Page Created: 22nd December, 1999 Compatible with: Click to see screenshots from the Revo,
Series 7, and Osaris... If you've any questions or comments, I can be contacted by emailing me at Download: (94Kb)
Latest update (v1.41):
• 2-Player mode now available on all machines in addition to the Easy, Normal, and Hard modes against the machine.
• New functionality added to the 'New' button in the toolbar (see screenshot above).
• Some minor bug-fixes.
Previous update (v1.3):
• Now fully compatible with the Series 7 and netBook (full screen display, colour, and extra toolbar button).
• Also fully compatible with the Oregon Scientific Osaris.
Installing psAddle:
Installation information is available in the file above.
What is psAddle?:
It's the game of Addle ported to the Psion (see the Acknowledgements section below). psAddle is a simple but addictive numbers strategy game played against the Psion (or against another person). There are 3 difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, and Hard - as well as the 2-Player mode.
Game objectives:
• Beat the machine's Score (or your opponent's) by as much as possible
• Improve upon your own Best Score for that level
• Beat the machine's Best Score (or your opponent's) and number of Wins
Start by taking any 'highlighted' number from the grid (i.e. tap on one of the cells in the raised line on the grid). The Psion (or your opponent) then has to select from the column/row you've chosen. The game is over when either player cannot move or all the numbers have been used up.
See the psAddle help file (accessed from the game) for full details of how to play, scoring, etc.
Program features:
• Guaranteed 100% best quality freeware!
• Standard .sis file installation
• Starts out simple - but strategies to beat the machine can be very challenging
• 2-Player mode included
• Enhanced with sound and animated graphics
• Game remembers previous scores, best scores, and preferences
• Fully compatible with all EPOC machines up to ER5 - i.e. Psion Series 5, Geofox One, Psion 5mx, Psion Revo, Oregon Scientific Osaris, Psion Series 7, Psion netBook, Ericsson MC218, Psion Revo Plus, Diamond Mako
• Needs ~ 120Kb disk space on your machine and (coincidentally) about 120Kb free to run in
psAddle has been tested on an 8Mb Series 5, a 16Mb 5mx, a Revo, an Osaris, a Series 7, and a netBook.
psAddle was originally written for the Psion by John Peat ( and he supported it until recently up to v1.01b. Unfortunately - due to other commitments - John was not able to continue to support or develop his programs as he would have liked. Consequently, FreEPOC have agreed to take over John's programs. And in the case of psAddle, that means me!
Saturday, 1 April 2006