for TomTom's (formerly Palmtop) EnRoute, RoutePlanner, Street, and CityMaps programs. Since these are no longer sold by TomTom for the EPOC platform, they removed all the EPOC overlays that they used to host. In fact, the original collection has been expanded to include more recent overlays that were published for use on PocketPC/Wince platforms - these have been converted to EPOC format.

My thanks go to Ian Fitzhenry and Gideon Jones-Davies for their help in retrieving and converting the overlays.

Note that the Route and Street icons used below are for indicative purposes only. In other words, if an overlay contains locations in Paris (for example) then the chances are that it's indended for use with Street/CityMaps. However, it's perfectly possible to use and overlay file with either program I believe.

Also, although I have in many cases just copied the original description in the local language, this does not necessarily mean that I can actually speak Dutch, French, German, etc.! If you want to contact me, please excuse my ignorance and try and do so in English. ;¬) Thank you!

TomTom Overlays

File Country Entries Description
GPS Update (50KB)
This is TomTom's GPS update; it brings the GPS software in the Streetplanner and Routeplanner software up to v1.70 which improves its stability. Unfortunately it seems to have vanished from the web and TomTom no longer support the software. NB: This has to be used in conjunction with the above packages, it isn't a standalone app.
Link to PoiEdit...
A link to Dnote Software who've written a freeware Windows program called PoiEdit. Let's you convert from TomTom's PPC Navigator .OV2 files to EPOC .OVR files. Also lists its features as:

• Save, load, convert and edit TomTom Navigator, Smartpath, GPX (GPs eXchange format), Excel XML Sheets (load only), and text formatted files
• Updates POI's from internet sites like or to your desktop computer or Pocket PC
• Edit pois which are stored both on the desktop and the mobile device
• Batch convert and append poi files (15Kb)
Not to be confused with Richard Gee's MakeOver for EPOC program, this is a DOS command-line program for generating overlay files from text files and visa-versa. Originally published by PalmTop as freeware in 1997, the program seems to have long since disappeared. v1.2 (19Kb)
Richard Gee's free EPOC program for generating overlay files for Palmtop's Route Planner / Enroute and Street Planner / Citymaps programs from coordinates lists. Text is supported in various longitude-latitude and British OS grid co-ordinate formats. Freeware v2.11
Overlays for CityMaps (Europe) (15Kb)
This file contains overlays for Austria, Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, Scandanavia/Denmark, Spain/Portugal, Switzerland. Files kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityLists ref. (Data) (2.7Mb) All except UK
This collection is intended as being complimentary to David Steer's/Simon Dare's CityMaps reference for the UK (below). It identifies all the continental European towns (over 329,000 of them) by country and then details which of the sis files the town is contained in. Basically it helps you figure out which file to load for the town you're looking for. Kindly generated and donated by Keith Giles.
Bankomaten / Cash machines (50Kb) Austria
Standorte aller Bankomaten in Österreich. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Cemetaries (2Kb) Austria
Friedhöfe. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (506Kb) Austria
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the country of Austria in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, all Austrian cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Kinos Wien (1Kb) Austria
Kinos_Wien. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Krankenhäuser (2Kb) Austria
Krankenhäuser. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
McDonalds Wien (2Kb) Austria
McDonalds_Wien. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Museums Vienna (1Kb) Austria
Bezirksmuseen Wien / Museums Vienna. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Pensionistenheime Wien (1Kb) Austria
Pensionistenheime. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Polizeikommissariate Wien (1Kb) Austria
Polizeikommissariate. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Restaurants (6Kb) Austria
For Gourmets and interested people. The Gault-Millau-Guide consists of about 200 entries (in german) from the best Restaurants in Austria at this time. Submitted 1998, by kotzl.
S. Bahn Wien (2Kb) Austria
S_Bahn_Wien. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Speed Cameras / Bodenwellen (10Kb) Austria
Speed Cameras / Bodenwellen. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Harry Sterndl.
Speed Cameras / Bodenwellen (12Kb) Austria
Festinstallierten Radarfallen von Östereich. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jörn Kossert.
