How to Use Message Suite's Web and Email Programs With CompuServe Email

Original Article: December 1997

Last Update: 17th August 1998

(Now covers Message Suite v1.5 - as well as v1.0/1.1 - if you're upgrading from v1.0/1.1 to v1.5 have a look at my additional comments here.)

I've updated these instructions to cover Message Suite 1.5.  Where there's a difference in the description between 1.5 and 1.0/1.1, I've pointed out the differences.  However, the description will now primarily be aimed at 1.5 users since a) most users of these descriptions will be installing Message Suite for the 1st time and will have v1.5 to hand, and b) it's FREE software - why hasn't everyone else got it anyway!?! <g>

These instructions were originally written as a plain text file called emailcis.txt and posted to CompuServe's Psion forum in December '97.  I've updated them again and at various other times to take account of the fact that CompuServe's MAILTEST forum has been shut down and pretty much superseded by the EMAILCOM forum.  This hasn't changed the procedure - although there are now a lot more PC programs that you can use to set things up with and to read 'POP3' mail with these days.  I've also liberally sprinkled various Psion and PC screendumps to effectively turn it into a graphical walkthrough.

The latest emailcis.txt file and a Psion Word version (minus graphics) are also available here if you'd prefer to download them:-

PCText.gif (998 bytes)  emaicis.txt   - or - emailcis.s5  S5Word.gif (1019 bytes)

I've had a lot of feedback from people since the original in December 1997 and I appreciate everyone's comments and response - please feel free to continue - all mail gratefully received!

Best regards,
Martin Guthrie

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