Psion Games at Cyningstan
Welcome to my Psion pages! There are three areas of the site here, which you can reach using the buttons on the left.
  • Browse and download a catalogue of Psion games on the EPOC32 Game Database pages.
  • Read recent issues of EPOC Entertainer, the monthly magazine leaflet about games on EPOC32.
  • Download any of my projects from the software pages.
Site News
  • 01-Jan-2011: A Happy New Year to all visitors to this site! As a New Year's present, EPOC Entertainer 34 has been released bang on time! In this issue: Web World unlocked, Barbarians Released, All or n0thing, Here there be Dragons, Sweet Sixteen, and Patience Returns. Enjoy!
  • 24-Dec-2010: New game software has been released for EPOC32 just in time for the Christmas break. Barbarians, originally written for the Organiser II and updated for the Series 3, is now available for the Series 5 and other EPOC32 machines. Download it from here or its own web site. Merry Christmas!
  • 02-Dec-2010: EPOC Entertainer is now announced regularly in an additional forum - It's building up momentum at the moment, so if you want to lend your support then go to the web site and say hello!
  • 01-Dec-2010: Issue 33 of EPOC Entertainer is now available. Articles include: The Hordes are Coming!, Rowing Home to Haven, A Tangled Web, and Now We're Motoring! And the magazine now has a new look!
  • 05-Nov-2010: Issue 32 of EPOC Entertainer is now available. Articles include: Software News, Snake in the Grass, Invasion Force, and An Impressive Collection.
  • 21-Sep-2010: Eric Schrafstetter has kindly provided information about his old games. Labyrinthes and La France have been updated accordingly, and Gazoduc and Lines have been added.
  • 06-Sep-2010: Issue 31 of EPOC Entertainer is now available. Articles include: More survey responses needed!, The Numbers Game, Imperium Mundi and Mightier Than The Sword.
  • 06-Aug-2010: Issue 30 of EPOC Entertainer is now available. Articles include: Our First Reader Survey, Made in China, Fortunes of War and Mightier Than The Sword.
  • 17-Jul-2010: Issue 29 of EPOC Entertainer is now available. Articles include: Rotten Eggs, We're All Doomed, Naval Gazing and Mightier Than The Sword.
  • 30-Jun-2010: Issue 28 of EPOC Entertainer just made it in time to be called the June issue! Articles include: In the Spotlight: Purple Software, Beyond the Horizon, Blocks Away! and Mightier Than The Sword.
  • 15-May-2010: The May issue of EPOC Entertainer, issue 27, is now available. Articles include: Software News, Unduly Klax, Mightier Than The Sword, and Invaders: First Wave.
  • 01-Apr-2010: EPOC Entertainer issue 26 for April is now available for download. Articles are In Search of Missing Games, Taming the Fox, All Boxed In, and Let it Wrip!
  • 22-Mar-2010: The Software page has been redesigned to make it easier to highlight our games, and to give a more attractive look to the page. Comments on the new look are welcome!
  • 11-Mar-2010: Issue 25 of EPOC Entertainer, for March 2010, is now available. Articles are Software News, Chomping at the bit, A Rallying Cry, and In Emulation.
  • 09-Mar-2010: Now that I'm the proud new owner of a battered old Geofox, I can start taking Geofox screen shots for the EPOC32 game database. First up is V-Rally by Tomtom.
  • 08-Feb-2010: The February issue (24) of EPOC Entertainer is now available. Contents include Software news, Stuck in a Jam, Ship Ahoy! and In Emulation.
  • 07-Feb-2010: While preparing this month's EPOC Entertainer (yes, it's coming) I found a game not already in the database - Kartenpuzzle. This is now added.
  • 01-Jan-2010: It's 2010 and EPOC Entertainer is back! After a hiatus of a couple of months, issue 23 is available. Articles include More Software News, The Ultimate 3-point Turn, The Big Apple and In Emulation. Happy New Year everyone!
  • 29-Dec-2009: The random daily game on the Game Database page is now fixed. You can once again enjoy a different game of my (computer's) choice every day!
  • 01-Oct-2009: This time on schedule, EPOC Entertainer issue 22 is now available. This month's issue include Software News, In Emulation, Expert Palmistry and Get Lost!