Swimming pools (1Kb) Austria
Wien's Bäder / Vienna Swimming pools. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
U. Bahn Wien (2Kb) Austria
U_Bahn_Wien. Submitted 28 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Airports (1Kb) Belgium
A database of airports in Belgium. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Autoroute Junctions (1Kb) Belgium
A database of autoroute (motorway) junctions in Belgium. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Border (5Kb) Belgium
A database of border points in Belgium. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Citroën Car Dealers (6Kb) Belgium
All Belgian Citroën Car Dealers. Submitted 29 jan 2003, by M. Maesen.
Colmar Restaurants (1Kb) Belgium
This overlay covers the restaurant chain 'COLMAR' in Belgium. The restaurant position on the maps was made through usage of Street Planner (maps delivered by Colmar). Submitted 2000, by Yves Vandermeer.
Fina Gas Stations (12Kb) Belgium
This POI database contains all Fina/Total/De Smet Gas Stations in Belgium. Very usefull if you have a Fina TankCard and want to find the closest gas station. Submitted oct 2002, by Wouter Kerkhof.
Golf Courses (2Kb) Belgium
All golf courses in Belgium and Luxemburg. Positioning should be quite accurate, although I didn't drive to each one with a GPS system. ;-) Submitted 1998, by Jean-François Schmitz.
Harbours (3Kb) Belgium
An overlay with the harbours of Antwerpen and Rotterdam. Submitted 2000, by Frank Lahmann.
IMO CarWash sites (2Kb) Belgium
A database of all IMO carwashes in Belgium. Submitted 4 jan 2003, by Alain De Cooman.
Microlight Airfields (1Kb) Belgium
POI database for all the "microlight airfield" in Belgium. Submitted 15 dec 2002, by Nabil Nassart.
Parking (1Kb) Belgium
All the car parks in Hasselt, both covered and uncovered. Submitted 2000, by Russell Hutson.
Places of interest (2Kb) Belgium
Submitted 2000, by Russell Hutson.
Railway Stations (7Kb) Belgium
A large database of railway stations in Belgium. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Shell Petrol Stations (12Kb) Belgium
All Shell Stations in Belgium. Submitted 15 dec 2002, by Francis Vanderbruggen.
Speed Cameras (2Kb) Belgium
A database of speed cameras in Belgium. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Speed Cameras (3Kb) Belgium
Location of 24 Speed cameras on Belgian roads. Submitted 1998, by Dr. ir. Herbert De Smet.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (370Kb) Benelux
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the countries of Benelux in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, all Benelux cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Speed Cameras (10Kb) Benelux
A database of all the speed cameras in Benelux. Kindly submitted by Ivan Liesse, June 2005. Overlay file created by Erik Pietersma.
McDonalds (2Kb) Denmark
All the McDonalds in Denmark. Submitted 29 jan 2003, by Flemming Jensen.
Airports (23Kb) France
From the Big International Airports to the smallest Ultralight airfield, everything is enclosed, with OACI code and Radio Freq. In France 4-digit OACI codes are normal airfields for standard aircraft, 5-digit OACI codes are for Ultralight, Gliders and mixed airfields. Submitted nov 2002, by Andreas Fuchs.
Châteaux de la Loire (2Kb) France
95 Châteaux de la Loire. The most interesting monuments are marked by 1, 2 or 3 stars. Submitted 1999, by Jean-Luc Hochart.
McDonalds_France (2Kb) France
Mc Donald's restaurant for the North-East of France. Submitted 3 mar 2003, by Xavier Freyss.
Metro/RER (9Kb) France
All the metro and RER stations of Paris and suburbs (nearly 500 entries!). Submitted 2001, by Matthieu Dhennin.
Misc. interesting places in Paris (2Kb) France
63 miscelleanous interesting places. Submitted 1999, by Jean-Luc Hochart.
Museums (2Kb) France
31 museums in Paris. Submitted 1999, by Jean-Luc Hochart.
Parks (2Kb) France
22 "green" interesting places in Paris. Submitted 1999, by Jean-Luc Hochart.
