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21st Century

Last Updated – 14th August 2014


Home Page

Ref Topic Filename Link Description
GuestBook http://218679.guestbooks.motigo.com GuestBook Here is my guestbook. Please let me know what you
think of this site and what you may wish to be added.
Registration Codes If you are having problems registering your Psion programs
please email me as I may be abe to help with registration codes.
ANDROID APP - OILTANKTOPUP This App is available on Google Play a a FREE App.
Instructions are included.

It is intended as a guide to determining how much
oil to order to top up your cylindrical heating oil

Please use the Guest Book for any comments
or help requests.
Trafficcams Southampton TRAFFICCAMS - SOUTHAMPTON is an Android APP
available FREE on Google Play.

It enables the user to select up to 5 webcams to view.
The current version is much smoother and uses less screens.
Cameras can be selected directly from a list.

Please rank on Google Play and let me have any comments.

The permissioms that the App uses are needed to access the images on the internet server and to store them on your device

The App collects no data nor sends no data except that the developer has no control over any data that Google
or your computer operating system may collect when the App is used.

It is written using the MIT Appinventor. It is Avaiable from Google Play.
Psion File Library no longer drectly available <>Psion File Library no longer directly available The web pages have been edited and most information is
now in the sections within the site.
Please explore.

***** The link for this item can be obtained by emailing me at john at tobidog dot com. Type normally!*****


A pdf file of Osaris FAQ which is of historical interest.

A zip file of all the SPELL dictionary .sis options for the REVO.

EASYFAX - released by PSION in pre MessageSuite days to allow
the sending and receiving of faxes.

Mac Connect - a copy of the manual to complement the
software on the PScience5 site.

Ericsson Software etc, catalogue - of historic interest.

Purple POWERBASE is now available on the Programs page.

XTM pc emulator for EPOC. The NB Information Ltd website
has closed.

The PROGRAMS section now has copies of the XTM PC emulation software for all EPOC machine variants together with
manuals and a DOS virtual drive fully build to use with the

Please let me know of any failed Links in this site or for
Psion programs held elsewhere.

S5Dive S5Dive.zip S5Dive S5Dive is a divers logbook which has been popular in the past
but has been abandoned by the author.
In its original form it required registration. It is highly protected
against reverse translation but not a hex editor.
A deregistered copy is now available for download at the link
Unzip the file and copy the folder to ?:system/apps.
Testing has shown that the 10 dive limit can now be exceeded.
Clearly any use of this program for DIVING is at your own risk as
it is not supported software.
Psion Downloads Psionprogs.zip Psion Downloads Here are 3 files listing 1000+ files for Psion 5MX
etc which are known to download readily.
More details are on the web pages stated.

Let me know if this is useful.
SISRead-3-5-0 SISRead-3-5-0.zip SISRead-3-5-0 Do you want to see the contents of the SIS instalation
files that you download ?
Do you want to extract files seperately?
NSISUTIL by Neuon is one solution.
Another solution that runs on your PC is SISREAD.
This link will download it.
The address
will take you to the author's site. Please copy or enter this manually.
Let me know what you think.
Mobipocket mobireader.epoc.5.sis Mobipocket Here is the Mobipocket Reader which will enable
you to read Ebooks from Mobipocket.com and other
sites such as BooksOnBoard.
Mobipocket has a machine specific code (PID) on the about tab.
You need to enter this on the site supplying your books

MobiPocket have issued 2 free registration codes:
Hyperterminal hterm.zip Hyperterminal If you have Windows 7 Home premium 64bit and thus cannot use PsiWin for file transfer etc. there are a couple of options:
1. Install Oracle VM VirtualBox and run Windows XP within this
environment - works A1 OK.
2. For simple file transfers copy the Hyperterminal files in Windows XP across to your Windows 7 machine and run it under Windows 7.
This works very well for simple file transfers.
TomeRaider2 for EPOC TomeRaider.sis TomeRaider2 for EPOC The EPOC version of TomeRaider 2 has vanished
from the website. Here is a copy.
See item 3.01 below concerning registration of this
program and MondoPondo.

The PC version of TR3 can convert TR3 files toTR2.
Programing Psion Computers ppc.pdf Programing Psion Computers Here is a PDF copy of the EMCC pubication by
Leigh Edwards which tells you everything about
Psion Programing.
Assembler Programing EPOCASSEMBLER.pdf Assembler Programing OPL on the 5MX does not have the syntax to directly access
machine code. It relies on seperate OPX files of functions coded
at machine code level.

These can be prepared in "C" using the development
environment however there are 2 pieces of software that allow
assembler code to be used to prepare opx files on the Psion

This paper gives links to available software and books on assembler programming.
ARM programming ARM-Cockerell.zip ARM programming A pdf copy of Peter Cockerell's book
"ARM Assembly Language Programming"

Although written with the BBC computer in mind the
fundamental principles still apply to the Psion.
Yadabyte http://www.jonasbark.de/yadabyte.html Yadabyte Here is some interesting information relating
to registering TomeRaider 2, Mondopondo etc.
Yadabyte Codes YadabyteCodeGen.zip Yadabyte Codes Here is the code generator for TomeRaider. Load on to your PC.
MondoPondo mondopondo.zip MondoPondo MondoPondo: Multi Player party game. Add on modules if you
register the fully playable demo version. Dares or Truths as
forfeits if you get it wrong.
Presentation Maker http://www.pscience5.net/lostfound.htm Presentation Maker NEWS...NEWS...NEWS
Psion Presentation Maker works with Office 2007 !!!
Presentation Maker ( PM ) comes with converters which
work with PSIWIN to convert Power Point files saved in Office
1997/2003 format to EPOC format to use on your Psion
with PM. This conversion is simple achieved just using
PSIWIN on its own.
PM has a file export function which produces a file which the
instructions state can be converted to PowerPoint
1997/2003 format but how this was achieved was lost until
recently. The "trick" is to have MS Powerpoint actually running
when carrying out the conversion. The converter actually
uses PP as part of the conversion process.
Problem solved!!! This software can now live on and
is very useful for preparing simple presentations away
from your PC.
Download PM from PScience5.

Public Key - PGP tobidog.asc Public Key - PGP My PGP public key. You are welcome to send me messages
to test your copy of PGP or if you need security.
See Review pages for more details.
Email on 5mx 5Email.htm Email on 5mx An article on using a mobile phone and the Psion 5mx today.
About about.htm About Follow the Link for more about this website.
Programs programs.htm Programs Updates on programs and reviews of alternative options.
Review review.htm Review Section reviewing non games programs.
Paper 1 is FinCalc5
Paper 2 covers PGP (Pretty Good Privacy ) for the Psion
Links links.htm Links Links to sites of interest.
Feedback index.html Feedback Please use Guest Book for any comments or requests for further development of this site

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