  • 01-Sep-2009: After skipping a month, EPOC Entertainer is back on track with an issue for September. Issue 21 includes: Software Sleuth, Seeds of Discontent, Most Vexing and In Emulation.
  • 08-Jul-2009: The July issue of EPOC Entertainer, issue 20, is available at last. Articles include: In the Spotlight, A Load of Balls, Amid the Fallen Columns, In Emulation.
  • 01-Jun-2009: The June issue of EPOC Entertainer, issue 19, is now available. Articles include: News, A Gamer's Market, An Adventurous Rogue, In Emulation.
  • 22-May-2009: Fritz Waechter has kindly provided a colour icon for Intergalactic Space Rescue, which can now be downloaded from the game's home page.
  • 17-May-2009: New game software for EPOC32 has been released today. In Intergalactic Space Rescue you pilot a rescue spacecraft on up to 10,000 missions of search and rescue.
  • 14-May-2009: Another game, PsiALife by Mike Coon, has been added to the EPOC32 Game Database.
  • 12-May-2009: The EPOC32 Game Database has an additional 10 games, all by Epocware. These are 15, Cascade, Checkers, Give Away, Lines, Miner, Nim, Poker, Reversi and Solitaire. The games are commercial and the details are taken from an old issue of Palmtop Magazine. Further details of the games, and screen shots, are welcome.
  • 09-May-2009: The EPOC32 Game Database has undergone a major upgrade! All games are now available any time, so the daily selection of 12 has now been replaced by a Game Of The Day.
  • 01-May-2009: The May issue of EPOC Entertainer, issue 18, is now available. Articles include: In Emulation, All at Sea and Shields Up!
  • 26-Apr-2009: Intergalactic Space Rescue, a new game for EPOC32, is entering the Beta Test Phase, and an invitation has been issued to beta test.
  • 01-Apr-2009: The April issue of EPOC Entertainer, issue 17, is now available. Articles include: The High Jump, The Small Screen, Mind the Gasp.
  • 01-Mar-2009: Issue 16 of EPOC Entertainer, the March issue, is now available. This month: Out of Alignment, Tactile Feedback, The Small Screen.
  • 01-Feb-2009: The February issue of EPOC Entertainer, issue 15, is now available. This month: In the Spotlight, A Tank Full, Atomic Theory, The Small Screen.
  • 01-Jan-2009: EPOC Entertainer 14, the January issue, is now available. Contents: It's Amazing, Terra Tactics, Lining Up, The Small Screen.
  • 01-Dec-2008: EPOC Entertainer 13, the December issue, is now available. Contents: The Small Screen, All In a Row, You're All Heart.
  • 24-Nov-2008: The old pages at are no longer being updated. Please visit instead.
  • 19-Nov-2008: Psion Games at Cyningstan have a new home! The pages are now at and will soon disappear from the old location.
  • 01-Nov-2008: Issue 12 of EPOC Entertainer is now available. Contents include: News - A new game release, The Real Mah Jongg, Turning the Worm, and Taking Control.
  • 24-Oct-2008: The Revo version of Space Exodus, with accompanying screen shot, has been added to the Game Database.
  • 12-Oct-2008: New game software has been released for EPOC32 today. The World at Strife is a new war game system, free to download and play.
  • 09-Oct-2008: Nethack has been updated in the EPOC32 Games Database: version 3.4.3 added (ER5 only), with screen shot for Series 7/netBook.
  • 03-Oct-2008: An index of articles in EPOC Entertainer is now available.
  • 01-Oct-2008: You can now download EPOC Entertainer 11. Articles this month include: Cruel to be Kind, In the Spotlight, Taking Control, You're Fired!
  • 27-Sep-2008: LifeGen now has screenshots for all machines in the Game Database.
  • 22-Sep-2008: Two Bridge card games have been added to the game database: P-Plus Bridge and Purple Software Bridge.
  • 17-Sep-2008: I found another game to add to the game database: Lecture Battleships, by Daniel Beardsmore. Available today.
  • 17-Sep-2008: RMRSnake has been released as freeware! The download has been replaced with the freeware version, available today.
  • 13-Sep-2008: I've added screen shots for Mahjongg and Inversatile, and a description to Monkeys, in the Game Database.