Railway Stations (48Kb) France
A large database of railway stations in France. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Religious Buildings (1Kb) France
22 religious buildings in Paris. Submitted 1999, by Jean-Luc Hochart.
Street Planner names (22Kb) France
There are two overlay files for France for use with Street Planner. One for Street Planner '99 (St Pl 99 FR.OVR) and one for Street Planner Millennium (St Pl Mil FR.OVR) together with their associated mbm files. Each overlay will show the place name of every map included in the France section of the relevant version of Street Planner. The street maps of the two versions of Street Planner are built in different ways. The original '99 version provides a separate map for most towns/villages (some 3000 in total). Additionally some other small villages will load another town's map; these villages are not included in the overlay but represent only a small proportion of the total. Street Planner Millennium provides a much smaller number of city maps which incorporate surrounding suburbs/villages into a single larger map. For instance the map of Angers in Millennium incorporates all 11 village maps from the '99 version. Both versions of Street Planner cover a similar area of France so if travelling to France the use of the St Pl Mil overlay will give an instant indication of which areas are covered (whichever version of Street Planner owned) and the St Pl 99 overlay will then give a more detailed picture of villages covered. One notable exception is that the city of Roanne and its surroundings is included in Street Planner '99 but not in Millennium. Submitted by John Dunn.
Tolls (2Kb) France
A database of Tolls in France. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Tubes and stations (6Kb) France
Tubes and stations. Submitted 2000, by Christophe Goetzmann.
VOR (6Kb) France
All French VOR with Name, Code and Radio Freq. Be carreful, the database used is not recent! Submitted 29 jan 2003, by Jean-Luc Hochart.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (938Kb) France (A-Ch)
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the countries of France in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, French cities beginning with A through Ch which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city. Packages 2 through 5 contain the remaining French cities.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (756Kb) France (Cor-Gy)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (Cor-Gy), French Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayFr1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (928Kb) France (H-O)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (H-O), French Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayFr1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (942Kb) France (P-S)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (P-S), French Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayFr1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (432Kb) France (T-Z)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (T-Z), French Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayFr1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
ALDI NORD stores (43Kb) Germany
ALDI NORD stores. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jogy.
ALDI SUED stores (28Kb) Germany
ALDI SUED stores. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jogy.
ARAL Petrol stations (49Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Airports (2Kb) Germany
A database of airports in Germany. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Airports (2Kb) Germany
All German international airports. Submitted 2000, by Olaf Richters.
Airstrips (8Kb) Germany
All German regional airstrips. Submitted 2000, by Olaf Richters.
Autogas Stations (8Kb) Germany
Autogastankstellen. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Autokennzeichen (10Kb) Germany
405 deutschen KFZ - Auto Kennzeichen. Submitted 1998.
BP Petrol stations (21Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Baumärkte (4Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Beate Uhse stores (4Kb) Germany
Beate Uhse Filialen Deutschland (94). Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jogy.
Berlin Rail S_Bahn (5Kb) Germany
These overlays (S_Bahn and U_Bahn) give the position of all Underground, City-Rail and Regional Rail stations in and near Berlin, together with additional information about the lines stopping there, the order of the stations, park and ride possibilities as well as access to airports and German Rail (DB) and more. Submitted oct 2002, by Andreas Reicke.
Berlin Rail U_Bahn (4Kb) Germany
These overlays (S_Bahn and U_Bahn) give the position of all Underground, City-Rail and Regional Rail stations in and near Berlin, together with additional information about the lines stopping there, the order of the stations, park and ride possibilities as well as access to airports and German Rail (DB) and more. Submitted oct 2002, by Andreas Reicke.
Bike shops (40Kb) Germany
Fahrradhändler (bike shops). Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Burger King Restaurants (8Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Camping sites (18Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
CashPool-Geldautomaten / ATM's (28Kb) Germany
Alle GAA's (ATMs) der CashPool-Gruppe (Spardabank, Citibank, SEB, ...). Submitted 24 dec 2002.
Castles (1Kb) Germany
German castles. Submitted 1998.
