SimCity ClassicThe Original City Simulator
The Goal of SimCity SimCity makes you the Mayor and City Planner of your home made Metropolis. Acting as Mayor, players must fight crime, unemployment and pollution, and balance the budget, to attract enough Sims (simulated citizens) for a growing prosperous city. SimCity dares you to build your way, while surfing the waves of public opinion. Build your city When you create a city, a terrain is generated for you. Just use the various tools to add residential, commercial and industrial zones, roads, railways, parks, power plants and power lines, police stations, fire departments, stadiums, ports and airports. Sims (simulated citizens) will soon move in and make you city alive.
Get the big picture At any time, you can get an overview of your city using the maps, one for each indicator: demographics, traffic, pollution, etc...
Balance the budget As the Mayor, you have to decide of the tax rate and funding levels of the city services. But beware, every decision affects your citizen's life. Like humans, the Sims complain about taxes, mayors and city planners. If they get too unhappy, they move out; you collect excess taxes, the city deteriorates...
Check trends As a city planner, keep an eye on your city graphs to better locate trends. Multiple graphs can be viewed at the same time using two different time scales. See how you perform as a Mayor Your Sims rate you continuously. Just have a look at your performance rating as a Mayor if you dare...
... Wait, there's more !
Technical details Platform : Epoc Suitable for : Psion Series 5, Psion Series 5mx, Psion Series 5mx pro, Psion Revo, Ericsson MC-218, Oregon Scientific Osaris, Geofox-One Memory : 900K for installation - 650K to run software Format : 3.5" disk Languages : English, French and German SimCity Copyright © 1999, Atelier Software - © 1989, 1999 Electronic Arts. SimCity, Maxis, Electronic Arts and the Electronic Arts logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Electronic Arts in the U.S. and/or other countries. All rights reserved.
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