Date | Activity | |
15th December: | Uploaded the Norwegian and Swedish versions of Clock5. The Norwegian version has also had some corrections made to the update - my thanks to Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes for doing this. | |
12th December: | Uploaded Finnish, Hungarian, and Italian versions of Clock5 - now updated to v1.85. | |
1st December: | Uploaded Czech, Danish, and Dutch versions of Clock5 - now updated to v1.85. | |
27th November: | Clock5 v1.85 is now available. The main change is Osaris compatibility - which means Clock5 will now run on every EPOC machine currently ever produced. There are a number of other enhancements and bug-fixes as well. I've uploaded English, German, and French versions so far - I'll upload other languages as and when I get time over the coming days. | |
27th October: | Added a replacement Female set of voices to replace the default English-language voice currently used in Clock5. Actually, this voice was available previously but I had to remove it when I changed the format of the voice files to allow for Revo compatibility. Anyway, the files are now Revo, S5/mx/7, etc. compatible and ready for download. Instructions for use are contained inside the zip file. | |
26th August: | I've added a link to a Clock5 feedback form below. So now you can fill in an on-line form instead of emailing me if you prefer. Please send me an email and let me know where you're using Clock5! | |
18th August: | A Danish version of Clock5 v1.82 is
now available - my grateful thanks to Michael Degn for his translation
skills. This brings the total
number of language versions available for Clock5 to 11. Anyone
like to make it a round dozen??! ![]() |
14th May: | A bug crept into the latest Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, and Swedish release versions of Clock5 v1.82 which could cause the program to crash in the Worldtime: Dual Zones view. This has now been fixed and new versions uploaded. My thanks to Jukka Ponsi for pointing out the problem to me. | |
30th April: | New: a Hungarian version of Clock5 v1.82 is now available. My grateful thanks to Tamás Gál for translating all the texts into Hungarian. | |
20th April: | Added a Clock5 Users Worldwide map below. Please send me an email and let me know where you're using Clock5! | |
15th April: | Italian and Norwegian versions of Clock5 updated to v1.82. My thanks to Nadia Pini for recording her Italian voice files for me. The Norwegian voice files are still in English at present - anyone fancy creating a Norwegian voice? | |
31st March: | Swedish version of Clock5 updated to v1.82. | |
30th March: | Finnish version of Clock5 updated to v1.82. | |
4th March: | Dutch and Czech versions of Clock5 updated to v1.82. Also, German version re-packaged and uploaded again (I mistakenly packaged it with the English help file - sorry about that!) | |
1st March: | German and French versions of Clock5 have been updated to v1.82. More to follow... | |
26th February: | Clock5 v1.82 now available! Clock5 is now Revo, Series 7, and netBook compatible (as well as Series 5, 5mx, Geofox, and Ericsson MC218 compatible too...). For a complete history of all the changes Clock5 has undergone (including the changes since v1.81) see here. A shorter (more recent) list is included in the download file. | |
16th January: | Clock5 v1.81 is now available in Norwegian
- see download file below. My grateful thanks to Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes for his translation skills. |
9th January: | Alan Barlow has updated FoxPop's review of Clock5 with his Power Review and again awarded it 5 stars (i.e. 5/5) - many thanks Alan! | |
20th December: | Clock5 v1.81 is now available in French - see download file below. My grateful thanks to Salah-Eddine Kada for his translation skills. | |
19th November: | Clock5 v1.81 is now available in German - see download file below. My grateful thanks to Fredy Ott for his translation skills. Also, Clock5 v1.81 is now available in Dutch - see download file below. My grateful thanks to Jeremy Tjon for his translation skills too. | |
23rd October: | Moved the Logos for use with Clock5 to the Wallpaper & Logos web page. | |
19th October: | Clock5 v1.81 also now available in Czech - see download file below. My grateful thanks to Petr Bohdan for his translation skills. | |
14th October: | Clock5 v1.81 now available for download in
English, Finnish, Italian, and Swedish. ![]() |
12th September: | Clock5 v1.80 now available for download in English. For changes since previous versions, read the Changes.txt file here or in the file below. Translation files are now with all my volunteer language translators so expect the different language version to be updated soon. | |
