Upgrading from v1.0/1.1 to
Additional comments
Upgrading from v1.1 to v1.52 from the .sis file in the new download was completely
painless (for me anyway!). There are however a few interesting things to note
however for CompuServe users about the latest version:-
- Attachments are supported! (Obvious, I know).
- Multiple mailboxes are supported. For me this means I can now use CompuServe for
my personal mail and also another ISP's mailbox for my work mail without resorting to 3rd
party programs such as Swapper. Excellent!
- The new 'Advanced' tab in Control Panel/Internet. This now gives you 2 new
options: 'Enable PPP extensions' and 'Allow plain text authentication'. I've
currently got no idea what the 1st lets you do...! However, I've tried it and the
CompuServe connection in the UK lets you use it - so I've ticked it (on the basis that I
must be getting something extra for free <g>). I'll find out what it does and
update this info. as soon as I can. Allow plain text authentication is very
interesting however. In v1.0/1.1, you didn't have any choice - you could only
use plain text authentication. This meant that your Csi mailbox password had to be
transmitted un-encrypted (i.e. as plain text) and was one of the reasons for all the
rigmarole involved in setting up a CompuServe POP3 mailbox that you could use with your
Psion in the first place. Since CompuServe POP3 users upgrading from v1.0/1.1 to
v1.52 have already been through all the hassle, I'm afraid you don't get much benefit -
except that you can now encrypt your password. Much more secure. Just tick the
new box and it works!
- MIME Encoding. In versions 1.0/1.1, you were best to leave the MIME encoding
switched off - otherwise you ended up getting <cr>'s (carriage returns) sprinkled
throughout your messages when they were received at the other end. However, in v1.52
if you send an email with an attachment without using MIME, it'll be sent in UUEncode
format - and will arrive as a load of garbled text at the end of your text message at the
other end. It can be re-constituted if the recipient knows what they're doing but
it's a pain in the neck and not very user-friendly! On the other hand, if you send a
text-only message with MIME turned on, you'll get your <cr>'s back again.
Apparently Psion know about this issue and are looking to fix it in their 'next'
version! Deep joy.
Hope this is of interest. :-)