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Personal Information Management and Database programs. Anything to do with Agenda files, time-management, contacts, time-logging, and personal data generally.

‘Lost & Found’ - PIM & Database

File Description (56KB) BusyView gives 4 additional views for your Agenda file(s): Busy view, Calendar view, List view, and Horizontal view. Sadly its author - Lieuwe de Vries - died in late 2002. However his family have very kindly consented for his programs to be released freely to the community. Hence here is the last version he published (v2.60) with a generic registration code in the zip file so that his work can continue to be useful to those who never knew him or his software when he was alive. Believed to be compatible with all EPOC ER5 machines. (64KB) Empower - written by Ian Leake in 1999 - is an integrated contact management suite offering contacts, task, and expense management. Freeware - works on 5, 5mx, S7, netBook. v1.04 (52KB) EpocToday was developed by Chris Selby in 1999 as 'Today' view for the Psion 5/mx/7/nB; similar to the Today view available on the revo/+. It was never completely finished (e.g. Email support is disabled on ER5 machines) although works well enough in its current form. It was released as an open source project and so I have also put the source code for it on the ‘Lost & Found - Programmers corner’ page. Freeware. v0.62ß (66KB) Purple Software's freeware phone number update program. Originally released to coincide with the UK's 'Big Number' change in 2000, FixIt is designed to update phone numbers stored in your Data or Contacts database to reflect changes to area dialling codes. NB: Note that it isn't just for the number change in 2000 - it can handle any 'search&replace' function you wish to carry out on your Contacts or Data database.
Hol5 (146KB) Hol5 - by Jean Luc Damnet and Reto Beeler - is a program for calculating holidays (e.g. national holidays) or other recurring events, and for writing them to an EPOC agenda. Hol5 is based on the Psion S3 application Hol, written by Odd Gripenstam. The program was released in 1999 as freeware and I thought its web site had disappeared - but in fact it's still available at! Compatible with S5/mx/7/nB. v3.1
Hol5 - Birthday Manager (2KB) This zip files contains 2 files for use with Hol5: 'Birthday Manager' - a Sheet file that you can use to convert text data exported from your contacts database into Hol5 format, and 'Birthdays template' - a Word file that you can use to create the ".hol" text file from the data you generate in the Birthday Manager sheet. Both files originally published by 'Lord Lucan' (not the original I assume!) but long since lost. (117KB) "Lifeplan is an advanced personal information manager (PIM). It allows tasks to be sorted and filtered in up to 40 user-specified views. Tasks can cascade in an outline-like structure..." So said the blurb from Lexden Computer Services before they moved websites and lost all previous references to Lifeplan. However, they were offering it with a free registration code latterly and have kindly given permission for me to offer it here again with that same registration code. v1.06e (724KB) Logit from the former Pelicansoft (see comments in Notepad below) is a client/customer time logging and management program. Essentially the purpose of Logit is to time/track billable events and then log them to file for viewing in the Log view. Compatible with the 5/5mx and netBook/S7. I don't believe that it will work properly on a revo. v1.0 (R3) (14KB) M5Logger - freeware by Mark Riley - is a mileage logging program. It allows you to record your present location and trip (speedometer) reading to a database with a time and date stamped entry. This database records whether the trip is personal or business, the actual mileage completed for the journey and gives sub totals of each type of mileage. Designed to run on a 5/mx but also seems to work reasonably well on a netBook/S7. Won't run on a revo/mako properly. v1.1 (31KB) MyCar is a fuel monitoring program giving data about your fuel consumption, distances travelled, costs (fixed and variable),etc. The info can be displayed in graphs as well as numerically. Freeware and written by Ad Bosch in 1998, it's no longer available from a home website. The program requires a manual installation: create a \System\Apps\MyCar\ folder on your preferred drive and copy the 4 supplied files into it - the icon will appear on the Extras bar. v32.4 (!) (550KB) NotePad by Mark Esposito (one time aka. Pelican Software) is a very powerful hierarchical note taking / organisational tool. Kind've like mind-mapping without the graphics. It was originally a commercial product but Mark Esposito has long been away from the Psion - and indeed the IT - scene (and no longer appears to reply to email). However, those that have had some contact with him just after he left the scene indicate that he had no objection to his programs being distributed. v1.01 (R4)

Update: Ulrich Hornstein has also kindly sent in the original NotePad manual in Pdf together with some NotePad example files. I've added these to the zip file. Many thanks Ulrich. (81KB) A set of plugins for use with the NotePad program above. (80KB) This is a patch to enable NotePad to work with the newer versions of the ClipText OPX that's supplied with applications such as View+, Conjugue, etc. (61KB) This was a freeware offering from Palmtop (nowadays called TomTom) and is an secure database application for storing all your PIN numbers, passwords, ID details, etc.., etc. Palmtop/TomTom no longer offer any EPOC software so here it is... Believed to be compatible with all EPOC ER5 machines. v1.1 (Build 16.12.1999) (97KB) Thomas Nemec's time-on-task logger. His website is long-gone and this shareware app. seems to be unregisterable. When I get some free time, I'll try to create a keygen to supply with it. v3.23f(005) (17KB) Paul Law's time and task planner. Paul's website doesn't exisit any longer and this would certainly appear to be 'abandonware'. Hence I am supplying it with a generic registration code in the zip file. v1.0

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Friday, 31 March 2006