24th July: | Clock5 v1.79 available for download on the Pscience5 Beta Page (English only just now). | |
18th July: | Since a number of people have bought UK 5mx's but want to use their own language versions of Clock5, I've made all the current language versions of Clock5 ER5 compatible. This means that they'll all work on the 5mx and the new ER5 emulator - as well as the Series5 and Geofox. This is just a temporary measure until v1.8 can be released and then translated into the various versions. :-) | |
9th June: | Mark McGimpsey kindly sent a Star Wars logo for use with Clock5. I've added it to the logos file above. | |
26th May: | Turns out that the file was slightly corrupted. Stephen Batty has kindly corrected the problem and I've uploaded a version that should work okay now. | |
24th May: | Stephen Batty has been busy again (or rather his partner - Kim Harris - has!). They've recorded a very clear female English replacement voice. This can be downloaded as (above) and used to replace the voice files in /system/apps/Clock5/voice/. | |
19th-20th May: | Nigel Riley and Alan Jenney have very kindly recorded a set
of speech synthesised voices for Clock5 as an optional replacement for the current
(English) voice files that come with the program. This can be downloaded as (above) and used to replace the voice files in
/system/apps/Clock5/voice/. Stephen Batty has also recorded a normal English
replacement voice which is much clearer than the original. This can be downloaded as (above) and used to replace the voice files in /system/apps/Clock5/voice/. Also, Stephen Batty has kindly generated a spoof 'virus.mbm' logo for use in Clock5. This has been added to the file (above) together with another one from myself called 'Abe.mbm'. Both these logos are 640x240 in size and so look best using v1.76ß of Clock5 (see the Pscience5 Beta Page for download). |
6th May: | Clock5 upgraded to v1.73 and released in all language versions. This release fixes some bugs with the background keyboard scanning routine. Full details are in Changes.txt. A new (English only) beta - v1.75ß - is available for download on the Beta Page... | |
1st May: | Clock5 v1.74ß (English version only) is available for download on the Beta Page... | |
23rd April: | Stephen Batty kindly send in some new .mbm files for use with Clock5 when it's displaying logos. I've added them to the Sample Logos file above. | |
17th April: | Voice files added to Swedish version of Clock5 - thanks to Ted Johansson for recording them. | |
15th April: | A Swedish version of Clock5 is now available. Click on the Swedish flag above to download. My thanks to Ted Johansson ( for all his hard work in doing the Swedish translation. | |
25th February: | A Portuguese resource file for Clock5 is available on the Pscience5 Beta Page... Full version should be uploaded here soon. | |
6th February: | French version of Clock5 now has the voice files built-in. My thanks to M J Delcros ( for doing the voices and to Gérald Aubard ( for organising it. | |
30th January: | French version of Clock5 has been upgraded to v1.72. My thanks to Gérald Aubard for all his hard work. Gérald is working on the voice files and these should be added to the installation file in the next few days. Updated the Clock5 Translations page. | |
25th January: | Finnish version of Clock5 has been upgraded to v1.72.
My thanks to Veikko Rekunen for all his hard work. All other v1.7's changed to v1.72
just for continuity... Updated the Clock5 Translations page. (NB: If you already have v1.7 then there are no major changes in v1.72 - it just fixed one or two problems with using some of the language-translated files). |
17th January: | The Czech version of Clock5 has been updated again to v1.72. My thanks to Petr Bohdan for all his hard work. | |
13th January: | The Dutch version of Clock5 has been updated again to v1.72.
My thanks to Jeremy Tjon for all his efforts. It now contains Dutch voice
files instead of English ones. Jeremy has also made some improvements to the Help
file and the language resource file (i.e. the menus). The program iself however
works just as before. Also updated the Language Translations page and the Future Features page. Added 2 new logos to the Sample Logos zip file (courtesy of Jeremy Tjon). |
11th January: | The Dutch version of Clock5 has been updated to v1.71 to fix a minor bug. The program crashed when you tried to toggle a set alarm. This was entirely due to me not making one of the strings long enough for one of the Dutch language phrases - ooops! Actually, the fix will be incorporated into all future versions of the program (i.e. not just Dutch) but I haven't bothered to update all the other languages to v1.71 as it doesn't affect them... | |
9th January: | Clock5 v1.7 released in English, German, Italian, and Dutch!