Citroën Car Dealers (17Kb) Germany
All 722 Citroën trade partners in Germany / Alle 722 Citroën Vertragspartner Deutschlands! Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jogy.
ComLine Computer Stores (1Kb) Germany
COMLINE Computer + Softwarelösungen AG in Deutschland. Submitted 24 dec 2002.
Commerzbank offices (9Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Conrad Electronic Stores (2Kb) Germany
Conrad Electronic Stores. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jogy.
Courts of Justice (32Kb) Germany
The locations of all 1265 courts of justice in Germany. Submitted 15 dec 2002, by Uwe Jagert.
DEA Petrol stations (39Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Erdgastankstellen (10Kb) Germany
Die deutschen Erdgastankstellen. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Esso Petrol stations (29Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Fire departments (4Kb) Germany
Berlin firedepartments. Submitted oct 2002, by Andreas Reicke.
Gas Stations (47Kb) Germany
2500 Gas stations in Germany. Submitted 1998, by Michael Deimling.
Gliding fields (6Kb) Germany
All German gliding fields. Submitted 2000, by Olaf Richters.
Golf courses (2Kb) Germany
Die Masse der Golfplätze in NRW. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Frank Bräutigam.
IKEA Stores (2Kb) Germany
IKEA Stores. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Dirk.
Interesting places (1Kb) Germany
An overlay covering places in the city of Stuttgart, Germany. Submitted 2000, by Volker Kugler.
Jet Gas Stations (19Kb) Germany
Alle JET-Tankstellen Deutschlands (Stand Oktober 2002). Submitted 24 dec 2002.
Kaufhof sites (2Kb) Germany
Alle Kaufhof & Horten in der BRD. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Kentucky Fried Chicken (2Kb) Germany
Kentucky Fried Chicken. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Dirk.
McDonalds Restaurants (26Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
MediaMarkt Stores (6Kb) Germany
MediaMarkt Stores. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jogy.
Metro Filialen (2Kb) Germany
Alle 58 Metro-Filialen in der BRD. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Museums of Train and Traffic (5Kb) Germany
Museums of Train and Traffic (Museums-Eisenbahnen und Verkehrsmuseen). Submitted 21 mar 2003, by Jochen Fahrner.
Parking places (2Kb) Germany
An overlay covering places in the city of Stuttgart, Germany. Submitted 2000, by Volker Kugler.
Parks and Zoo's (3Kb) Germany
Parks and Zoos ("Freizeitparks & Zoos von Ralf Weiss"). Submitted 1998.
Pizza Hut Restaurants (2Kb) Germany
All Pizza Hut Restaurants in Germany. Submitted 15 dec 2002, by Bernd.
Points of Interest (3Kb) Germany
Overlay file with important places in Berlin. Submitted 1999, by Frank Lahmann.
ProMarkt / MakroMarkt (4Kb) Germany
ProMarkt & MakroMarkt. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Railway Stations (89Kb) Germany
A large database of railway stations in Germany. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Saturn Stores (3Kb) Germany
Saturn Filialen. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Dirk.
Service Areas (3Kb) Germany
Service-areas (Autohof) near the autobahn-exits in Germany with a petrol station, restaurant and some times a repair shop and hotel. Submitted sep 2002, by Frank Sommer.
Shell Petrol stations (32Kb) Germany
Submitted oct 2002, by Hans Jenna.
Sights (1Kb) Germany
The most interesting sights, museum and places of the city of Hamburg. Submitted sep 2002, by Frank Sommer.
Sixt stations (8Kb) Germany
Sixt stations. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
Sixt stations (8Kb) Germany
All German Sixt stations. Submitted 1998, by Michael Deimling.
Subway stations (4Kb) Germany
An overlay covering places in the city of Stuttgart, Germany. Submitted 2000, by Volker Kugler.
Theaters/Cinemas (1Kb) Germany
An overlay covering places in the city of Stuttgart, Germany. Submitted 2000, by Volker Kugler.
Total Fina Elf stations (22Kb) Germany
Total Fina Elf. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by Hans Jenna.
