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Page Created: 4th August, 1998

Last Update: 13th May, 2003

Clock5 Awards:

Clock5 - "The time to save your Psion..."

Clock5 awarded a 5 Cow rating by PsionKing - Click here to read Jody Armstrong's review for 5 Alive.
Clock5 awarded a 5 Cow rating by PsionKing
Awarded 5/5 stars from Fox Pop - Click here to read Alan Barlow's review.Awarded 5/5 stars from Fox Pop - Click here to read Alan Barlow's review.Awarded 5/5 stars from Fox Pop - Click here to read Alan Barlow's review.Awarded 5/5 stars from Fox Pop - Click here to read Alan Barlow's review.Awarded 5/5 stars from Fox Pop - Click here to read Alan Barlow's review.
   Awarded 5 usefulness stars from Fox Pop
(New review -  9th January, 2000)
Awarded 5 Fox-Gods for compatability with the Geofox - Click here to read Bob Norris's review.Awarded 5 Fox-Gods for compatability with the Geofox - Click here to read Bob Norris's review.Awarded 5 Fox-Gods for compatability with the Geofox - Click here to read Bob Norris's review.Awarded 5 Fox-Gods for compatability with the Geofox - Click here to read Bob Norris's review.Awarded 5 Fox-Gods for compatability with the Geofox - Click here to read Bob Norris's review.
Awarded 5 Fox-Gods for compatibility with the Geofox
(Original review - 18th November, 1998)
Clock5 was voted 'Best EPOC Freeware Application 1998'
Voted 'Best EPOC Freeware App. 1998' by Start@EPOC
Click here to see Psion Place's 'Best Awards'
Voted a 'Best Award' by PsionPlace
5 cows
Awarded a 5 Cow rating by the new Tucows PDA News site

Clock5 - "The time to save your Psion..."

Compatible with: Psion Series 5 Psion 5mx Series 7 Ericsson MC218 Geofox netBook Revo Oregan Scientific Osaris

Please let me know what you think of Clock5 by voting for it at EpocZone.  Just select your score (10 is best, 1 is worst) and click on 'Vote'.   Thank you.

Clock5 running on a Series 5/mx

Clock5 running on the Series 5/mx.  To see Clock5 on a Revo, click here.

Latest Updates

13th May 2003:   Clock5 v1.88 fixes the bug that shows when running on netBooks and stops the netBook and EPOC logos showing correctly.  English only at present.  If you want a bug-fixed version in your language then please let me know and I'll expedite it.
1st May 2002:   After a couple of weeks of testing, Clock5 v1.87ßß seems to have been stable and so it's now released fully as Clock5 v1.87 in English, French, and German.  It should fix the "Error in Clock5 LINKONCHK General Failure" that a number of people experienced with v1.86 - especially on the Revo/Mako machines.  I'll update and release the other languages as time allows in the near future.  See below for downloads.
11th June:   Clock5 is now available in Spanish!  This brings the total number of language translations available for the program up to 14!  :-)  My thanks to Miguel Ricarte and Francisco Javier Muñoz for all their help with the translation.
28th May:   The Danish version of Clock5 has now also been upgraded to v1.86.  See below for downloads.
25th May:   The Czech and Dutch versions of Clock5 have now also been upgraded to v1.86.  See below for downloads.
24th May:   The Finnish and Hungarian versions of Clock5 have now also been upgraded to v1.86.  See below for downloads.
23rd May:   I've finally managed to find some time to continue upgrading some of the language versions of Clock5 to v1.86.  The German and Italian versions have now been upgraded to v1.86.  More to follow very soon.
18th April:   Perrousset Serge has very kindly corrected a number of spelling and grammatical errors in the French Clock5 Help file.  I have therefore uploaded a new version (although still v1.86) of Clock5 in French with the new Help file installed.
9th April:   Clock5 is now available in Portuguese!  My thanks to Miguel Pereira for all his help with the translation.  The French, Norwegian and Swedish versions have also been upgraded from v1.85 to v1.86.  The remaining language upgrades will be uploaded soon.  See below for downloads.
26th March:   Clock5 v1.86 is now available - see below.  Two changes:- the first is an option to automatically disable the Remote Link when Clock5's  password is enabled, and the 2nd is a bug fix for the Dual Time zone view to allow for New Zealand Summer Time...  Updates for the other language versions will follow in due course... 
1st February:   Clock5 is now available in Russian - see below!  My thanks to Alek Yezubenko for translating the texts.  NB: Your Psion will need to support Russian language text for it to work.

For Clock5 Updates prior to 1st February, please see here.

Clock5 Downloads: (318Kb)
Download v1.86 - Czech (281Kb)
Download v1.86 - Dutch (181Kb)
Download v1.86 - Danish (274Kb)
Download v1.87 - English  (Updated: 13th May) (352Kb)
Download v1.86 - Finnish  (289Kb)
Download v1.87 - French (291Kb)
Download v1.87 - German (274Kb)
Download v1.86 - Hungarian (303Kb)
Download v1.86 - Italian  (284Kb)
Download v1.86 - Norwegian  (197Kb)
Download v1.86 - Portuguese  (191Kb)  NB: Your Psion will need to support Russian language text for it to work.
Download v1.85 - Russian  (182Kb)
Download v1.86 - Spanish  (121Kb)  - A female voice to replace the default male voice in Clock5 (English)  (334Kb)
Download v1.86 - Swedish

Click on the appropriate country flag above to download.  If your own language isn't here (and you're prepared to translate some texts), then please let me know - don't worry, there isn't any programming required!

Logos for use with Clock5's 'Run Logo' feature are now available on the Wallpaper & Logos web page.  See either the ReadMe.txt file in or the Clock5 help file for installation instructions.


Clock5 Users Worldwide:

(Map updated 13th May, 2003)
(Latest town(s) added: Szczecin, Poland; Mugla, Turkey; Florence, Italy; Aarhus, Denmark)

I've received hundreds of emails over the years since Clock5 was first published - with questions, suggestions, requests, 'thank you's, or even - just occasionally - bug reports!  ;-)  Some of these come from very far afield (relative to where I am in the UK anyway) and it always makes me feel good to know that people all over the world can get some use out of my software.  I've always had half a mind to track how far it gets and so I've eventually managed to overcome inertia and start doing just that.

The red dots on the map below mark the location of some of the people who have sent me emails about Clock5.  I'd like to see just how many more red dots I can add in the future so if your location isn't marked then please send me an email or fill in my on-line feedback form and let me know where you are using Clock5!  And if you have already sent an email in the past but I haven't marked your position then please accept my apologies - my email filing isn't as good as it should be!  Send me another to remind me and I'll add your town to the map.  Smile!

Clock5 around the world

Where in the world do you use Clock5 ?  Email me atAnti-SPAM email image: just type it in as you read it.  :¬) or use the On-line feedback form


Clock5 Explanation

(Click on title above)  What is Clock5?  Why develop it?  What was the original development plan?


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