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Clock5 Future Features

Page Created: 20th August 1998

Clock5 - "The time to save your Psion..."

Future Features       Last Update: 26th March, 2001       Future Features

Future Features & Development Plans

The current plans are as follows:-

  • v1.86
  Now available:  v1.86 (see the Clock5 Download page to download a copy):
  • Clock5 now lets you have up to GMT+13hrs for cities in the Dual Zone view and the Multi Zone view. For example, this means you can correctly set times for New Zealand in Summer Time. My thanks to Geoff Watson in Auckland for pointing out this deficiency.
  • Clock5 now has an option in the 'Set Password' menu that'll automatically disable the Remote Link when Clock5's password is
    enabled - a little extra security!  
  • Future versions...
  • Fix a few of the minor bugs that always seem to exist!  ;-)
  • Improvements to the Stopwatch views
  • A user-definable hotkey for calling Clock5 from the background - and maybe another for speaking the time in the background.
  • An altogether new 'view' to add to the collection.
  • Better integration with the EPOC OS's password system.  I've now figured out how to correctly 'see' the Owner Information / Password startup screen in the program.  Now that the Revo/S7 compatibility re-write is done and released, I'll be aiming to make Clock5's password work in tandem with EPOC's own password system.
  • More control over the display colours used in the Series 7 / netBook versions.
  • Yet more language versions?
  • Modular screen savers (i.e. you get to choose which screen savers you have on your machine) - will be compatible with Mark O'Neill's excellent 5creen screensaver program.  See FreEPOC or Mark's own i27 site for details...

Below are some of the ideas currently on the drawing board for possible inclusion in future versions.   I'm always on the lookout for new ideas.  As you can see, some of items planned for inclusion have come directly from users suggestions.  So if you've got your own ideas for features please let me know.  If I use them, I'll put your name in the credits.  Ideas I've already received from people in the past are here.

Possible future ideas:

Suggestions Received

I've had a large number of suggestions from people as to possible future features for Clock5 - thanks for all your emails.  Keep them coming.  I'll   implement most of them - eventually.  Unfortunately time constraints (e.g. full time job!) mean it'll be one thing at a time.  Anyway, in no particular order here are some of them:- (contributor's name shown in brackets, crossed out entries mean that I've now used their idea!)

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