  • 03-Sep-2008: The Program and Sketch applications have been added to the EPOC Entertainer page, for Revo owners who wish to follow the programming tutorials but can't find the necessary applications elsewhere. These applications are built in to all other EPOC machines.
  • 01-Sep-2008: EPOC Entertainer is now into double figures! Issue 10 is now available for download. In this issue: King of the Castle, What a Scorcher, Taking Control.
  • 16-Aug-2008: Added screen shots to Prisoner's Dilemma in the Game Database.
  • 01-Aug-2008: EPOC Entertainer 9, the August issue, is now available. In this issue: Urban Legend, Taking Control, A Knightly Pursuit.
  • 15-Jul-2008: The EPOC Entertainer page now offers downloads of games reviewed in the current issue.
  • 12-Jul-2008: Update to SimCity the Game Database, adding screen shots and patches.
  • 07-Jul-2008: Updated the screenshot in the Game Database for TankWar.
  • 03-Jul-2008: Updated the screenshot in the Game Database for Edward Hannay's Paddle game.
  • 02-Jul-2008: Added a screen shot for Palmanac's Poker to the Game Database. Note: games with news items will appear in the Game Database daily selection for that day.
  • 01-Jul-2008: EPOC Entertainer 8, the July issue, is now available. In this issue: Wrippers Almost Reviewed, Turning the Tables, Taking Control, Space Rocks!
  • 01-Jul-2008: Additions to the Game Database (not necessarily downloadable today): Empire, colour icons for Mike D. Rally, and some scenarios for No Mans Land.
  • 13-Jun 2008: The Bits and Pieces page has been removed, and its contents transferred to my personal web pages.
  • 02-Jun-2008: EPOC Entertainer 7, the June issue, is now available. In this issue: In Search of Adventure, The Right Connections, Animating OPL Workshop.
  • 01-Jun-2008: Due to illness, EPOC Entertainer is going to be slightly late, but I'm working on it.
  • 01-May-2008: EPOC Entertainer 6, the May issue, is now available. In this issue: The Found of All Knowledge, Getting Tanked Up, The Right Connections, and Animating OPL.
  • 08-Apr-2008: On the EPOC32 Game Database page, I've added to the downloadable database files, so now category and licence type keys are available.
  • 06-Apr-2008: I've added a link to my Psion-related eBay auctions to the Bits and Pieces page.
  • 01-Apr-2008: EPOC Entertainer 5, the April issue, is available. Content includes: In the Spotlight, Animating OPL, Downhill All the Way, and The Right Connections.
  • 27-Mar-2008: The Bits and Pieces page has been added, for little things that don't belong elsewhere. A little program for viewing the palette is the first thing here.
  • 01-Mar-2008: EPOC Entertainer 4, the March 2008 issue, is now available for download. Articles include The Oregon Trail, The Right Connections, and Animating OPL.
  • 14-Feb-2008: As promised in the forums some time ago, I've redesigned the entire site, as even with its drab appearance it didn't render well on Psion Web. All the content is the same.
  • 08-Feb-2008: At last the downloads phase of the EPOC32 Game Database is complete! All games should now be presented with downloads, where available.
  • 01-Feb-2008: EPOC Entertainer issue 3 has been published. In this issue: a review of Mille Bornes; a new series in which five Connect Four games go head to head; the continuing programming tutorial Animating OPL.
  • 22-Jan-2008: The screenshot phase of the EPOC32 Games Database project is now complete! All games that I could run have screen shots for all the machines I have, so just about every game has a thumbnail. But I don't have a Geofox, so if anyone can help with Geofox screen shots then please get in touch!
  • 19-Jan-2008: For the first time, downloads are available from the the EPOC32 Game Database. As time goes on, more and more of the games should have files to download.
  • 05-Jan-2008: The EPOC Entertainer page now has an RSS feed, to keep you updated about when new issues are published.
  • 01-Jan-2008: EPOC Entertainer issue 2 has been published. This month: reviews of AORailSim and the recently released Frozen Bubble; the latest in the programming tutorial Animating OPL.
  • 01-Dec-2007: EPOC Entertainer, a new periodical about games on EPOC32 machines, has been published. The first issue contains a review of Chain Reaction, and the start of a games programming tutorial, Animating OPL.
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