Main changes are:
See Changes.txt here for a full list of all the changes. Click on the appropriate national flag above to download. |
6th January: | Clock5 has won the 'Best EPOC Freeware App.' award in the The First Annual 1998 EPOC Awards as sponsored by Start@EPOC! Click on the trophy logo above to go to the Start@EPOC awards page. | |
17th December: | Updated Future Features / Language Translations pages. Added the German voice files to These extra files are also available for download seperately above. | |
14th December: | v1.61(Dutch) upgrade released. Updated Future Features / Language Translations slightly... | |
10th December: | v1.61(French) released. Voice files for the French version will be added shortly... Click on the flag above to download the program without voice files. Updated Language Translations page accordingly. | |
9th December: | v1.61(Italian) upgrade released. | |
8th December: | Spotted a minor bug in v1.6. In the Calendar view when showing 2 months, the 2nd set of 'day initials' above the 2nd month wasn't printing on the screen. A simple mistake and I've no idea how it crept into the public release - my apologies... (Still, nobody else told me about it so I guess I got away with it!) ;-) Hence: v1.61(English) and v1.61(German) released... | |
6th December: | v1.6 (German) released. Voice files for the German version will be added shortly... Click on the flag above to download the program without voice files. Updated Language Translations page accordingly. | |
2nd - 4th December: | More updates to the Future Features page and Language Translations page... | |
26th November: | v1.6 (English)
released. New Calendar views added - 1, 2, and 6 months on view at a
time. Replaced the 'Crazy Logo' view (it was only ever intended as a temporary
'filler') with bouncing logos (both built-in and user-defined). Now you can have
your own logo and/or company logos bouncing around the screen. Also improvements to
the password entry box and some minor bug fixes... For full details of all the
changes read the Changes.txt file. I've also generated a
few well-known logos to start off your collection. They're here in If you generate one that you'd like to share with
the community, send it to me and I'll add it to the file. :-) Installation Note: Please note if upgrading from a previous version that the Clock5.mbm file has changed in v1.6 - make sure you use the new one! :-) v1.5 (Italian) released. It should be possible to update the existing translated language versions quite quickly as there's not much extra text in v1.6 to translate. Watch the Language Translations page over the next couple of weeks for details of both their upgrades to v1.6 and new language translations being released. |
21st November: | Added a few more screenshots of v1.6 and moved them all to a Betas page in the Future Features page. | |
18th November: | Added a 2nd beta screenshot of the new Calendar view in Clock5 v1.6 to the Future Features page. | |
16th November: | Updated Language Translations page. Added a beta screenshot of the new Calendar view in Clock5 v1.6 to the Future Features page. | |
14th November: | Finnish version of Clock5 released. Updated Language Translations page. | |
12th November: | Czech version of Clock5 released. Updated Language Translations page. | |
10th November: | Dutch version of Clock5 released. Updated Language Translations page. | |
8th November: | Added a Language Translations page with details of the current status of all the translations. Updated the Future Features page. | |
5th November: | Clock5 v1.5 now available for download. Now fully integrated with the Psion's internal alarms. | |
29th October - 1st November: | I'm looking for volunteers to help me translate Clock5 into their own languages. There's no money in it I'm afraid - just the satisfaction of having a version of the program in your own language, knowing that you've helped other Psion users, and a credit on the front page of the Help file. I don't mind what languages it gets translated into - basically whatever people want. Email me and let me know if you're interested. | |
23rd October: | Some people have reported difficulties upgrading from v1.3 to v1.4. If you're upgrading from v1.3, I'd recommend deleting the old Clock5.ini file for safety. If you're upgrading from previous versions, I don't think there's a problem. v1.5 will fix this for sure! ;-) Added Geofox screenshots. | |
22nd October: | Clock5 v1.4 released. Now Geofox compatible, has background activity monitor, and 12/24hr clock option as well as other features. | |
20th October: | Updated the Future Features page to show what's planned for v1.4 and beyond... The next version is progressing well - watch this space!! :-o | |
17th October: | Clock5 v1.3 released - now has 'Enhanced Sweet Dreams' feature! Updated the screenshots. | |
12th October: | Clock5 v1.22 released. Minor bug fix. | |
10th October: | Clock5 v1.2 released. Added 2 more screensavers and the Nightclock functionality. Fixed some more bugs and added a number of other new features. For an unbiased opinion, read Steve Litchfield's 3-Lib review of Clock5 here: | |
6th October: | Clock5 awarded a 5 Cows rating by
PsionKing! ![]() |
5th October: | I forgot to include SysRam1.opx in the file for download yeasterday. My apologies to anyone that couldn't get Clock5 to work for that reason. I've now added it to the file and updated the ReadMe.txt accordingly. | |
4th October: | Clock5 v1.1 released. Fixed more bugs and added a number of new features. Added 2 more clock views and another 'saver' screen. Added to and updated the screenshots. | |
29th September: | Added a comment to the ReadMe.txt file in " ** NB: Make sure to delete your old Clock5.ini file if you're upgrading from a previous version ** ". Sorry for not pointing this out sooner... | |
18th September: | Clock5 v1.0 uploaded. | |
18th September: | Clock5 v0.95ß uploaded. Fixed more bugs and made Clock5 'compatible' with the various task-switchers on the market (e.g. Macro5, Backlite+Plus, etc.). | |
13th September: | Clock5 v0.9ß uploaded. Fixed more bugs and added an automatic preferences saving feature. | |
6th September: | Clock5 v0.8ß uploaded. Fixed a couple of bugs, added another bounding clock, and implimented (most of) a 'sleep' function. | |
31st August: | Clock5 v0.7ß uploaded. Updated the Future Features page again. | |
26th August: | Clock5 v0.6ß uploaded. Updated the screenshot(s) below. Updated the Future Features page. | |
24th August: | Clock5 v0.5ß uploaded. | |
20th August: | Clock5 v0.4ß uploaded. Freeware :-) Make sure that you read the readme.txt file in the zip for program notes, etc. Additional work: some cosmetic bugs fixed in the way the 0's, 2's, 5's, and 6's are displayed. Optimised the display speed some more. Initial icon generated. Please email me with any bugs or suggestions. |