UPS Centers (3Kb) Germany
UPS Centers - die daten stammen von der frei zugänglichen UPS. Submitted 10 mar 2003, by matok25.
Ultralight aircraft airfields (6Kb) Germany
Route Planner overlay of airfields in Germany on which you can start and land with an Ultralight aircraft. Submitted 2000, by Stéphane Duminy.
Wohnmobilstellplatz (27Kb) Germany
Alle Wohnmobilstellplätze Deutschland. Submitted 24 dec 2002, by Jochen Entenmann.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (970Kb) Germany (A-Go)
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the country of Germany in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, German cities beginning with A through Go which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file whould be extracted to see each city. Packages 2 through 5 contain the remaining German cities.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overly file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (916Kb) Germany (Gl-L)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (Gl-L), German Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayGer1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (910Kb) Germany (M-Q)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (M-Q), German Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayGer1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (778Kb) Germany (R-V)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (R-V), German Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayGer1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (298Kb) Germany (W-Z)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (W-Z), German Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayGer1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Camping Sites (4Kb) Ireland
Here is an overlay with 127 camping-places (incl. 8 motorhome- and camping rent-stations) in the beautiful Ireland. Submitted 1999, by Marcel Halbeisen.
Camping (4Kb) Italy
Camper Service. Submitted 22 mar 2003, by Leon Adina.
Metro (2Kb) Italy
Metro Line A (Rome). Submitted 22 mar 2003, by Leon Adina.
Metro (2Kb) Italy
Metro Line B (Rome). Submitted 22 mar 2003, by Leon Adina.
Monuments (3Kb) Italy
Monuments in Rome. Submitted 22 mar 2003, by Leon Adina.
Pastarito (2Kb) Italy
Pastarito. Submitted 22 mar 2003, by Leon Adina.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (858Kb) Italy (A-F)
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the country of Italy in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, Italian cities beginning with A through F which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city. Packages 2 & 3 contain the remaining FrenchItalian cities.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (946Kb) Italy (G-Sant)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (G-Sant), Italian Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayIt1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (368Kb) Italy (Sant-Z)
This file contains:

1. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically (Sanv-Z), Italian Cities cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
2. The .mbm and .ovr overlay files are in CityMapsOverlayIt1.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Golf Courses (2Kb) Luxembourg
All golf courses in Belgium and Luxemburg. Positioning should be quite accurate, although I didn't drive to each one with a GPS system ;-) Submitted 1998, by Jean-François Schmitz.
Airports (1Kb) Netherlands
A database of airports in The Netherlands. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Borders (3Kb) Netherlands
A database of border points in The Netherlands. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Citroën-garages (3Kb) Netherlands
All Citroën-garages in the Netherlands. Submitted 15 dec 2002, by M. Maesen.
Harbours (3Kb) Netherlands
An overlay with the harbours of Antwerpen and Rotterdam. Submitted 2000, by Frank Lahmann.
Hospitals (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Junctions (2Kb) Netherlands
A database of motorway junctions in The Netherlands. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
McDonalds Restaurants (4Kb) Netherlands
A database of McDonald's restaurants in The Netherlands. Submitted nov 2002, by Michiel de Wit.
Metro stops (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Museums (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Parking (1Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Parking (Large Vehicles) (1Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Parks (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Pin Automaten / ATM's (30Kb) Netherlands
Location of all ATM's (pinautomaten) in the Netherlands. Converted from the MasterCard & Map-o-rama databases. Submitted 15 dec 2002, by Dnote.
Postal Codes (28Kb) Netherlands
Rough "postcode" database for the Netherlands. Submitted oct 2002, by Harold Wegener.
Railway Stations (2Kb) Netherlands
A large database of railway stations in The Netherlands. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Sights (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Speed Cameras (1Kb) Netherlands
A database of speed cameras in The Netherlands. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Speed Cameras (2Kb) Netherlands
Locations of speed cameras (flitspalen) in the region around Eindhoven. Submitted oct 2002, by Dnote.
Speed Cameras (2Kb) Netherlands
This overlay contains the locations of the speed cameras in The Netherlands. Submitted oct 2002, by Richard Beijer.
