Current Version 1

3.x Introduction
ChatLITE is a simple voice memo organiser for the Series 3a/c/mx, which is designed for fast and easy voice memo (CHAT) recording and playing. The creation and playback of a CHAT is just a simple key press away....

  Fact Files
All the features of ChatLITE are below...
  • One-touch voice memo recording and playback
  • Multiple alarms can be set as a reminder of important CHATs  
  • All necessary file management functions can be performed within ChatLITE (eg: Delete)
  • Dialog boxes to show how many seconds of recording are left and the number of CHAT's held in memory
  • Duration meter - to show the seconds elapsed [Recording and playback]


To download ChatLITE you simply click the Download button below:

Why register?
Well, if you ask what the benefit of registering ChatLITE is, the only answer I can give you is that it will make you feel GOOD !! You see, although ChatLITE is labelled as being shareware, it is NOT CRIPPLED in any way. So com'on guys, support the shareware idea, REGISTER. After all, it is the right thing to do :-) 

To Register ChatLITE you can do one of the following: 

1) Register online using your credit card: 

  • Click the "RegSoft Button" below to purchase a registration key for ChatLITE. The price is US$ 15:

2) Register by snail mail: 

  • Please send GBP10 or US$15 (CASH) or an International Money order made out in Zimbabwean Dollars (Please add GBP5 or US$7 for bank charges and handling) to the following address: 

    Gary Belcher 
    11 Derwent Road 

If you are sending CASH, please make sure that it is well hidden from prying eyes (ie: Put it in an opaque envelope), and as an added precaution, send it via Registered Mail. Also give me your name as well as your e-mail address, so I can send you the Registration Code as quickly as possible. 
If you have any questions concerning registration, please don't hesitate to
contact me.

Copyright 1998-9 Gary Belcher