(*: called Network Settings in Message Suite v1.0/1.1)
By far way the easiest way to set up the Internet settings in the S5's Control Panel (whatever country you might be in) is to let the Message Suite install program do it for you! First run the Message Suite install program from your Win'95 PC and follow the relevant instructions. Once you've installed Message Suite onto your S5, re-run the install program and choose to install the uk-isp.sis file (or the us-isp.sis file if you live in the USA). It doesn't matter if you're in a country other than the UK or US - the settings are the same, only the dial-up phone number changes! The only other thing you'll need to configure are the Modem settings in the S5's Control panel (unless you're using one of the modems for which the settings are already supplied). These vary from modem to modem - read their instructions!
If for any reason you can't get the CompuServe (UK) [or US] settings correctly set up by doing this then below I've listed all the settings and the login script for you to set up manually. NB: don't re-type the script into your S5 - copy it across using PsiWin and paste it in directly!
Double-click on the Internet icon in control panel ('Network' icon in v1.0/1.1). Settings are:-
Current network service: <Compuserve (UK)>
Show connection dialog: <ticked>
If idle, stay online for:
On exit, stay online for: <05:00>
To see the v1.0/1.1 version of this, click here.
Now click on Edit. Settings for each tab are:-
<Compuserve (UK)>
Connection type:
Use smart dialing:
Standard phone number: <+44 845 0801000>
(NB: This is the UK number - use your normal CompuServe dial-up number)
To see the v1.0/1.1 version of this, click here.
Manual login:
<not ticked>
(Or whatever your CompuServe number ID is)
<normal CompuServe password>
(I.e. the one they gave you - unless you've since changed it. NB: It must
be short enough to fit into the S5's dialog box here. If not, it won't work - you'll need
to change your CompuServe password so that it is)
Confirm password:
<as above>
To see the v1.0/1.1 version of this, click here.
Get IP address from server: <ticked>
IP address:
<greyed out>
Get DNS address from server: <not ticked>
Primary DNS address:
Secondary DNS address:
To see the v1.0/1.1 version of this, click here.
Use login script: <ticked>
Port settings: <7
data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit>
Display window: <not ticked>
as below the screendump or download this Word file and cut & paste into the script
To see the v1.0/1.1 version of this, click here.
(NB: indents don't matter - they just make it easier to read!)
SEND "."+<0x0d>
"Name:" CIS
EXIT KErrTimeOut$
SEND "CIS"+<0x0d>
"ID:" login
EXIT KErrTimeOut$
SEND login_name$+"/go:pppconnect"+<0x0d>
"word:" password
EXIT KErrTimeOut$
SEND login_pass$+<0x0d>
EXIT KErrLoginFail$
Enable PPP extensions:
<not ticked>
Allow plain text authentication: <ticked>
NB: If you want your password to be encrypted then you can tick this setting if you
Hopefully you'll now be able to dial up and start using the Web browser!