Speed Cameras (2Kb) Netherlands
This overlay contains the locations of the new type of speed cameras in Holland, which can't be detected by stingers or by vision. Submitted 1999, by Marco van Laerhoven.
Sporting Facilities (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Swimming pools (1Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Theaters (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Tinq Petrol Stations (2Kb) Netherlands
Location of all Tinq Selfservice petrol stations (benzinepompen) in the Netherlands. Submitted 3 mar 2003, by Albert Vermeulen.
Tourist Info (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Tram stops (3Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
Zip Codes (2Kb) Netherlands
Overlays for the city of Amsterdam. Submitted 1999, by Erik Zachte.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (430Kb) Scandinavia/Denmark
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the countries of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, all the cities of these countries which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Metro stations (4Kb) Spain
All the metro stations of Madrid. Submitted nov 2002, by Jaime Devesa.
Museums (2Kb) Spain
These points of interest refer to the city of Madrid and the surrounding places.
Restaurtants (16Kb) Spain
These points of interest refer to the city of Madrid and the surrounding places.
Theatres (2Kb) Spain
These points of interest refer to the city of Madrid and the surrounding places.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (516Kb) Spain & Portugal
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the countries of Spain and Portugal in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, all Spanish and Portuguese cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Airports and Airfields (3Kb) Switzerland
All airport sites throughout Switzerland including Frequency (international, national, military and restricted). Submitted 2000, by Rudolf Gisler.
Attractions (2Kb) Switzerland
Streetplanner overlay file for the city of Bern, Switzerland. Submitted 2000, by Reto Beeler.
Attractions (4Kb) Switzerland
About 130 sites throughout Switzerland including:- Castles, ancient cities, roman ruins, convents, museums, Zoo's, riverrafting, skydiving, bungy jumping, airballooning, tobboggan runs, thermals, fitness centers, GoKart, Steam, caves, lookout mountains, gorges, waterfalls, lakes, shopping centers, outletparks. Submitted 1999, by Pedro Schläppi.
CityMaps Ref. (Overlay, Excel, Sheet) (314Kb) Switzerland
This file contains:

1. Overlay files for the Country of Switzerland in RoutePlanner showing where all the CityMaps are located.
2. Excel v5 and Epoc Sheet files listing, alphabetically, all Swiss cities which can be seen in CityMaps and which "master" CityMaps .sis file would be extracted to see each city.
3. .mbm and .ovr files which should be placed in your overlay file.

Kindly donated by Keith Giles.
Historic Fountains (1Kb) Switzerland
Streetplanner overlay file for the city of Bern, Switzerland. Submitted 2000, by Reto Beeler.
Hotels (2Kb) Switzerland
Streetplanner overlay file for the city of Bern, Switzerland. Submitted 2000, by Reto Beeler.
Mountains (81Kb) Switzerland
One of the biggest overlays: over 6000 mountains in Switzerland, all greater than 2000 meter. The overlay shows the name and the high of the mountain. Submitted 2000, by Marcel Halbeisen.
Paragliding sites (3Kb) Switzerland
The 70 most famous paragliding sites all over Switzerland, all of them with indication of fitting wind direction (because you need to know which site is best, when e.g. wind is blowing from south). Submitted 1999, by Pedro Schläppi.
Parking places (2Kb) Switzerland
Streetplanner overlay file for the city of Bern, Switzerland. Submitted 2000, by Reto Beeler.
Sights (2Kb) Switzerland
An overlay which contains the most interesting sights, monuments and places of the city of Lucerne, Switzerland. Submitted 1998, by Adrian Gyger.
Stations and Bus stops (7Kb) Switzerland
Streetplanner overlay file for the city of Bern, Switzerland. Submitted 2000, by Reto Beeler.
Swiss Alpine Club Huts (7Kb) Switzerland
234 Huts from the "Swiss Alpine Club" are in this overlay. OK, it's not possible to reach this huts by car, but you can see where they are and make a pre-plan with the overlay "Mountains in Switzerland" for the next route. Submitted 2000, by Marcel Halbeisen.
