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This is a collection of the software formerly available on Mark O'Neill's i27 site. Between early 1999 and mid 2002, Mark wrote some interesting and rather fun apps for EPOC. Some of these are already available on the FreEPOC site but I wanted to offer a slightly more complete selection here. Everything on i27 was - and hence of course remains on this page - Freeware!.



File Version Author Description
5creen (25KB) 1.00 Mark O'Neill 5creen is a screen saver engine for EPOC which allows screen savers to be added and created easily. 5creen comes complete with the screen saver module "Munch" and additional modules are available below. 5creen works on any EPOC device and runs the modules in colour if they support it. I have also added a colour icon (AIF) file to the zip for use on colour machines if desired.
5creen - CenoBox module (9KB) 1.00 Phull Phatt Mesmerising rotating shapes.
5creen - EpocZone module (12KB) 1.00 Jon Read Funky spinning, trailing logo.
5creen - Fractal-Ink module (287KB) 1.00 Mark O'Neill Fractal: color replacement (in greyscale, see icon). 5/mx and larger screens (in letterbox view).
5creen - Fractal-Loop module (51KB) 1.00 Mark O'Neill Fractal: infinite mandelbrot loop (see icon). 5/mx and larger screens (in letterbox view).
5creen - Fractal-Zoom module (176KB) 1.00 Mark O'Neill Fractal: stationary zooming (see icon). 5/mx and larger screens (in letterbox view).
5creen - Hemp! module (73KB) 1.00 Phull Phatt Mesmerising weeds(!). Works full-screen on any machine. I've added a colour version of the mbm file for use on colour machines - for that extra psychedelic effect!
5creen - PsionSaver module (51KB) 1.00 Mark O'Neill The Psion logo on rotating panels (see icon). For use on 5/mx and larger screens. Very effective!
5creen - PsionSaver module (Coloured) (51KB) 1.00 Colin Messer Colin has kindly coloured in the PSIONSaver so that ir runs in colour on colour machines. Thanks Colin!
5creen - Pulse&Slide module (7KB) 1.00 Phull Phatt Rendered EPOC logo in motion. Could be coloured-in if someone feels like doing it!
5creen - ShapeFX module (3KB) 1.00 Will Fisher Various screen doodles.
5creen - Spots module (1KB) 1.00 Mark O'Neill No, you're not seeing spots!
5creen - Squarez module (2KB) 1.00 Phull Phatt Funky squares make you stare!
5creen - Sticks module (1KB) 1.00 Mark O'Neill Bi-color (greyscale) sticks fill your screen.
5creen - WARP module (2KB) 1.00 Ben Vaughan Starfield simulation.
5outhpark (353KB) 1.10 Mark O'Neill Love 'em or loath 'em, one thing's certain - you can't get away from them, especially now that they're alive in your Psion! 5outhPark runs in the background and consumes only 48Kb of memory. After a user-defined time, one of the 'park characters will show their face and hurl verbal abuse at you! (you may also set the delay before abuse to random). 12 of the most popular 'park characters and 27 different sound snippets bring your Psion to life - including Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, Stan, Chef, Mr. Garrison, Mr. Hat, Officer Barbrady, Big Gay Al etc... As well as the abuse-from-nowhere(!) feature, you can also manually play a random character by pressing the 'Play' button in the main screen:
5talk (169KB) 1.05 Mark O'Neill This is no ordinary talking clock for the Series 5. Not only will it announce the day and time when the machine is on, (via a designated HotKey) it will also announce the day and time when the machine is off. As well as announcing the day and time, 5Talk will also flash the day and time on a readable display for a few seconds. You can also choose to have just the display without any announcements...
Swaph (116KB) 1.00 Mark O'Neill The Song Writer's And Poet's Handbook (SWAPH) is a phonetic word finder which has a multitude of uses. Not only will it find a rhyming match to your word, you can also specify how many syllables to search for. Comes complete with a 12,000 word dictionary! SWAPH is designed to be left running in the background using hotkeys to find word searches.

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Wednesday, 10 May 2006