Tram stations (4Kb) Switzerland
This is an overlay containing all the tram stations in the city of Zurich,Switzerland. Submitted 1999, by Denis Jabaudon.
*UK & Ireland Overlays collection (1.4Mb) UK
An enormous collection of 768 separate overlays for the UK and Ireland. Kindly contributed by Andrew Moorhouse.
AA Walks, Surrey (2Kb) UK
The parking places for the walks detailed in the AA publication "50 Walks in Surrey". Submitted nov 2002, by Richard Davies.
AA Walks, Berkshire & Buckinghamshire (2Kb) UK
An overlay giving the parking places for the walks detailed in the AA publication "50 Walks in Berkshire & Buckinghamshire". As some of the walks share the same starting point there are only 40 entries. Submitted 3 mar 2003, by Richard Davies.
Airfields (6Kb) UK
Nice overlay for the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
Airports (3Kb) UK
UK airports. Kindly submitted by Itamar Engelsman, November 2004.
Attractions (2Kb) UK
Nice overlay for the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
BP Garages (23Kb) UK
This is an overlay of all British Petroleum Garages located in the UK. Submitted 2000, by Christopher Spencer.
Bird Sanctuaries (3Kb) UK
Nice overlay for the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
Brewsters Brewers Fayre (3Kb) UK
Brewsters Brewers Fayre - use in conjunction with the Travel-Inn overlay as they are attached to the Travel inn's. Submitted 3 mar 2003, by Steve.
Brochs (2Kb) UK
One of a set of overlays covering historic places in the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
Cambridge Colleges (2Kb) UK
Here is an overlay of Cambridge Colleges (and other major Cambridge University sites) for Streetplanner. Given the enormous number of tourists who visit Cambridge each year, I suspect that it may be of more than just academic interest! Submitted 1999, by Dr Hugh R. Matthews.
Campanile Hotels (1Kb) UK
This overlay file contains 15 Campanile Hotels. Submitted 1999, by Eddie.
Caravan Club Sites (6Kb) UK
Here is an overlay for Caravan Club sites in Great Britain. Submitted 2001, by Brian.
Castles (4Kb) UK
One of a set of overlays covering historic places in the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
CityMaps Reference (Data) (230Kb) UK
An EPOC Data file for all the UK CityMaps. It identifies all the UK towns (over 27,700 of them) and then details which of the sis files (108 of them) the town is in. Basically it helps you figure out which file to load for the town you're looking for. Original file donated by David Steer (see below) and then kindly converted by Simon Dare.
CityMaps Reference (Excel) (448Kb) UK
An Excel spreadsheet for all the UK CityMaps. It identifies all the UK towns (over 27,700 of them) and then details which of the sis files (108 of them) the town is in. Basically it helps you figure out which file to load for the town you're looking for. Kindly donated by David Steer.
CityMaps Reference (2Kb) UK
An overlay file for the UK to help identify which CityMaps file they need to load for a particular town. Kindly donated by David Steer.
Country Carvery (2Kb) UK
This overlay file contains 67 Country Carvery locations. Submitted 1999, by Eddie.
Crosses (3Kb) UK
One of a set of overlays covering historic places in the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
Croydon Tramlinks (1Kb) UK
The Croydon Tramlink stations. Kindly donated by David Steer.
Dialling Codes (6Kb) UK
An overlay containing over 700 UK dialling codes. Submitted 1998, by Jamie Whitham.
Docklands Light Railway stations (1Kb) UK
All the Docklands Light Railway stations in East London. Submitted feb 2002, by Nick.
Early Churches (7Kb) UK
One of a set of overlays covering historic places in the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
Embassies (2Kb) UK
Embassies (London). Submitted 1999, by Eddie.
English Heritage (3Kb) UK
Nice overlay for the United Kingdom. Submitted 2001, by Simon Quinn.
English Premier Football Clubs (1KB) UK
Contains English Premier League Football Clubs for the Season 2005-2006. Kindly submitted by Jon Bray to replace his previous entry.
English Premier Football Clubs (2Kb) UK